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Did this just really happen? HAHAHAHA

submitted by SumerBreeze to Biden 1 yearJun 1, 2023 05:33:26 ago (+46/-0)     (files.catbox.moe)


From Twitter


To top it off, the nigger sheboon is directing him to head off stage “come on, let’s go doggie”

What a strange moment

25 comments block

[ - ] beece 0 points 1 yearJun 1, 2023 08:34:20 ago (+0/-0)*

Fucking awesome! Twitters new World Economic Forum censorious lapdog hire must have had it deleted cause it's gone. The people who rule the world seem to have giving up on Biden. Wonder who they have in mind to run the country next.

Thanks for the full version Vaccinnewaters, that's as least as stunning as Kirby all but drools and his eyes glaze over. LOL

[ - ] NoRefunds 0 points 1 yearJun 1, 2023 08:44:27 ago (+0/-0)

Biden has already done all the damage he can do, they are flushing him to let the next one take his place.

[ - ] kammmmak 1 point 1 yearJun 1, 2023 09:03:37 ago (+1/-0)

He is just a fucking puppet. It's always the same gang different puppet.

[ - ] kammmmak 0 points 1 yearJun 1, 2023 09:01:09 ago (+0/-0)

Thank you 😜

[ - ] TheNoticing 0 points 1 yearJun 2, 2023 11:24:03 ago (+0/-0)


[ - ] bobdole9 2 points 1 yearJun 1, 2023 06:30:03 ago (+2/-0)

Can't answer a question, has to run away like a child.

Shame this coup is full of chicken shits.

[ - ] PeckerwoodPerry 4 points 1 yearJun 1, 2023 05:43:25 ago (+4/-0)

All part of the show.

[ - ] SumerBreeze [op] 5 points 1 yearJun 1, 2023 05:45:07 ago (+5/-0)

Sloppy international kikes ruining the world, time and time again

[ - ] VaccineWaters 15 points 1 yearJun 1, 2023 07:43:49 ago (+15/-0)

[ - ] SumerBreeze [op] 13 points 1 yearJun 1, 2023 08:07:28 ago (+13/-0)

Ok so the clip I posted is cut short, which made it seem they were in a “panic, evacuate to bunker” mode, but his response is just as bare bones and weak.

Thank you for correcting the OP and improving the thread!

[ - ] InYourFaceNancyGrace 3 points 1 yearJun 1, 2023 09:05:45 ago (+3/-0)

My wife has difficulty admitting fault, which is often culminated in the form of an apology (at least in her mind). So many times, instead of apologizing, she'll say "Well I already apologized for it!" At which point I point out that she hadn't, yada yada I usually get an "Fine! I'm sorry for x."

That's what this guy just did, and the reporter should have called him on it. "Oh sorry I must have missed what the president said about his mile-long rap sheet of taking foreign money for political favors in America - please refresh me."

But we don't have a free press, especially not in the WH briefing room.

[ - ] bobdole9 1 point 1 yearJun 1, 2023 09:26:28 ago (+1/-0)

I really don't understand why it's so hard to eat hot crow. If you're wrong, own it. It's all part of learning. Don't hide the crow and let it rot; the longer it sits the harder it is to swallow.

[ - ] InYourFaceNancyGrace 1 point 1 yearJun 1, 2023 10:40:19 ago (+1/-0)*

I'm with you. I see it two ways thought:

- Either you're right so often that it's very uncomfortable/unusual to find yourself in the wrong, so you honestly look at the situation critically before admitting fault.

- You're wrong so often that you cling desperately to any victory you can get, so when you think you've gotten something right, but it becomes clear you're wrong, your ego can't take the immediate shock of letting go of the win, so it has to be pried out of you.

And of course there is just ego regardless. Some people are so fragile they just can't be wrong. My current boss has this problem. Hers is so bad that when I freely admit fault, she gets defensive of me to the tune of:

"Oh no, no! No! You didn't make a mistake, no! It's just, it needs to be different, but you weren't wrong!"

I'm just like, "Yea I was, it's fine; I should have known better, and I'll get it next time." But she can't even take that from me. It's so weird. She's also quite incompetent, so... story for another time.

[ - ] PotatoWhisperer2 1 point 1 yearJun 2, 2023 12:01:37 ago (+1/-0)

I'm just like, "Yea I was, it's fine; I should have known better, and I'll get it next time."

This is a White-man thing. Very, very, few people can even attempt to honestly criticize themselves and even fewer admit, in public, their mistakes. There are certain industries however, that require you to do so or people will die.

[ - ] TheNoticing 0 points 1 yearJun 2, 2023 11:24:44 ago (+0/-0)

Sounds to me like you may have married a narcissist.

[ - ] InYourFaceNancyGrace 0 points 1 yearJun 2, 2023 13:13:50 ago (+0/-0)*

I was going to elaborate because I know it sounded like this, but I couldn't seem to write it without appearing arrogant. LSS - she's not a narcissist, marriages often have moral conflicts where W's and L's are subconsciously counted because of the power dynamics, especially with kids in the picture, and she just has trouble giving up the L's, particularly if that column is much larger than the W. I can be more explicit, but you don't really give enough of a shit to read a wall of text on the matter, and I don't blame you.

[ - ] Sector7 0 points 1 yearJun 2, 2023 16:32:32 ago (+0/-0)

"marriages often have moral conflicts where W's and L's are subconsciously counted because of the power dynamics,"

Wasn't happy about it at the time, but thank God I've been divorced for over 20 years now. The packaging was top tier, and the damage in transit wasn't apparent at first.

[ - ] InYourFaceNancyGrace 1 point 1 yearJun 2, 2023 17:18:17 ago (+1/-0)

Wasn't happy about it at the time

Well, a wise man once said "No happy/good marriage ends in divorce." I accept this instance as one of my wife's minor flaws - minor because she, ironically enough, accepts and admits to it too. I have my flaws as well of course, and she'll press on those when necessary. It's marriage, so... kinda part of the package of creating a permanent bond to someone else and forming a family unit with parts of both of you (hopefully the best parts). Also why "gay marriage" is a non-starter as "marriage," but another conversation for another time...

So weird because, as a biochemist (well, former), I can picture these conflicts happening at a molecular level when competing genes encounter one another in the formation of a new human. I presume the genes don't argue, it's all physics, charges, etc. at that level, but... that's basically everyone's presumption as to why some genes win and others lose. "It's just physics and chemistry..."

[ - ] VaccineWaters 0 points 1 yearJun 1, 2023 09:24:45 ago (+0/-0)


[ - ] x0x7 0 points 1 yearJun 1, 2023 08:08:32 ago (+0/-0)

What is up with his upper lip?

[ - ] Sector7 0 points 1 yearJun 2, 2023 16:35:17 ago (+0/-0)

In times of stress, the projection of the human form can waver a bit.

[ - ] Rebooted 0 points 1 yearJun 1, 2023 10:33:37 ago (+0/-0)

Anyone know how to download from that site?

[ - ] MuricaPersonified 0 points 1 yearJun 1, 2023 13:36:26 ago (+0/-0)

From catbox, just right click and save video as. From twitter, you'll need a plugin or third party site.

[ - ] observation1 0 points 1 yearJun 1, 2023 11:55:21 ago (+0/-0)

hey, look. somebody who actually fact checks.

[ - ] Bottled_Tears 0 points 1 yearJun 1, 2023 13:09:41 ago (+0/-0)

God damn even then they still deflect it. There are so many facts and truths and it's unbelievable that these are the people running the country.