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Universal basic income to be trialed in England

submitted by dosvydanya_freedomz to news 1 yearJun 6, 2023 08:53:17 ago (+1/-0)     (rmx.news)


Plans have been announced to trial a universal basic income (UBI) in England that would see up to 30 people receive an unconditional payment of £1,600 (€1,854) a month.

Under the scheme, which is the first of its kind in England, residents in central Jarrow, northeast England, and East Finchley, north London, will be handed the funds each month for two years, and researchers will monitor the effect the payment has on their work ethic and mental well-being.

The trial run has been organized by the progressive Autonomy think tank, which is seeking to fund the £1.6 million (€1.85 million) scheme through private donors. The initiative is not being paid for by U.K. taxpayers and is not affiliated with the British government.

WEF triaging in england or is it queen charles?

3 comments block

[ - ] CoinQuest 0 points 1 yearJun 6, 2023 09:59:18 ago (+0/-0)


[ - ] yesiknow 0 points 1 yearJun 6, 2023 12:07:26 ago (+0/-0)

Corporate welfare.

They're going to Starbucks. They're buying Nikes and Canada Goose and that's going into jew BlackRock's pockets. Blackrock is a jewish religious name like calling it the Holy Cross of Jesus Hedge Fund, except Fink believes the world needs to be destroyed to go back before what they think is the original sin when Chinamen and Whites stole light and energy from them. They need you to know you're just slaves to them.

Find a fucken jew who doesn't believe "taxes are for the little people". In their script it's "lesser beings", non jews.