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4 comments block

[ - ] observation1 2 points 11 monthsJun 19, 2023 13:26:33 ago (+2/-0)

Sounds like Cenk needs to try it. So much hatred vitriol coming from him.

One of the happiest days of my life was on E, as a matter of fact.

I wonder what Cenk would think about those who have already tried it

MDMA is extremely difficult to find pure.

Test kit results can be ambiguous.

I would recommend everyone do it once with good friends. Leaning toward a higher dose. But let it be one or two time thing. Repeated usage is not good. Visit erowid.org for more info.

[ - ] La_Chalupacabra 2 points 11 monthsJun 19, 2023 13:39:23 ago (+2/-0)

Sounds like Cenk needs to try it. So much hatred vitriol coming from him.

The same thought occurred to me.
People that punch to the right are more to blame than anyone for the problems they cite.
If they would just chill the fuck out and stop making enemies of everyone then they may just find the world is a decent place after all.

[ - ] La_Chalupacabra 4 points 11 monthsJun 19, 2023 13:31:38 ago (+4/-0)

Monetization-free link: https://yewtu.be/watch?v=hcwIZeuFvzo

I wasn't even finished typing out my comment when they went on to fantasize about forced medication through cropdusting.
They may pass it off as a jest, but you know that's exactly what they'd like to do.
This is why they want the guns: the things they'd like to force upon anyone who doesn't share their political views would probably get them shot.
Forced doping? Lobotomies for the recalcitrant? Torture thinly-veiled as therapy techniques (electroshock therapy; sensory deprivation; sleep deprivation)?
If faced with that, what would you expect the average armed citizen to do if they knew the authorities were coming to take them away?

[ - ] Fascinus 4 points 11 monthsJun 19, 2023 13:59:51 ago (+4/-0)

WN who had significant experience in this area before becoming NatSoc.

MDMA will generally make you more aware of and empathetic toward the emotions of others. That's not necessarily to say that it will cloud judgement.

That emotional attunement may also clue you in to those who intend to do you harm. For example, while in this state, it is incredibly easy to spot undercover law enforcement at events, provided you are bothering to pay attention.

One of the best properties of MDMA is that it can allow issues to surface and be considered in an objective, non-threatening manner, e.g. "Here's how it is, regardless of how you feel about it" or "Here's the answer to that problem you've been working on. The one you didn't want to, or couldn't see because you were down in it instead of looking at it from here".

Because of its tremendous value in therapeutic settings, it is encouraging for me to see that clinical trials have begun involving veterans with real trauma that has not responded to traditional methods.

That being said, the issue I take with this particular analysis is that the individuals orientation toward White supremacy appears to have been oriented around a "debilitating personal issue".

While it's true that MDMA absolutely can help one work through such matters, it does not follow that White supremacy is a manifestation of illness arising from some sort of problem with the individual.

I don't consider myself a supremacist, per se and I believe that the distinction as I draw it is both minor and immaterial to the discussion. It is safe to say that, by communist standards, I would absolutely fit the mold of what they expect a White supremacist to be like. For example, I believe that the overwhelming majority of niggers are feral animals and that they are completely incompatible with western society.

My orientation toward and commitment to NatSoc ideals does not spring from some sort of underlying fault or trauma and rather from love. Love for my family, love for myself, love for my community, love for my country, love for my race.

Love for blood and soil.

Catbox link shoahed.

At the end of the day, what more do we really have than ourselves and each other?

All this to say that the implied conclusion that White supremacy arises from some sort of underlying pathology that can respond to treatment is not only fallacious and self-serving, it's laughable.

I assert that Love for one's race is among the most sane orientations one can arrive at.

Post Script: There is no way I would trust any street drugs in this day and age. From what I hear, a lot of stuff is laced with Fentanyl. Maybe, with the advent of decriminalization in British Columbia, it will be possible to find commercially produced, unadulterated MDMA some day. Point being, don't go out and try to find this stuff unless you have a way to know for certain it's legit. It's a dangerous world out there.