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Comment links break formatting

submitted by oyveyo to TalkDev 1 yearJun 5, 2023 02:47:18 ago (+4/-0)     (TalkDev)

This is the link to the comment https://www.voat.xyz/viewpost?postid=647cf2cee91db&commentid=647d715565334
This is the link to the thread https://www.voat.xyz/viewpost?postid=647cf2cee91db

You'll notice that the first link has broken formatting for the equation at the end of my comment, while the formatting is correct in the second link.

edit: Someone reported that the first link looks fine. This is what I see https://files.catbox.moe/l518l1.jpg

The first link it creates is https://www.voat.xyz/2%5E(9/3 <--this just broke in this post edit
second is https://www.voat.xyz/1+1

Browser: Waterfox G5.0.1

My guess is that the server is interpreting the math division symbol "/" as a subverse reference in the first link, but not in the second link... not really sure what's happening but that's why we have @system

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