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The current degeneracy started with prostitution & porn

submitted by Conspirologist to Pedogate 1 yearMay 24, 2023 06:16:14 ago (+9/-3)     (Pedogate)

I was advocating to ban prostitution and porn since the beginning. But nobody cared. I was explaining that prostitutes are abuse victims, abused in childhood by pedophiles. But nobody cared. Now children are being groomed by faggots in schools. Still nobody cares. Judeo-Satanists are just a bunch of degenerates. The problem is a lot of people are mentally retarded and let them do anything they want.

6 comments block

[ - ] TheEmperor -3 points 1 yearMay 24, 2023 13:54:45 ago (+0/-3)

Prostitution (and pornography by extension) is not tolerated in the Last Empire.
Purveyors of such degeneracy shall be strictly punished.

[ - ] ClaytonBigsby313 0 points 1 yearMay 24, 2023 14:34:17 ago (+0/-0)

No it started with feminism and hippies.

[ - ] Sector7 0 points 1 yearMay 24, 2023 16:45:31 ago (+0/-0)

The current degeneracy started with the 1964/1965 jewish-led Free Speech Riots in Berkeley.

[ - ] NaturalSelectionistWorker 1 point 1 yearMay 24, 2023 11:11:32 ago (+1/-0)

Prostitution was already banned. Porn was weaponized, sure, but without jewish commercialism and the anti white agenda constantly pushing the envelope there'd be less bbc, tranny, gay, gangbang, cheating, and other weird/abusive fetish porn. Jacking off to solo and amateur couple vids may still mess with you, but it's not nearly as fucked up as what judeo-porn does to you.

[ - ] Peleg 3 points 1 yearMay 24, 2023 08:37:44 ago (+3/-0)

People do care. People have always cared. Folks have lost the understanding of what to Do about it. This comes from the total push for "no violence".
Throughout the whole history of the world Violence has always been used to teach people what is acceptable and what is not. One hundred years ago if Anyone caught some pedo screwing a child they killed their disgusting ass right then and there. The war against violence has stopped that. Now if you try to even stop someone from screwing a child You will be the one who faces consequences, not the pedo.
Violence needs to make a comeback!