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Their is so much antisemitism just under the surface of almost everything

submitted by Doglegwarrior to TellUpgoat 11 monthsMay 29, 2023 14:37:28 ago (+5/-3)     (TellUpgoat)

When you think of any war or discuss any war in America's history you are very close to being an anti semite when you understand every war has been a Jewish banker war. When you discuss the media in any negative way you are also very close to being a jew hater. If you look into the feminism and how it has destroyed women again you are treading on anti semite Jewish hate. If you look into the declining birth rates of whites again antisemitism is just under the surface... if you look into the abuse of women in porn and other industries again you might be a jew hater...

Shit if you look into anything negative happening to white Americans then you are probably a jew hating person.

I guess the Amish are not antisemites maybe.

4 comments block

[ - ] Doglegwarrior [op] 0 points 10 monthsJun 2, 2023 09:09:47 ago (+0/-0)

Shut the fuck up cunt until you debate me everyone sees you are a jew coward with a brigade of down voters... this post should not have been down voted except you got flying jew monkey boys to brigade typical jew shit.

Nothing controversial or weird about this post just naming the jew which almost never gets down votes, but when you got a gay nigger jew fuck brigade downvoting anything you post that's what happens.

BTW this was not some awesome post and I don't care about votes just pointing out honkymcniggerspic is a shill with a brigade I guess he cares about votes

[ - ] Cantaloupe 2 points 11 monthsMay 29, 2023 15:08:29 ago (+3/-1)

Rockefellers seemed to have caused a lot of problems.

[ - ] RepublicanNerd 1 point 11 monthsMay 29, 2023 19:26:53 ago (+1/-0)

If you boil it down everything on earth is based on antisemetism /s

Just ask the jews.

[ - ] HonkyMcNiggerSpic 1 point 11 monthsMay 29, 2023 14:42:08 ago (+2/-1)

I pointed this out in 1990. You and owen are late to the party. You are so far behind. You talk about jews but yet worship (((owen benjewin))) and are a proud member of his gay ass bear cult. You talk about niggers yet post about some nigra athlete. You speak out of both sides of your mouth just like a fuckin kike.