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this happened in Romania

submitted by boekanier to whatever 11 monthsJun 30, 2023 01:16:13 ago (+58/-0)     (files.catbox.moe)


This happened in 2017 at Rosiorii de Vede, Romania.
A 3-year-old baby fell inside a 49.2ft well. For more than 10 hours, they tried to rescue the baby, but the well was too small.
This 14-year-old kid offered himself as a volunteer since he was skinny enough to fit. With a pulley system, he went down 49.2ft and successfully rescued the baby.

The Left would call this toxic masculinity. I would call this heroism.

34 comments block

[ - ] BulletStopper 10 points 11 monthsJun 30, 2023 05:35:19 ago (+10/-0)*

Such events have a way of defining a young man's life and predicting his future. From such acorns, mighty oaks have been known to grow.

That young man would be 21 years old now. I would be interested to see how he's doing. See if he was ever able to find pants that'd fit over those big balls.

[ - ] Hall_of_Cost 6 points 11 monthsJun 30, 2023 05:59:37 ago (+6/-0)

Me too. I hope that that moment helped to lay the foundation for a strong and healthy future for that young man. You could see he was scared and he did it anyway, good man!

[ - ] BulletStopper 4 points 11 monthsJun 30, 2023 06:28:11 ago (+4/-0)*

Well said. Courage isn't the lack of fear. Courage is knowing you could get killed, but you saddle up anyway.

Not all cowboys are from Texas. A fair-sized bunch of 'em, yes. Maybe a bit more than average. But not quite all.

[ - ] InYourFaceNancyGrace 4 points 11 monthsJun 30, 2023 09:33:02 ago (+4/-0)

I've got two nephews like this. The one that's the age of the kid in the video would do exactly this. Although he is a good, honorable, noble, etc. kid... I'm pretty sure he'd just do this because it looks fun. "Oh shit I forgot to grab the kid... better send me down again!"

50 feet isn't that much when it's in front of you. It's a lot when it's up/down though.

[ - ] Rowdybme 2 points 11 monthsJun 30, 2023 11:46:25 ago (+2/-0)*

With all the beaurocracy here in the USA it would never be allowed to have a 14 year old try that. They did manage to save baby Jessica though. Anyone else remember baby jessica?

[ - ] BulletStopper 1 point 11 monthsJun 30, 2023 14:26:10 ago (+1/-0)

That's why, when real shit needs to get done, like, right now? You won't find a bureaucrat anywhere around.

[ - ] yesiknow 7 points 11 monthsJun 30, 2023 04:44:39 ago (+7/-0)

They could do that because they shot socialst Nicolai Ceusescu and his feminist shrew wife in 1989 when they got tired of all the excuses for food and energy shortages. They started learning how to think

[ - ] TerryB 4 points 11 monthsJun 30, 2023 07:53:40 ago (+4/-0)

Nice and all but who left the hole in the ground open in the first place? You always fill up your old wells and what not. If not to prevent people from falling in there but animals also.

[ - ] Prairie 2 points 11 monthsJun 30, 2023 08:07:17 ago (+2/-0)

It's a usual occurrence across the world. There was one in the USA decades ago that even had a TV movie made about it (Jessica McClure).

[ - ] 3Whuurs 3 points 11 monthsJun 30, 2023 01:27:54 ago (+3/-0)

Holy shit!
Imagine how easy it could have been to have damaged that concrete while digging.
Just a tiny chunk breaking off is all it would have taken to fall in and kill the little guy.

[ - ] x0x7 1 point 11 monthsJun 30, 2023 13:09:06 ago (+1/-0)

[ - ] fnbs 1 point 11 monthsJun 30, 2023 13:01:29 ago (+1/-0)

Same thing happened in Texas back in 1987, some kid (baby jessica) fell down a well and it took them a couple days to get her out

[ - ] qwop 1 point 11 monthsJun 30, 2023 10:23:52 ago (+1/-0)

Looks like it was 2013. Here's a longer video:

There was another incident with a boy and well in 2017, which explains the mixup, but this one was in 2013.

The 14-year old kid is named Cristian Marian Becheanu.

[ - ] NeedleStack 1 point 11 monthsJun 30, 2023 09:20:53 ago (+1/-0)

I would have sworn this was filmed in the 90s going by the shirt and sweater patterns. ;)

[ - ] uvulectomy 1 point 11 monthsJun 30, 2023 16:12:10 ago (+1/-0)

That's just Eastern Europe. They're a little behind, fashion-wise, lol.

[ - ] Prairie 1 point 11 monthsJun 30, 2023 08:06:09 ago (+1/-0)

Did they have some kind of super-Velcro or something to just stick to him?

[ - ] Master_Foo -7 points 11 monthsJun 30, 2023 02:02:17 ago (+1/-8)

I was expecting the town to all gather together to solve the problem of a poor little kitten trapped in a well.

Imagine my disappointment when it was just a Slav child.

If this floats your boat, some of us older goats may remember "Baby Jessica".

[ - ] GloryBeckons 6 points 11 monthsJun 30, 2023 03:47:15 ago (+6/-0)

Romanians aren't Slavs.

They're a very mixed people, but for the most part their ancestry traces to the Romans (hence the name), with admixture from surrounding countries. Their language is closer to Latin than modern Italian.

Lots of German and Hungarian admixture in Transylvania and surrounding regions, too, due to being part of the Austria-Hungarian empire, and German settlers previously populating the regions that are now North-East Romania and Western Ukraine during the collapse of the Holy Roman Empire.

[ - ] Master_Foo -1 points 11 monthsJun 30, 2023 03:53:56 ago (+1/-2)

The Language is Romantic, but that doesn't mean the genes are.
Don't confuse cultural ad-mixture with genetic ad-mixture.

If we apply your standards, then Morgan Freeman is British because his ancestors were conquered by English speaking people and now he speaks English.

[ - ] GloryBeckons 2 points 11 monthsJun 30, 2023 04:04:36 ago (+2/-0)

"Slavic" arguably has more to do with language and culture than genes, depending on who you ask. That's why I mentioned the language. In a single sentence. Everything else I said is about genetics.

Romanians are not Slavs, by any measure or metric.

[ - ] Master_Foo -1 points 11 monthsJun 30, 2023 04:13:46 ago (+1/-2)*

There's a high correlation between genes and language overall, but we know for a fact that the Dacians were not Romans. They were a Balto-Slavic people with high Scythian admixture.

I'm not sure why you want Romanians to be Roman so badly.
The word "slav" literally comes from the Roman conquest of the Dacian people.
This isn't something that is hidden from history.

1. Romainians are
2. Slavs (slaves)
3. who were conquered by
4. Romans
5. and who were forced to adopt
6. a Romance language.

[ - ] GloryBeckons 4 points 11 monthsJun 30, 2023 05:07:37 ago (+4/-0)*

I don't know where you get the idea that I "want" them to be Romans, when I clearly said they are a very mixed people.

I also don't know why you want them to be Slavs so badly.

Romanians don't sound like Slavs, don't look like Slavs, and don't behave like Slavs. They are not Slavs linguistically. They are not Slavs culturally. And they are not Slavs genetically. They are not Slavs. No matter how embarrassed you are about being wrong.

You're also wrong about the etymology of the word Slav. The root of that word is the same as "slava" (freedom/glory) and slovo (word/language). IE, a free people with a shared language. Slavic people were calling themselves by early versions of that term well before the Roman conquest of Dacia. And Dacians, by the way, were not calling themselves any form of Slav. Because they were not Slavs. And their language, prior to the Roman conquest, was a Thracian dialect. Not a Slavic language.

If anything, the modern word "slave" was a mistaken derivation from "Slav", not the other way around.

[ - ] Master_Foo -5 points 11 monthsJun 30, 2023 05:21:15 ago (+0/-5)*

If you can't tell the difference between a Slav and a Roman, I don't know what to tell you dude.

I'm guessing you are one of those retards who think Jesus was Fellow White?

Go adopt a nigger. In your estimation, they are the same exact thing as a European. There's no such thing as "different peoples" everyone is just some kind of Roman.

And their language, prior to the Roman conquest, was a Thracian dialect. Not a Slavic language.
Congratulations, you are the biggest retard. Thracian is a Slavic language, fucktard.
I.E. They are Slavs.

[ - ] GloryBeckons 2 points 11 monthsJun 30, 2023 05:25:13 ago (+2/-0)

Sorry you feel so salty about being wrong. You should work on that. Keeps you from learning new things.

[ - ] Master_Foo -3 points 11 monthsJun 30, 2023 05:27:47 ago (+0/-3)

Yep, I'm 100% wrong and you are correct.
The Irish and Australian Aboriginees are the EXACT SAME THING!

[ - ] mikenigger 1 point 11 monthsJun 30, 2023 11:45:53 ago (+1/-0)

lol brainlets here thump their chest about white genes unless it contradicts their hot takes 😆

[ - ] Master_Foo -1 points 11 monthsJun 30, 2023 15:23:43 ago (+0/-1)

A lot of slavs here getting uppity.

[ - ] Joe_McCarthy -1 points 11 monthsJun 30, 2023 05:30:26 ago (+0/-1)

Saying Romanians aren't Slavs is sorta like saying Afro-Americans aren't white. Of course what you say about their language and culture is true - but they have a lot of Slavic ancestry.

In much the same way Hungarians can be said to be Slavs. Or maybe Germans.

[ - ] GloryBeckons 2 points 11 monthsJun 30, 2023 06:05:53 ago (+2/-0)

Like I said; a very mixed people with admixture from surrounding countries. Many of which are Slavic. But that's not the dominant basis of their genetics. Which you can see just by looking at them. Or listening to them. Or looking at their names. Etc. Same as with Afro-Americans clearly not being White.

Hungary is a whole can of worms of its own.

[ - ] Joe_McCarthy -1 points 11 monthsJun 30, 2023 06:09:55 ago (+0/-1)

Just for the record:


"Starting in the 6th century, the Slavs extensively penetrated the present-day territory of Romania and were eventually assimilated into Daco-Romanian, proto-Romanian, and Romanian populations by the end of the 12th century."

Greeks also have a good bit of Slavic ancestry and in much the same timeframe.

[ - ] mikenigger 1 point 11 monthsJun 30, 2023 11:49:41 ago (+1/-0)

the US has 'assimilated' a lot of niggers after abolishing slavery, is it a nigger country? or latino?

[ - ] Joe_McCarthy -1 points 11 monthsJun 30, 2023 16:21:58 ago (+0/-1)

Huh? Totally different circumstances involved, Batman.

[ - ] Prairie 1 point 11 monthsJun 30, 2023 08:08:02 ago (+1/-0)*

If this floats your boat, some of us older goats may remember "Baby Jessica".

Exactly what came to mind. It wasn't a bad TV-movie.