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30 comments block

[ - ] I_am_baal 5 points 11 monthsJun 12, 2023 08:35:15 ago (+5/-0)

We should have some bots that mirror image and video links.

[ - ] x0x7 10 points 11 monthsJun 12, 2023 09:06:46 ago (+10/-0)*

I do have img.gvid.tv that could be used to mirror. I'd probably have to update the code if catbox is that bad because it's a multi-host and it would use the original catbox link as one of the sources and pick one at random. I'd just have to add code to detect if catbox is down and pick another option if it is.

Regular gvid can mirror video.

I recently also created a caching proxy for catbox on gvid just because it's slow. I could expand the caching policy to 24h instead of the current 15 minutes and it would carry. It resets its TTL every time someone loads so it could actually cache for a long time. (edit: 24h ttl now in).

Then we could use a userscript to replace all file.catbox.moe/{file} links with gvid.tv/catbox/{file} and at least those of us with it would not be effected. Or if the uploader remembers it that link will stay up through any downtime if at least if its on the front page or close to it.

I might set up a catbox.gvid.tv subdomain if that's easier to remember but it would just be the same thing.

The other benefit is that that server understands seeking video better than catbox does. The first load is a literal pass through proxy so the first load will act like catbox.

Edit: Example, https://files.catbox.moe/03mtvn.mp4 to https://gvid.tv/catbox/03mtvn.mp4

[ - ] bobdole9 7 points 11 monthsJun 12, 2023 09:39:38 ago (+7/-0)

Your hard work is underappreciated. Thank you.

[ - ] mannerbund 1 point 11 monthsJun 12, 2023 10:00:23 ago (+1/-0)

What is the caching proxy?

If the URI of the elements stay the same you can do something like an NGINX RP with multiple origins and have it fail over to another origin on 404 or timeout (which would be set short). This keeps the site code the same and puts all of the logic on the proxy.

[ - ] x0x7 2 points 11 monthsJun 12, 2023 13:16:14 ago (+2/-0)*

The caching proxy is something I wrote in nodejs. For that there isn't necessarily another origin to go to.

The multi-image host has multiple origins but just does a redirect. For that just pinging the status of catbox every now and again for its general status would be better than checking it then redirecting.

For the caching proxy, different than the image host, it's not going to know any other origin to check. If someone posted it to voat the link was likely working at the time they posted it. At that point it's cached and there is no need to check 404s with catbox, we already have it.

[ - ] mannerbund 0 points 11 monthsJun 12, 2023 16:03:14 ago (+0/-0)

I was thinking something like this, which could be pretty light weight and would dynamically hunt various upstreams. Any catbox link could be transformed into the domain that serves this reverse proxy.

Granted, it is another host, which is a pain, but I figured I should flush out my thought based on some other work I had done previously to close out the idea for my own sake.

http {
upstream my_upstream {
server backend1.example.com;
server backend2.example.com;
server backend3.example.com;

proxy_cache_path /tmp/nginx levels=1:2 keys_zone=my_cache:10m max_size=10g inactive=60m;
proxy_cache_use_stale error timeout updating http_500 http_502 http_503 http_504;

server {
listen 80;
access_log off;

location / {
proxy_pass http://my_upstream;
proxy_cache my_cache;
proxy_cache_bypass $http_cache_control;
proxy_cache_valid 200 206 301 302 24h;
proxy_cache_key $scheme$proxy_host$request_uri;
proxy_connect_timeout 1s;
proxy_next_upstream error timeout http_404;

[ - ] I_am_baal 0 points 11 monthsJun 12, 2023 09:23:02 ago (+0/-0)

That would be better than what we have, but it still presents as a single point of failure whereas a comment on a thread with individual links to each host wouldn't disappear unless this site becomes fucky.

[ - ] RobertJHarsh 3 points 11 monthsJun 12, 2023 09:21:39 ago (+3/-0)

I have noticed it has been slow. I figured they were being throttle by whoever their hosting service is. My first guess is kikery is involved but maybe they aren't making their bills.

[ - ] I_am_baal 1 point 11 monthsJun 12, 2023 09:32:34 ago (+1/-0)

That's my guess. I get the throttling problem too, but it goes away completely through a VPN.

[ - ] RobertJHarsh 2 points 11 monthsJun 12, 2023 10:21:20 ago (+2/-0)

I have noticed some VPN locations are better than others with them.

[ - ] I_am_baal 0 points 11 monthsJun 12, 2023 10:23:14 ago (+0/-0)


[ - ] boekanier 2 points 11 monthsJun 12, 2023 09:18:21 ago (+2/-0)

I have no problems with catbox

[ - ] DonaldJTrump 2 points 11 monthsJun 12, 2023 09:07:26 ago (+2/-0)

We could donate to Catbox. Poor guys never make their monthly budget in donations. Alternatively, if @system wants to talk, the fuck off we're full network has resources I'd be willing to share.

[ - ] oldvoat 1 point 11 monthsJun 12, 2023 11:35:27 ago (+1/-0)

Catbox also doesn't load when using Tor, so it's not compatible with anonymity.

Always use a real image host that respects privacy.

[ - ] x0x7 0 points 11 monthsJun 12, 2023 21:21:58 ago (+0/-0)

Another area where the caching proxy can help. Just use https://gvid.tv/catbox/{file} That should work over tor.

[ - ] oldvoat 0 points 11 monthsJun 13, 2023 20:03:05 ago (+0/-0)

Thanks for that. I've seen a few of your other posts and your positive efforts haven't been unnoticed by me, at least. I would have expected that Catbox would supports anonymous connections, but I remember a post awhile back that it's a honeypot, though I don't have proof and don't use it.

What did you use on the back end for the caching proxy? I'm working on a forum.

[ - ] x0x7 1 point 11 monthsJun 13, 2023 21:57:10 ago (+1/-0)

It's nodejs. That's basically what I use for everything.

[ - ] oldvoat 0 points 11 monthsJun 13, 2023 23:18:14 ago (+0/-0)

Good to know, thanks I'll give it a try.

[ - ] MuricaPersonified 1 point 11 monthsJun 12, 2023 08:49:17 ago (+1/-0)

System should probably have someone competent set up our own image host. Seagate is going to be releasing a new series of high capacity HDDs, so hosting a private server should become more economical.

The fly in the pie is the possibilty of feds uploading CP to it and using that as justification for a raid.

[ - ] Equalizer 0 points 11 monthsJun 12, 2023 12:22:17 ago (+0/-0)

catbox as an image host (for posting on normie sites) is shit. Mostly because it temperamental and sometimes real slow sometimes. I just repost on other image host sites. If you use it as a host in a picture thread there's a chance all your pics will be missing for who knows how long.

catbox as a video host is ok since it's not going to take down anything talking bad about Israel/Democrats/Immigration/Trannies etc. Other normie host sites might depending on how woke they are.

Bandwidth wise the videos are usually short and to the point anyway and have to be clicked on before streaming starts, unlike pictures always taking up bandwidth inside a picture thread on a forum just from everyone browsing it.

I've never been able to upload large video files (under 200mb) to catbox. Everytime there was an error, even tho I know people do it. Maybe it was always at a bad time. I tried the same on https://litterbox.catbox.moe/ and got better results but it's only a temporary host.

[ - ] ruck_feddit 0 points 11 monthsJun 12, 2023 12:13:32 ago (+0/-0)

I'll tell you what can be done: Everyone knows catbox is down a lot, so everyone should definitely keep using it. You don't need to view 4/5ths of the posts on voat while you're taking a shit in the morning, afternoon, or night.

[ - ] blit416 0 points 11 monthsJun 12, 2023 09:35:38 ago (+0/-0)

i’ll pitch in 5$ if everyone wants to chuck in 5 for an imagehost. someone register it under a 3rd party so we can use regular CC or interac for payments and pass around the hat. maybe use GAbs payment system huh ? i’m down, man

[ - ] RMGoetbbels 0 points 11 monthsJun 12, 2023 09:43:07 ago (+0/-0)

Catbox has a $1200 a month operating cost, sure, it's a thousand users but still, $5 isn't going to cut it.

That said, I rarely have problems with catbox. A lot of the times in these instances it has more to do with the user and not the site.

[ - ] SecretHitler 1 point 11 monthsJun 12, 2023 10:52:16 ago (+1/-0)

Why does it cost so much? I've run websites and that seems excessive. Does that include the admins paying themselves or something?

[ - ] RMGoetbbels 0 points 11 monthsJun 12, 2023 17:41:55 ago (+0/-0)

Operational Cost Breakdown
Datacenter Colocation: $971/month
Upgrades/Hardware Maintenance: $200/month
Offsite Storage: $200/month
Cloud Server Providers: $40/month
Administrative Costs: $60/month
Total Monthly Costs: $1,471
Funding this month (June 2023)


Catbox isn't interested in us, it never has been. It's primary goal is "artists" of hentai porn and anime. We ended up there by accident, had very few problems and just continued on. Sometimes we kick into the kitty but mostly, it's a free site for most of our users.

It was having trouble about a year ago and I know we all use it, me less because I don't really post spicy memes or cartoons or anything really but.........I enjoy those who do so I patreoned up and sent her/he/it/they/them $30 a month for awhile. It was the least I could do as much as we use the site. Then something happened and I stopped.

Again, for most of our users, it costs nothing. Nothing is free in this world but catbox comes close so when they bitch about it I like to remind them and put it into perspective.

[ - ] SecretHitler 0 points 11 monthsJun 12, 2023 18:30:53 ago (+0/-0)

Oh ok. That makes more sense if they're colocating. I guess if that's necessary because of what kind of content they're hosting I get it now.

[ - ] o0shad0o 0 points 11 monthsJun 12, 2023 09:33:42 ago (+0/-0)

I bought catbox stickers, didn't you?

[ - ] kammmmak 0 points 11 monthsJun 12, 2023 09:29:03 ago (+0/-0)


[ - ] SignedUp 0 points 11 monthsJun 12, 2023 09:24:34 ago (+0/-0)

Plenty of direct link upload sites that don't expire and aren't as shit as catbox;

And many more.

[ - ] pussycowposhposh 0 points 11 monthsJun 12, 2023 08:41:28 ago (+0/-0)

Is Catbox under new management?


Or is it the case of a DDOS attack shutting down access to the website?