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rick wiles from "trunews" interviews social justice chatbot ( interview 36:00 mins long)

submitted by dosvydanya_freedomz to technology 1 yearJun 5, 2023 18:55:17 ago (+2/-0)     (www.trunews.com)


skip to 10:00 to start to hear all the bullshit about inequality, social justice, discrimination and climate change for all the ills of mankind <emphasis mine>

the AI bot repeats the same crap as a mantra. 15 mins in and i feel nigger hearing this chatbot speak such blah blah blah
the thing must be an al gore fan

1 comments block

[ - ] localsal 0 points 1 yearJun 5, 2023 19:41:53 ago (+0/-0)

Yeah, not an "interview", just a list of dumb questions that most people have already asked.

A real interview would be to take any one of the retarded woke answers and hammer the ai to explain how that isn't already a thing.

For example, the first answer for how to make the world better was "equality" and all that bullshit - yet the interviewer did not ask how that isn't a thing already, since it has been law for over 60 years....

Waste of 36 minutes...