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submitted by beece to whatever 11 monthsJun 12, 2023 23:30:54 ago (+9/-3)     (whatever)

My next door neighbor is a jewish fella. Unlike most here, I like jews (but in no way condone the bullshit controlling behavior). He's not a bad guy and as near as I can tell he doesn't take off sabbath (Friday sundown-Saturday) although we have gotten into it hard a couple times. His pretty blonde wife brings over brownies afterwards to say "sorry" and we get along fine.

He manages a well known Eurojewish bank. Last year they bought a cheap trailer and went to several remote western locations to camp. This seemed strange to me...although I come from a family history of doing the same (living in the woods but sans trailer of course, we are more country than city). They are extreme city folks, and not the type to ever go wilderness camping or prep for it.

Dude (about January) said he was going to retire soon, mid June in fact (which if you check your calendar is right now), and I didn't think twice about it.

"What are you going to do", I asked.

"Oh, go camping, get away from it all" was the reply. Which would be normal except for two things which I just noted out on my front porch. 1st) Dude is exceptionally young to do this, early 50's. 2nd) They did a proof of concept with a cheap trailer, and then upgraded to something which would be much more deluxe, sturdy and comfortable if one were to live in it long term. 3rd) Dude has been going over and over and over the trailer. It's almost psychotic, he touches and then looks, prods, feels, washes....he clearly wants this to be perfect....for whatever reason. Today, while sitting on my front porch drinking a beer watching the show it hit me: 9-11. Before 9/11, the Jews received a heads up to clear out, and not come to work on 9/11. That is the look which reminds me that my neighbor is doing the same.

Brothers, I don't know what the future will bring, but it looks like it's time to clear out of the cities sometime early summer. I can't say why, exactly, but my deep gut feeling is that it's near to us, that "deep gut" certainty that some serious shit is about to hit the fan. I'm not saying to quit your job or go crazy. But pay attention and get your shit in order. If it comes, you will only have minutes before it ends. If you can send your kids to family in the country: do that. Get out of the cities on the weekends. Keep essentials with you in your vehicle, keep your tank full, a gas mask in the trunk (etc etc). Do what you can. Plan for it.

What I have done is to buy a remote location (6 day walk with gear), and over the years I have planted various edible plants in the vicinity so if I'm alive I can eat if it's critical. It's downwind of most fallout drift, and I have gas masks and water stored up (and damned near everything else) etc etc. I plan on being there anytime I can get out of town. Feeling that it is critical now.

It looks like something is about to go down in the USA...like this summer, coming up soon. Can't say what, as it's clearly above my pay grade. I will be changing my behavior in response. But take that for what you will.

Good luck brothers.

Edit 1 hour later, perhaps this is what is coming? https://warnews247-gr.translate.goog/pros-olokaftoma-symfonia-gia-metafora-stin-oukrania-24-f-16-exoplismenon-me-pyrinikes-vomves-v61-moscha-i-evropi-tha-ginei-kraniou-topos/?_x_tr_sl=auto&_x_tr_tl=en&_x_tr_hl=en&_x_tr_pto=wapp

28 comments block

[ - ] Lost_In_The_Thinking 8 points 11 monthsJun 13, 2023 00:11:11 ago (+8/-0)

Dude, your jewdar is broken. Or if it isn't, you're ignoring what it's trying to tell you. Don't EVER trust or befriend ANY jew, ever, under any circumstance.

[ - ] Portmanure 7 points 11 monthsJun 12, 2023 23:40:34 ago (+7/-0)

Just keep in mind, the day “they” suspend the US Constitution due to “an emergency” is the day you can put your 2nd amendment rights to good use. Get together with your neighbors establish rules and security for your families and tell anyone from the government to kiss off unless they bring food and supplies, their version of law and order without the US Constitution isn’t welcome around here.

[ - ] Lost_In_The_Thinking 7 points 11 monthsJun 13, 2023 00:08:34 ago (+7/-0)

I don't know how to tell you this, but I'll be direct: The Constitution has already been suspended. We no longer live under the rules of the Constitution. Law today is fiat law masquerading as Constitutional law. If they were EVER to publicly suspend the Constitution, there would be an uproar and considerable pushback. This is how jews do things - quietly, subverting everything while we don't notice.

[ - ] SumerBreeze 3 points 11 monthsJun 13, 2023 00:00:57 ago (+3/-0)

The government’s idea of law and order during such times would more than likely be to poison you even more than they already are during peaceful times.

[ - ] Sleazy 4 points 11 monthsJun 13, 2023 00:09:56 ago (+4/-0)

fuck you fed faggot

[ - ] PostWallHelena 4 points 11 monthsJun 12, 2023 23:37:34 ago (+5/-1)

Little jews are not all in on the conspiracies of the big jews. They dont keep secrets any better than the rest of us. Not much netter anyways. If theres something about to go down, 8 million jews dont get told it at the temple.

[ - ] Valerie 6 points 11 monthsJun 13, 2023 00:03:58 ago (+6/-0)

No such thing as big or small jew. It's all about tribalism. Like kurds or gypsies or even muslims in some way.

They will make you like them or even love them for own prosperity or security.

[ - ] PostWallHelena 3 points 11 monthsJun 13, 2023 08:03:58 ago (+3/-0)

There are all kinds of jews and they are not all about tribalism . Lots of reform jews are married to gentiles, iIf many of these were “in on” 9-11, we would have heard about it by now.

[ - ] SumerBreeze 1 point 11 monthsJun 13, 2023 10:22:50 ago (+1/-0)

That’s like saying they are “in on” genociding Palestinians. Doesn’t matter if they will irregardless accept and support the existence of the state of Israel.

[ - ] PostWallHelena 2 points 11 monthsJun 13, 2023 10:33:46 ago (+2/-0)

Ok I agree that “little jews” dont consciously consider it genocide, while supporting the palestinian genocide because theyve been indoctrinated to believe its their right and they are the victims.

But a jew who theoretically “knows” to get out of town because an attack is coming is a completely different phenomenon. That is a conscious conspiracy if a little jew decides to hide this information from the gentiles. Im saying thats not what is going on here. Not at all comparable to jews coping about Israel being theirs.

[ - ] SumerBreeze 0 points 11 monthsJun 13, 2023 15:40:47 ago (+0/-0)

All of those little jews who escaped the WTC demolitions on 9/11 didn’t know why they had to skip showing up.

Shalom! Don’t go to work today!

It’s as simple as that. Here is Al Franken saying that he was told not to show up, and who told him @7:12:


[ - ] SumerBreeze 4 points 11 monthsJun 12, 2023 23:56:50 ago (+4/-0)

Don’t be naive - many of them have at least one relative that is in on worldwide MOSSAD networks to help lead them to the non-poisoned wells.

I wouldn’t be surprised if OP is witnessing an anxious jew checking for GPS tracking devices on his new investment mobile home.

[ - ] PostWallHelena 3 points 11 monthsJun 13, 2023 08:07:10 ago (+3/-0)

Ive lived around jews and been friends with some of them. They are not all related to mossad agents. Many have never been to israel and dont know anyone who lives there.

[ - ] SumerBreeze 0 points 11 monthsJun 13, 2023 10:10:50 ago (+0/-0)

They all have that one auntie that won’t tell them exactly why she knows things… and that cousin twice removed that is a practicing pedophilic rabbi. They will side with them over you.

[ - ] PostWallHelena 1 point 11 monthsJun 13, 2023 10:13:35 ago (+1/-0)

Im not questioning whom they side with. Im saying they arent all consciously in on a conspiracy to “get gentiles” like the 9-11 attacks.

[ - ] SumerBreeze 0 points 11 monthsJun 13, 2023 10:18:52 ago (+0/-0)

You must understand that, subconsciously, they are hoping that’s the case. The ones that aren’t completely low IQ retards absolutely know that they must hide their glee and hand-rubbing when that conversation starts up.

[ - ] 3Whuurs 2 points 11 monthsJun 13, 2023 02:13:39 ago (+2/-0)

Not that I up OP’s post at all, but the Schmouly in his story was a too regional banking jew, so that particular schmo would definitely get the old Mossad heads up.

[ - ] PostWallHelena 2 points 11 monthsJun 13, 2023 08:08:26 ago (+2/-0)

Maybe? I guess some of us should learn hebrew and yiddish.

[ - ] SumerBreeze 0 points 11 monthsJun 13, 2023 10:12:30 ago (+0/-0)*

All you need is common sense, but it seems you’re all dried up. You sound more and more in the stages of adopting your enemies nest because it’s been made more comfortable - what with all the subsidies stolen from the common taxpayer.

[ - ] PostWallHelena 1 point 11 monthsJun 13, 2023 10:14:17 ago (+1/-0)

If you say so.

[ - ] Sector7 0 points 11 monthsJun 13, 2023 14:15:02 ago (+0/-0)

People can't randomly pay taxes. It literally takes work to become complicit enough with the ZOG to be able to support them. People even spend years getting programed in order to qualify for the benefits of collaboration with the jews.

[ - ] purityspiral 3 points 11 monthsJun 13, 2023 05:47:15 ago (+3/-0)

He doesn't know you come here.

He probably thinks you are just his buddy.

Ask him. Buddies, ain't ya? Ask him.

If it's boring or a dead end, you won't even have to tell us.

[ - ] Cantaloupe 3 points 11 monthsJun 13, 2023 01:26:12 ago (+3/-0)*

There was a Jewish guy who told everyone to get out of New York before it went to shit.

Yes you have to keep your eye on things

Look at what happened in Ukraine. Jewish evacuation

[ - ] Nozyedys 2 points 11 monthsJun 13, 2023 04:05:38 ago (+2/-0)

Neighbor or not it's obvious that something big is coming. There's a saying I like to use. "You don't have to outrun the bear, only your friend".

To put it into context, when SHTF just aim to be better prepared than 95% of the population and you should be fine.

[ - ] 3Whuurs 2 points 11 monthsJun 13, 2023 02:03:36 ago (+2/-0)

So Jews committing the greatest act of terror in US history and telling every Jew around about it, is such an unquestionable certainty to you, that just watching your local Rabbi going camping has you convinced he’s now got word again him and his tribe are about to do it to you again.

And not only is he your friend and hasn’t warned you, but you still don’t hate jews….?

Why would you even be on this site if you’re not smart enough to be anti semitic?

[ - ] SumerBreeze 2 points 11 monthsJun 12, 2023 23:40:17 ago (+2/-0)*

Homes will be targeted in the suburbs, is all. This kind of sneaky jew is not confrontational and will lose a fight, and finds solace in a “oh woe is me I live in a trailer home - get those rich white people instead!” mode.

If you have weapons and know how to use them, you should be fine.

Also, how can you “like” that “good luck with the fallout my brethren created specifically for you, goy!” kind of person? You might be a pushover for small pleasantries or easily flattered, but that kind of guy knows about the full force jew push to turn America into the next Nazi Germany or even the new kulak mass graveyard!

[ - ] IdlyDyiny 1 point 11 monthsJun 13, 2023 01:08:19 ago (+1/-0)

I'm unclear. Is he already gone or going?

[ - ] deleted 0 points 11 monthsJun 13, 2023 02:10:08 ago (+0/-0)


[ - ] Joe_McCarthy 0 points 11 monthsJun 13, 2023 00:17:48 ago (+2/-2)

A guy I knew was deeply involved in the Cuban Missile Crisis. When he sent his family out of town during it the neighbors got nervous. They had some inkling of his involvement.

That made more sense than your rationale here. But nuclear war with Russia now may be almost as heightened as it was then. So I suppose your decision to head for the hills as it were makes some sense anyway.