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13 comments block

[ - ] usedoilanalysis 2 points 1 yearJun 6, 2023 10:22:50 ago (+2/-0)

Don't use water, oil and water don't mix, use a degreaser, soap, simple green, brake cleaner, acetone, rubbing alcohol, Everclear, Soda pop.

[ - ] SumerBreeze [op] 1 point 1 yearJun 6, 2023 11:07:14 ago (+1/-0)

Soapy water using Dial dish detergent seemed to work very well judging by comments on other similar videos.

[ - ] CowboyHenk 0 points 1 yearJun 7, 2023 00:56:19 ago (+0/-0)

Dial gay

[ - ] PostWallHelena 1 point 1 yearJun 6, 2023 09:56:09 ago (+1/-0)

FYI the chinks make laquer from the sap of a related toxicodendron plant which contains urushiol.

Ive had problems because I thought I had washed the stuff off sufficiently but hadn’t! Its just horrible stuff. Oral antihistamines help. You can get it bad enough to have a systemic reaction in which your respiratory tract closes off! Tryclopyr triethelamine salt is the stuff Ive used on it around the yard and it works pretty well on PI without wiping out everything else around it.

Know what this shit looks like. Weve got 2 species of poison ivy and poison oak and poison sumac in my area. Fuck around and find out!

[ - ] IdlyDyiny 1 point 1 yearJun 6, 2023 12:12:42 ago (+1/-0)

All it takes is a razor knife to slip into the back of a tent silently. Bring a gun. Set up a perimeter.

[ - ] SumerBreeze [op] 1 point 1 yearJun 6, 2023 16:43:48 ago (+1/-0)

I sleep hammock in the trees and sometimes wake up to watch the coyotes and other wildlife scurry below me.

[ - ] mannerbund 1 point 1 yearJun 6, 2023 12:40:52 ago (+1/-0)

Dirt works well. When I find myself in the foliage unexpectedly, I find dry powdered up dirt and rub it in, rinse it off, and repeat a few times. This helps if as soon as possible.

Works quite well given I'm not carrying around soap and supplies while bush whacking.

I tend to have quite the reaction, so I was pretty happy when dirt worked so well after first using it in a desperate attempt to absorb the oils.

[ - ] allAheadFull 1 point 1 yearJun 6, 2023 16:25:51 ago (+1/-0)

Alcohol, rubbing or drinking kind, stronger the better, pour don't scrub. Try not to rub it in or do anything like use soap that will remove your own skin oil which would allow the urushiol to soak in.

[ - ] FacelessOne 0 points 1 yearJun 6, 2023 07:16:39 ago (+2/-2)

Eat some as a kid and you'll become immune.

[ - ] Sector7 0 points 1 yearJun 6, 2023 10:31:46 ago (+0/-0)

Ha, second grade me watched a kid walking home in my direction take a dare to throw himself into a 20 x 10 x 5 foot deep patch of poison ivy. He did, then rubbed it on his face and arms while laughing. I never saw that kid again.

[ - ] Sector7 0 points 1 yearJun 6, 2023 10:26:26 ago (+0/-0)

If you do successfully remove the Urushiol oil, you'll miss the amazing sensation that comes from hitting the rash with super hot water in the shower. Like the greatest sensation of "scratching an itch" possible.

Had poison oak for a couple years while clearing it from 20 acres. (can grow to resemble a smaller oak tree) Turns out the hot water trick can make it 'almost' worth intentionally getting the Urushiol rash.

[ - ] Anus_Expander -1 points 1 yearJun 6, 2023 11:04:14 ago (+0/-1)

Ask your tentbro to pee on it