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I want to talk about my dog. I made a huge mistake adopting a German shepherd. Let me explain.

submitted by Portmanure to dogs 10 monthsJul 5, 2023 13:26:24 ago (+30/-2)     (dogs)

I love her so much, she is gods gift to this green earth. A German shepherd is a highly intelligent, highly energetic, involved doggy. She sees and notices everything. Everything! My American bullie bulldog died from cancer recently I only got 7 years with her, she was fantastic. I miss her so much, she was strong, calm, confident and a pleasure to have around. When she died I was heart broken. It took a year and a half but I decided to get another dog. I saw an ad from some guy selling Shephards. I’m not paying big bucks for pure breeds. They die from cancer. He wanted $800 for a puppy. I offered $400 why not? He accepted and I bought her. The last of a brood from a ranch in Modesto.. she was supposed to be 3 months old, but after I read the paperwork for her shots I realized she was only 8 weeks old. Too soon to leave her mother. German shepherd are born big, it’s hard to tell how old they are. I also discovered she was covered in ticks and had a mange. Dang it! My house has been a wreck since I brought her home. She chews everything, if she is bored and doesn’t have my attention say goodbye to leather boots. Her prey instinct is strong, she chases everything that moves. Also, if she can’t get to something, she will will think about it and figure out a way to get it. Smart as all hell. She solves problems (her problems, not mine.) I finally accepted the situation. Built a brick pad on the edge of my yard. Put a couple Adirondack chairs on it, a shade and I sit there. Smoking a pipe, sipping whiskey while throwing a ball for Daisy. Yes I named her daisy. She’s a black German shepherd with tan legs. Straight back, she stands 24 inches at the shoulder and hind. Lanky and lean at 66 pounds. She does not look like a typical German shepherd. She has a distinct wolf stance with her long front legs. I wouldn’t trade her for the world. Note: if you are retiring and want to relax do not get a German shepherd!

85 comments block

you choke her? I wish I knew where you lived I'd choke you, you ignorant cruel pos. You're too stupid to have a dog that's obviously beyond your ability. Give her to a family that has half a brain and compassion.