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WEF 'fortress Europe' goals have become known to ((them)). The schedule will be moved up..

submitted by WEFdeniableaccount to whatever 11 monthsJul 1, 2023 08:26:06 ago (+4/-1)     (whatever)

Loyalty to the European project and people's will be tested. The interlopers who have squandered the opportunities presented to them by access to our nation's and chose to become useless eaters will have a hard life here.

Obtain the ability to work more hours or drive more business because you will need to. The rise in costs will continue and now accelerate. The acceleration will result in more hardship for those outside of the target demographics than originally intended.

Value your neighbours, look after your volk.

Save your money, but make any tech purchases you may NEED sooner rather than later. Final pieces are being put in place to give China the green light on Taiwan ahead of schedule.

Situation in Ukraine should have begun winding up by now as WEF control has been established, however ((they)) are running interference. Zelenski's loyalty to the project is quietly being questioned. US leadership and now 'middle management' have been re-compromised. The Epstein operation didn't stop, didn't go underground, it went under water.

Titan sub is attempt to stall and prevent any access to underwater capabilities outside ((their)) control. We believe it was destroyed by a hostile vessel.

How about those riots 😜

2 comments block

[ - ] UncleDoug 1 point 11 monthsJul 1, 2023 08:32:18 ago (+1/-0)

You’re not even using echoes correctly you mental case.

[ - ] albatrosv15 1 point 11 monthsJul 1, 2023 08:41:01 ago (+1/-0)

Good bot, i rate it 3/10.