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What a fight in the street is like in Peogressive FaggotAss eastern city” (urban)

submitted by blit416 to FellowWhites 10 monthsJul 4, 2023 21:16:45 ago (+6/-0)     (FellowWhites)

So I’m in business clothes, ironed shirt and leather shoes, and I see a guy I know on the street while I’m walking home.
This is a Main Street with all the junkies and whatnot
It’s also supposed to be a gayborhood {aren’t they all in downtown neighborhoods)
the guy I know says he has a bike to give me for a 20 I loaned him a few weeks ago. I’m touched, I was just helping him out when I gave him the 20.
I put my drink down on the hood of a parked truck, and say thanks, and out of nowhere some brown Arab cockcsucker starts FREAKING
“get that shit the fuck off my hood and get the fuck out of here you piece of shit !”
I’m surprised, honestly, he’s like 100% hostile out nowhere, no one saw him coming, he was yelling and pushing, and shit.
I say “PLEASE”
“what the duck did you say to me ?
I say “PLEASE move your cup” , “What’s wrong with you ?” “ Are you just learning English ? you’re asking me to move my cup… No problem… ask… don’t fucking start insulting me and shoving me “
“ FUCK YOU you worthless motherfucker”
So I clock him in the face, hard, and say “PLEASE, mothefucker”
So he tackles me. He’s about twice my size, I still break out of it and say “ Fuck you, ask nicesly, where the hell are you from ?”

Some Reddit master white cuck with his phone out is like “ I called the police, You should get the fuck out of here, you jerk.”
I’m actually pretty calm and say “ What the fuck, I’m FROM here, where exactly should I go ?”
Reddit master says “ No you’re not, you’re not an Indian”

I say “ My great grandfather turned the soil, my grandfather cultivated the soil, my father worked for the government his whole life. we’ve been here from Ireland for 500 years, what the fuck says “Indian” s are the only people from here
Redditlord ”History!”
I say “ What history, what the hell are you babbling about you Cuck faggot.”
Redditlord “Did you call me a cocksucker ?”
me “ Nah I called you a white self-hating cuck faggot, maybe you need to have some black guy bang your girl for you for reparations”
“Why so homophobic, Cuck “ ? He gets All confused and backs off to his phone and waits for his police fr
THEN get this a 5’2”lesbian chick pulls up and starts making mean growly faces at me telling me to “get lost, and take off , and fuck off”.
It was.. like.. kinda cute in a way. All meany little female face.
Like she was doing her best to screw up her face into an intimidating menace face.
It just looked cutesy and sill, like your little sister in Halloween costume as a pirate.

…and then she shoves me
..so I shoved her back. She goes flying. pULLs out a fuxking knife ?
Me: “ So you’re gonna try to kill me because I push harder than you ? Has no one ever told you no in your life ?

L”ME (as only a green/blue haired wee little female can)
I’m a preppy 6.’ 160pound guy … and the entire street went berserk because I didn’t bow down to a girl who was pushing me and waving a knife.

we waited for the cops cause what the fuck, the guy picked a fight with me and then lost.
Some homeless crack lady said I was abusing he chick (that begs from me every single day” ); with the knife…all “You NEVER touch a girl”

The cops handcuff me, drive me home, give me a 65dollar trespassing ?(!)Ticket, and wash their hands of it.
As ALWAYS. THE YOUNG WHITE MAN gets handcuffed. As ALWAYS some cuck Claims “I have no rights it’s native lands ?!
…but honestly the cops were based enough. They COULD have put me in county jail for 2 weeks bullshit processing time. It’s always goddamn 2 weeks bullshit processing.

But I threw the first punch. And I’m goddamn proud.
If ONLY all of you guys threw the first goddamn punch next time some swarthy asshole tries to bully you cause you’re nice and white, and when some little lesbian gets all
tough you fling her away like a little doll, people would have a little more respect for whites,
you could just see shit lining up to blame the whites man for everything. Honestly. Chicks getting involved and threatening me.. when..they get tossed like a dwarf they claim woman privilege.
Soy boys whip out phones and claim “this is native land” to their fat girlfriends applause.

I’m 44. I’ve taken JUST about enough shit in my life. FUCK THAT.

10 comments block

[ - ] blit416 [op] 0 points 10 monthsJul 4, 2023 21:36:21 ago (+0/-0)

Like I, blown away. I’ve never had a an assault charge, and I just wasn’t taking shit from some big Arab fuck… and he’s shocked I punch him, he tackles me and tries to fight and fails.
some SoyLord stands there with a phone and tells me it’s not my home it’s native land.
And then some lesbian starts trying to shove me around so I give her ONE shove and she goes flying.
The whole street goes OOOOOH alike OMG A WOMAN
and she pulls out a fuckingshank .., cause I shoved her back… l

And I get pinched.

[ - ] deleted 0 points 10 monthsJul 4, 2023 21:40:28 ago (+0/-0)


[ - ] SirNiggsalot 0 points 10 monthsJul 4, 2023 22:00:25 ago (+0/-0)

Did everyone clap ?

[ - ] PeckerwoodPerry 0 points 10 monthsJul 4, 2023 22:13:23 ago (+0/-0)

Fuckin everyone clapped.

[ - ] blit416 [op] 0 points 10 monthsJul 4, 2023 23:37:05 ago (+0/-0)

Dude NOBODY CLAPPED. you don’t understand. Some little lesbian gets involved because whites men in business clothes have a reputation as abuse punching bag in liberal cities,
Mini chick got RIGHT in my face and pulled the meanest mad-dog mug and told me to back off and run away. .. or there’ll be trouble,
And I did what any NON zoomer estrogen soymaster of the seven veggieburger temples … and I shoved her hard, like a dude
And sent her flying like a bag of fucking multicoloured bones…. And without missing a beat turned back to the Arab bully and said “ Is if SO hard to ask politely ? Hey buddy can you move your drink ? “. This wasn’t in traffic, this was a cold parked car in a price shop parking spot
5 feet from a Main Street with busses, shopping, crowds, etc.
He was nursing his swollen face and crying for the police,,, while I stayed there Indignant, and said “ Yes let’s .
mini “I am woman hear me road “ pulls out a 6 inch blade and says “ you better back off… I casually turn my head and say “what, you’re going to kill me because a push from a guy is harder that a push froma girl ? And turned back to soymaster :
“you’re a sexists and a racist , pal” and I said “ …and you’re a self-hating white cuck”
He misunderstood “you calling me a cocksucker ? Wtf homophobie” and he EVEN said “why are you talking about cocks…. “ like it was his coup-de-gras to strike that damned redneck prejudicial white monster..
To which I said CUCK you fuckin dummy CUCK. What are you,, a homophobe (lololololol). Keep my words in mind while a black man is taking care of your girlfriend next time,
He’d never been confronted either,
They’re all fucking programmed little Reddit peons.

I honestly think the cops didn’t make much of it all. You could heard the entire street GASP as I shoved mini feminist exactly as she’d shoved me.

Boys. stop putting up with this feminist and foreigner shit, they think white men are weak, YOU many me. IM not, I’ve fought too hard for this life, And some prick gonna call me “White privileged”. Fuck that, next time I’m grabbing faggotron-9000s cellphone. And sending it on a special adventure,

[ - ] boekanier 0 points 10 monthsJul 5, 2023 00:37:10 ago (+0/-0)

Good story, well done. At least you're OK. Living among idiots, sick, invaders, yeah , modern times.

[ - ] oyy_veyy_goyy 1 point 10 monthsJul 4, 2023 22:02:55 ago (+1/-0)

6' and 160lbs? That seems a tad light for that height. You should aim to put on at least an additional 20lbs of muscle mass.

GJ on fighting back though. He shoved you first so you were 100% justified in punching the sandnigger. It's too bad the other Whites in this scenario didn't join you in pummeling the camel-jockey as they seem to be self-hating. What a shameful state of affairs.

[ - ] Cantaloupe 2 points 10 monthsJul 4, 2023 21:31:22 ago (+2/-0)*

Wow, people are crazy.

Glad you're okay; actually when he shoved you it's an assault & battery - for the threats. The woman brandishing the knife - that's a crime.

What was the justification for the trespassing ticket?

They suck - maybe a store has video?

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There are several steps you can take to defend yourself against a trespassing charge. Here are some general tips that may help in your situation:

Gather evidence: Start by collecting any available evidence that supports your case. This could include photos of the area where the alleged trespass occurred, witness statements, or video footage. You should also make sure to get copies of all relevant police reports and other documentation related to the incident.

Understand the law: Research the specific laws related to trespassing in your jurisdiction. Make sure you understand what constitutes trespassing and what defenses are allowed. It’s important to know exactly what you’re being charged with so you can build a strong defense strategy.

Hire legal representation: Consider hiring a lawyer who has experience handling trespassing cases. An attorney can help you navigate the legal process and present your case in the most effective way possible. They can also advise you on potential strategies for challenging the charges against you.

Prepare for court: Before your trial date, start preparing your case by gathering any additional evidence and organizing it into a clear and concise presentation. Practice delivering your testimony and be prepared to answer any questions from the prosecution.

Present your case: On the day of your hearing, make sure to arrive early and dress professionally. Be ready to present your evidence and testify about the events leading up to the accusation. Listen carefully to the prosecutor’s arguments and be prepared to respond accordingly

[ - ] Outlaw_Aryan 0 points 10 monthsJul 5, 2023 00:30:29 ago (+0/-0)


[ - ] Outlaw_Aryan 0 points 10 monthsJul 5, 2023 00:30:32 ago (+0/-0)
