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82 comments block

[ - ] SecretHitler 19 points 11 monthsJun 25, 2023 21:26:19 ago (+20/-1)*

This is probably one of the worst things I've seen today and makes me dislike the proud boys as either controlled opposition or just plain stupid homos.

After reading through the thread it's a damn mess with everyone making claims like they know anything. Few people saying that's not even patriot front. Something interesting I noticed is that nobody seems to know where/when this happened.

My only real takeaway is there's something weird about this and it feels anti-White somehow. Seems to be pushing "patriots" to fight against pro-Whites.

[ - ] Fascinus 8 points 11 monthsJun 25, 2023 21:45:06 ago (+8/-0)

Definitely not a fan of any anti-Nazi behavior, so yeah, fuck those fags.

It would be nice, however, to know if Patriot Front is truly legit.

I want to believe and I've seen persuasive arguments both for and against.

[ - ] bonghits4jeebus 6 points 11 monthsJun 25, 2023 22:40:50 ago (+6/-0)

PF unmasked have never looked like jews or fatties to me. Which is what these two were.

[ - ] TheBigGuyFromQueens 3 points 11 monthsJun 25, 2023 23:33:05 ago (+3/-0)

That guy with dark hair looks like a Jew, but I am only about 80% on it. Could be an Armenian, Turk or Greek.

[ - ] bonghits4jeebus 4 points 11 monthsJun 25, 2023 23:35:33 ago (+4/-0)

There were id'd and not PF. Belong to a different group.

[ - ] Fascinus 1 point 11 monthsJun 25, 2023 22:53:41 ago (+1/-0)

PF unmasked have never looked like jews or fatties to me.

Agreed, though I only saw the guys in Idaho on their way to protest some tranny event.

Have there been more?

[ - ] SecretHitler 5 points 11 monthsJun 25, 2023 22:07:32 ago (+5/-0)

I think they're legit but we'll never know for sure unless they're proven to be a gay-op.

Either way I haven't seen them do anything that actually hurts our interests - even if ineffective at anything else just the fact that they exist keeps NatSoc on the public's mind and stresses "We're everywhere" which has been wearing away at the taboo of publicly claiming it for people like us and increasingly for zoomers and the younger generation.

[ - ] Fascinus 4 points 11 monthsJun 25, 2023 22:14:22 ago (+4/-0)

Good point.

Either way, if it benefits Whites, I'm for it.


[ - ] HeyJames 4 points 11 monthsJun 25, 2023 22:55:35 ago (+6/-2)

They're legit. Patriot front is basically just a rebranding and splintering of national vanguard after Charlottesville. People don't care enough to study their history. They all got doxxed for fucks sake. Pretty obvious not feds at this point.

[ - ] Fascinus 3 points 11 monthsJun 25, 2023 23:02:16 ago (+3/-0)

I understand the feeling of impatience when people refuse to see what's in front of them and I understand this is a bit of a charged topic, which is why I almost didn't comment on it.

Here's the thing though; I'm not that guy.

I haven't decided what I think about them and I'm not invested in any particular outcome one way or the other.

My position on the matter could be described as neutral and curious.

Facts can be hard to come by these days and folks are right to be skeptical.

If you're willing to try to bring me around to your way of thinking, my mind is open to be changed.

[ - ] HeyJames 1 point 11 monthsJun 25, 2023 23:13:30 ago (+2/-1)

You can find their members on various telegram channels. Talk to them yourself

[ - ] 3Whuurs 4 points 11 monthsJun 26, 2023 00:17:56 ago (+4/-0)

I’ve heard their founder interviewed on FTN or TRS and from what you can gather from an interview there was nothing sketch about him.

[ - ] Fascinus 3 points 11 monthsJun 26, 2023 00:20:24 ago (+3/-0)

Thanks, brother.

I'll look for it when I have time.


[ - ] 3Whuurs 2 points 11 monthsJun 26, 2023 00:22:02 ago (+2/-0)

No problem.
It’s been a while so I can’t remember exactly which show. But it was from that sphere

[ - ] NaturalSelectionistWorker 1 point 11 monthsJun 26, 2023 07:13:15 ago (+1/-0)

Going on one of kike enoch's shows is sketch.

[ - ] Belfuro 1 point 11 monthsJun 26, 2023 01:45:39 ago (+1/-0)

Some of it definitely is.
Just watch the material they publish on billboards etc.

[ - ] 3Whuurs 1 point 11 monthsJun 26, 2023 00:13:39 ago (+4/-3)

it feels anti-White somehow

Because it’s literally united the nigger/fed run proud fags, with Antifa around “anti-racism”

Just supporting proud boys automatically makes you worse then a fed group doing fake Nazi protests.

[ - ] RedBarchetta [op] 0 points 11 monthsJun 25, 2023 22:01:43 ago (+2/-2)

Since when are kikes pro white?

[ - ] SecretHitler 3 points 11 monthsJun 25, 2023 22:11:24 ago (+3/-0)

Shut up

[ - ] deleted 0 points 11 monthsJun 26, 2023 00:20:59 ago (+0/-0)


[ - ] yesiknow -1 points 11 monthsJun 26, 2023 06:13:57 ago (+0/-1)

And what fucking difference do street brawl make? If you want to get scum put of politics, that's not doing it, and everyone knows that. They're bored of it.

[ - ] PotatoWhisperer2 2 points 11 monthsJun 26, 2023 09:17:41 ago (+2/-0)

Read your history. It's part of how the NAZIs came into power.

[ - ] PostWallHelena 16 points 11 monthsJun 25, 2023 21:00:00 ago (+17/-1)*

No it isnt! Why do the proud boys want people to demask? Thats retarded. I can hear them shouting “nazi!” And “racist piece of shit!”. Thats ridiculous. Are we supposed to be on the proud boys side?

[ - ] NaturalSelectionistWorker 7 points 11 monthsJun 25, 2023 21:31:42 ago (+7/-0)

I know my local proud boys and most of them are racist and sympathetic to Nazis.

I almost wonder if the unmasking is a psyop - put a jew in a mask marching with patriot front, have some proud boys unmask him, now you have your anti patriot front narrative and discourage people from wearing masks to hide their identity at rallies.

[ - ] bonghits4jeebus 3 points 11 monthsJun 25, 2023 22:39:37 ago (+3/-0)

One of the ones unmasked looked very jewish.

[ - ] 3Whuurs 6 points 11 monthsJun 26, 2023 00:24:36 ago (+6/-0)

Do we even know these are patriot front guys?
Their numbers are usually larger and they take their defence pretty serious.

[ - ] bonghits4jeebus 1 point 11 monthsJun 26, 2023 16:33:39 ago (+1/-0)

I heard they were not PF but members of a different nationalist group.

[ - ] 3Whuurs 1 point 11 monthsJun 26, 2023 17:53:12 ago (+1/-0)

Ya I just heard that today to,
Just about to dig for it but even the guy they’re claiming turned out to be a Jew wasn’t even the same guy lol.
So looks like conservative conspiracy desperation just got ahead of itself again.

[ - ] 3Whuurs 3 points 11 monthsJun 26, 2023 00:37:16 ago (+3/-0)

How do they explain staying with the proud boys after the amount of feds found in their leadership and the nigger loving bullshit?
Why would a racially aware White stay with such a cucked group instead of going right?

[ - ] NaturalSelectionistWorker 1 point 11 monthsJun 26, 2023 07:04:03 ago (+1/-0)

At least one of them that I know has moved on to a further right group - and he's the only member in the area, whereas there are a couple dozen proud boys. They know about the feds in leadership but they've run out any fed infiltrators in the local group, and where are you supposed to find a right wing group that isn't infiltrated by feds?

[ - ] 3Whuurs 1 point 11 monthsJun 26, 2023 11:09:54 ago (+1/-0)

where are you supposed to find a right wing group that isn't infiltrated by feds?

Without seeing wether this little group here was actually PF, assuming it wasn’t, I’d honestly say PF was the least fed compromised right wing group so far.
Before this they only had 1 of their members turn out to be an informant when the feds turned him with bribery after getting ratted out by his gf for shit on his phone or something like that.

I get your point though. But with Proud boys it’s definitely sufficiently cucked that it can’t possibly serve a political purpose. As soon as your group has blacks and attacks Whites while screaming “racist piece of shit” it’s quite firmly established itself as your opposition, not even just cucked imo.

So if it’s anything more then a social group to them, they've essentially flipped sides wether they like it or not.

[ - ] NaturalSelectionistWorker 1 point 11 monthsJun 26, 2023 13:32:15 ago (+1/-0)

If the PF guys in the recent incident were feds, the PBs may be too. And PB was never explicitly racist, just dissident right, the fact that they allow openly racist members sets them ahead of any mainstream conservative group. At the time they got big they were about as far right as the overton window would allow. I'm glad the window has moved but I'm not gonna hold it against people who took risks to move the window that they haven't moved on yet.

[ - ] 3Whuurs 0 points 11 monthsJun 26, 2023 17:57:18 ago (+0/-0)

I can see your argument, but I think they’ve just gone way to far full fag to make excuses for them.
Plus, if they’re not openly and specifically pro White rights, there’s no way for you to get a thing out of that.


[ - ] Fascinus 2 points 11 monthsJun 25, 2023 21:50:50 ago (+2/-0)

I know my local proud boys and most of them are racist and sympathetic to Nazis.

Appreciate your willingness to share your experience.

I almost wonder if the unmasking is a psyop - put a jew in a mask marching with patriot front, have some proud boys unmask him, now you have your anti patriot front narrative and discourage people from wearing masks to hide their identity at rallies.

Seems plausible. Would be interested in learning more about the lead-up to the clash. I was under the impression that both groups shared enough of a common goal that this sort of thing wouldn't be likely to occur.

[ - ] RedBarchetta [op] 2 points 11 monthsJun 25, 2023 21:09:47 ago (+2/-0)

Because Antifa are Feds? This is proving it.

[ - ] SecretHitler 3 points 11 monthsJun 25, 2023 21:25:11 ago (+3/-0)

That doesn't even make any sense

[ - ] RedBarchetta [op] 2 points 11 monthsJun 25, 2023 21:59:27 ago (+2/-0)

Its all paid for by the FBI to cause chaos. Agent Provocateur. Just bullshit to stir bullshit. What doesn't make sense? They have been doing this since segregation.

[ - ] SecretHitler 2 points 11 monthsJun 25, 2023 22:10:07 ago (+2/-0)

That makes as much sense as curing cancer by "promoting awareness"

[ - ] NaturalSelectionistWorker 2 points 11 monthsJun 26, 2023 07:14:47 ago (+2/-0)

Which is exactly what our system does because our system doesn't want to cure cancer.

[ - ] boekanier 1 point 11 monthsJun 26, 2023 00:28:40 ago (+1/-0)

no, not feds but rather paid by them

[ - ] deleted 2 points 11 monthsJun 25, 2023 23:05:55 ago (+2/-0)


[ - ] Fascinus 15 points 11 monthsJun 25, 2023 20:59:07 ago (+15/-0)

[ - ] PostWallHelena 6 points 11 monthsJun 25, 2023 21:05:46 ago (+7/-1)

You spoil us!

[ - ] Fascinus 13 points 11 monthsJun 25, 2023 21:09:08 ago (+13/-0)

It's a labor of love.

Those of you who truly appreciate this place seem to understand :)

[ - ] 3Whuurs 5 points 11 monthsJun 26, 2023 00:44:23 ago (+5/-0)

When you find yourself in total agreement with kiddy fucking marxist faggots like Antifa, and proven fed cucks like Proud Boys, as well as every Zionist cuckservative shabbos, all at the same time…
Maybe it’s time to question your outlook.

[ - ] Fascinus 5 points 11 monthsJun 25, 2023 21:07:24 ago (+5/-0)

Looks like a kike to me: https://files.catbox.moe/6s23l5.png

[ - ] FacelessOne 6 points 11 monthsJun 25, 2023 21:24:04 ago (+7/-1)

Bunch of pussies in Masks unmask other pussies in Masks.

What a joke

[ - ] SecretHitler 3 points 11 monthsJun 25, 2023 21:28:48 ago (+3/-0)

Maybe but I wouldn't bet money on it.

[ - ] Fascinus 4 points 11 monthsJun 25, 2023 21:41:14 ago (+4/-0)

I fully permit the possibility that I am mistaken.

Was hoping some folks would volunteer to help calibrate jewdar.

Looking at the picture, I identify the following characteristics:

1. Mega schnoz
2. Sloped forehead
3. Thin upper lip
4. Weak chin
5. Ears canted rearward, set below eyeline

Would be interested in hearing from others.

[ - ] SecretHitler 3 points 11 monthsJun 25, 2023 22:02:47 ago (+3/-0)

I never trust looks, they're a strong hint at best. jews don't even trust looks alone aside from some obvious cases.

In this case it looks like he was id'd in the Twitter replies and unless misidentified you're right and he's a kike. One of the other guys was id'd as an ex proud boy from Oregon.

[ - ] Fascinus 5 points 11 monthsJun 25, 2023 22:12:00 ago (+5/-0)

id'd in the Twitter replies


Found it, thanks :)

[ - ] 3Whuurs 3 points 11 monthsJun 26, 2023 00:34:32 ago (+3/-0)

Do we know this is even patriot front though?
Their numbers are typically higher and so far they’ve almost always chosen locations with no risk of conflict. And seem as organized as a Roman legion.
Suddenly a small group is here smacks right in to the nigger loving Proud cucks, and they all look like they’re lost puppies.
And 1 looks like he might be a Jew.

I’m calling bs for now, but with every nigger loving jew cuck conservative group and kiddy fucking marxist DESPERATE for these guys to be feds all of a sudden, id put the odds of Jews faking something at 100%.

[ - ] FacelessOne 1 point 11 monthsJun 25, 2023 22:18:34 ago (+1/-0)

Feds all the way down

[ - ] bonghits4jeebus 2 points 11 monthsJun 25, 2023 23:37:57 ago (+2/-0)

One was id'd as a UC Irvine student which would match neatly.

[ - ] o0shad0o 3 points 11 monthsJun 25, 2023 22:19:33 ago (+3/-0)

And Adam Kinzinger outed them as Federal agents, lol.


[ - ] parrygrin 1 point 11 monthsJun 26, 2023 10:13:15 ago (+1/-0)

So... this is a psy-op?

[ - ] PeckerwoodPerry 3 points 11 monthsJun 25, 2023 21:03:52 ago (+3/-0)


[ - ] Fascinus 5 points 11 monthsJun 25, 2023 21:08:29 ago (+5/-0)

[ - ] PeckerwoodPerry 3 points 11 monthsJun 25, 2023 21:43:35 ago (+3/-0)

Did you make that on the spot, or did you have that shit ready to deploy at a moments notice?

[ - ] Fascinus 3 points 11 monthsJun 25, 2023 21:45:25 ago (+3/-0)

Door #2

[ - ] PeckerwoodPerry 3 points 11 monthsJun 25, 2023 21:52:39 ago (+3/-0)

God damn, bro. You must have a helluva collection.

[ - ] Crackinjokes 2 points 11 monthsJun 26, 2023 00:31:46 ago (+2/-0)

Well the people in the khakis and the masks are in the Rose City antifa watch list and they expose them and say who they are including one of the guys that was unmasked. So if they're feds it's kind of weird that antifa would have them sort of on The antifa Hit list as fascist and nazis.

Now I really don't like to see two supposedly white groups fighting each other. That's really the last thing we need to be doing.

The khaki group according to the answer for website had been seen doing a lot of stuff like HT does like in real life banner drops over Bridges stickering things and a lot of other stuff like that.

Furthermore I didn't like the way the people who chase them off or calling them racist. I don't know who they're calling him righteous against but if you're not going to acknowledge the fact that the problems that we're having are caused by Jews who are orchestrating at all and you're going to call people who do recognize that racist then you're not really fighting the right fight.

[ - ] Special_Prosecutor 2 points 11 monthsJun 26, 2023 00:26:20 ago (+3/-1)

No, its sad. The PBs and PF overlap significantly.

That you believe PF is Feds is equivalent to liberals who think PB's sought to overthrow the US Government on Jan6, sedition.

You're just as dumb as a retarded liberal who consumes all the kike media hype.

Has it ever occurred to you that the kikes (the Fed's puppet master) might be really fucking worried about the PB's combining with PF? Throw in Oath Keepers and John Birch and the party really gets started. Just maybe that shit keeps "The Feds" up at night? Divide and conquer, you're doing it for them faggot.

I've been around PBs numerous times, and they throw up Roman Salutes far more often and far more convincingly then I've ever seen with PF (who I admittedly have not interacted with personally). Fuck, even PB Taco Niggers, and there are many, throw romans and praise Nazi's and outwardly hate niggers. Though, they (PBs in general) tend to avoid the JQ, sadly.

[ - ] boekanier 2 points 11 monthsJun 26, 2023 00:24:07 ago (+2/-0)

they're scared to death when their mask is ripped off

[ - ] PostWallHelena 1 point 11 monthsJun 26, 2023 06:35:38 ago (+1/-0)

What does that prove?

[ - ] observation1 1 point 11 monthsJun 26, 2023 07:50:00 ago (+1/-0)*

It doesnt "prove" anything but its pretty fucking strong evidence that they're fakes.

[ - ] PostWallHelena 2 points 11 monthsJun 26, 2023 08:47:00 ago (+2/-0)

Or that being photographed makes them targets of the feds and antifa. If the PBs think they are feds why are they yelling nazi and racist at these guys?

Masking for protest is sensible. Antifa are right about this. Only retards would dox themselves for no reason.

[ - ] observation1 1 point 11 monthsJun 26, 2023 11:36:22 ago (+1/-0)

The guy pulling the mask was not the guy yelling.

[ - ] PostWallHelena 2 points 11 monthsJun 26, 2023 11:39:46 ago (+2/-0)

Then he should be punching the guy yelling “racist” and “nazi”, and not fucking about with other peoples masks.

[ - ] observation1 1 point 11 monthsJun 26, 2023 11:43:24 ago (+1/-0)

You'd prefer the jew and the antifa not get unmasked ?

[ - ] PostWallHelena 2 points 11 monthsJun 26, 2023 12:13:42 ago (+2/-0)

False choice. Please dont jew me. You just said they were not proven to be jews or antifa

[ - ] observation1 1 point 11 monthsJun 26, 2023 14:55:47 ago (+1/-0)

Let me be clear. If patriot fed front shows up at my protest, I'd do the same in a heartbeat.

[ - ] TheBigGuyFromQueens 2 points 11 monthsJun 25, 2023 23:30:40 ago (+2/-0)

Might be Mossad

[ - ] Nosferatjew 1 point 11 monthsJun 26, 2023 02:30:20 ago (+1/-0)

But, there's dudes on both sides of this wearing masks...

[ - ] 3Whuurs 1 point 11 monthsJun 26, 2023 00:09:35 ago (+3/-2)

So does the fact that everyone from literally fed founded, nigger loving Proud Boys, to kiddy finger fucking Antifa, to every intellectual dark web jew screaming that these guys are feds, mean nothing to anyone?

They’re honestly of such little consequence that the zeal people are attacking the with easily speaks 10x more about themselves then PF.

[ - ] HeyJames 0 points 11 monthsJun 25, 2023 22:53:58 ago (+1/-1)

That's not patriot front

[ - ] observation1 1 point 11 monthsJun 26, 2023 07:52:53 ago (+1/-0)

Because you have the roster, and you know who is and who isn't?

You think by accident they woke up and wore the PF uniforms?

[ - ] BlueEyedAngloMasterRaceGod -1 points 11 monthsJun 26, 2023 04:33:55 ago (+1/-2)

that was not the best thing i saw on the internet today.

[ - ] Indoctrinated_USA -2 points 11 monthsJun 26, 2023 03:19:18 ago (+1/-3)*

Patriot Front are only "feds" to cowards on the internet who will never find it in themselves to act in the real world.

[ - ] texasblood -5 points 11 monthsJun 25, 2023 22:08:01 ago (+0/-5)

He said!!!
You fucking NAZIS
YES they are awake
So very much so.
Proud Boys love Jesus.
Nazis fear him.

[ - ] Fascinus 5 points 11 monthsJun 25, 2023 22:35:56 ago (+5/-0)

You're retarded.

[ - ] Ex_hack 3 points 11 monthsJun 25, 2023 23:34:44 ago (+3/-0)

He's beyond retarded, his posts are the product of someone who has absolutely no grasp of the English language.

[ - ] texasblood -1 points 11 monthsJun 26, 2023 15:54:58 ago (+0/-1)

The nazi bitchs run to vote LMFAO.Proud Boys will fuck up some nazi bitchs

[ - ] Ex_hack 0 points 11 monthsJun 26, 2023 21:07:55 ago (+0/-0)

Proud boys are a bunch of kike faggots just like you.