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4 comments block

[ - ] SumerBreeze 3 points 1 yearMay 31, 2023 07:38:43 ago (+3/-0)

Nothing spiritual about nasty kikes that simply want to rape children like it tells them to in their Talmud.

Fuck those disgusting jews and their degenerate ways.

[ - ] deleted 2 points 1 yearMay 31, 2023 11:51:10 ago (+2/-0)


[ - ] NaturalSelectionistWorker 1 point 1 yearMay 31, 2023 18:35:06 ago (+1/-0)

I read a couple thousand words of this, and my main problem with it so far is that it treats Marx and Freud as if they're legitimate thinkers who happen to have a flawed/harmful worldview, rather than as subversive kikes who were intentionally wrong to deceive the goyim and keep us controlled.

It also assumes that leftist scientism is based on the actual results of the scientific method, when in fact most leftist scientismists have many radically anti-scientific beliefs. For example, biology says that part of the purpose of any living creature is to secure the continued survival of its genes and maintain an environment that makes its genetic survival possible. Species that do that well tend to survive, those that don't fail to survive. So scientifically, heterosexuality is good for organisms that reproduce sexually (including humans) while homosexuality is at best useless and at worst wasteful and self destructive. However, you will never hear leftist scientism supporters acknowledge that biology supports heterosexual behavior in sexually reproducing organisms, because their support for "muh science" is absolutely not in any way shape or form based on respect for the scientific method or the results of its application to human existence.

He is right, though, that attempting to push back against irrational behaviors like homosexuality through rational means is typically a failing strategy, because the reasons people are turning to degeneracy have nothing to do with rationality. As tempting it is to push back against the homos directly and try to repress them, ultimately their behavior is a side effect of their lack of any hope for the future or connection to their past. As parasitism increases in a society, sexual degeneracy increases with it, because the link between proper behavior and hereditary success diminishes as parasitism increases.

[ - ] prototype [op] 0 points 1 yearMay 31, 2023 18:43:16 ago (+0/-0)

I read a couple thousand words of this, and my main problem with it so far is that it treats Marx and Freud as if they're legitimate thinkers who happen to have a flawed/harmful worldview, rather than as subversive kikes who were intentionally wrong to deceive the goyim and keep us controlled.

Does it really matter though, whether they are being subversive or legitimately believed these idealogies?
Think of it this way, would it change the necessity to annhilate marxism, if the marxists were sincere rather than subversive?

It also assumes that leftist scientism

I didn't get that impression. Just the use of "scietism" rather than "science" indicated the opposite to me.

In any case, I'm glad someone besides me took the time to read and understand the work.