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9/11 – What Happened to the Planes and Passengers?

submitted by shitface9000 to JewsDid911 1.3 yearsMay 19, 2023 01:26:48 ago (+15/-0)     (files.catbox.moe)


19 comments block

[ - ] bonghits4jeebus 3 points 1.3 yearsMay 19, 2023 01:59:59 ago (+3/-0)

Why does he keep talking about cell phones when the recordings he was just going over specifically said they were taking place with the Airphone, meaning the stupid inflight thing they used to have. That thing is designed to make calls while an airplane is flying.

[ - ] observation1 1 point 1.3 yearsMay 19, 2023 04:08:14 ago (+1/-0)*

Those planes didn't have in-flight phones. They didn't. Look up the plane type. Those didn't come with phones.

After this documentary came out, another phone call recording was leaked, a passenger made the same strange call to a family member but after saying goodbye, left the phone on the hook. And somebody whispered "great job." We presume unwittingly, not realizing it would be heard.

[ - ] bonghits4jeebus 0 points 1.3 yearsMay 19, 2023 14:39:03 ago (+0/-0)*

The question of whether a cell phone works is irrelevant, and they spend time on it.

The calls could be fake is what I am saying. Just kind of dumb to debunk a scenario I didn't hear anyone in the doc bring up.

Also cell phones do at least kind of work in flight. That one you can test. I dunno if well enough to make a minutes long call, but I don't think flyboy's experiment was very good.

[ - ] NoRefunds 1 point 11 monthsOct 12, 2023 13:32:41 ago (+1/-0)

Also cell phones do at least kind of work in flight.

You are dumb or a kike, either way kys

[ - ] bonghits4jeebus 0 points 11 monthsOct 12, 2023 17:39:15 ago (+0/-0)

At least i'm not necroing a 4 month old thread.

[ - ] observation1 0 points 1.3 yearsMay 19, 2023 17:50:43 ago (+0/-0)

Busted on Mythbusters as a matter of fact.

I'm surprised to have met somebody who didn't know that cell phones don't work on planes to make calls.

[ - ] bonghits4jeebus 0 points 1.3 yearsMay 19, 2023 18:51:26 ago (+0/-0)*

They work at low altitude. When you're on LTE that's the same as a phone call. You may not have a lot of bandwidth, but voice requires like 12k/s ridiculously slow.

You can sit on your phone watchimg a video online until it climbs past a certain point. Now whether phones in 2001.could.do that is different.

IIRC analog phones were also much better about interference than digital ones. Not sure what they would have had in 2k1. In the sense that analog phones would just let you have a staticy convo. If the digital signal is bad it doesn't work at all.

[ - ] observation1 0 points 1.3 yearsMay 19, 2023 20:01:20 ago (+0/-0)

Lol. You are one hilariously ignorant mother lover.

[ - ] bonghits4jeebus 0 points 1.3 yearsMay 19, 2023 21:34:56 ago (+0/-0)

Btw I watched Mythbusters S4 cell phone episode. IDK if there's an update. They didn't even remotely test using a cell phone in flight. In fact, they were checking for interference on the aircraft, is what they wanted to simulate.

The internet on the airplane used to be cellular. So it absolutely can work. IDK why someone just doesn't start a phone call on a plane that sticks to 10,000 on clear days (such as a flight up the California coast) without saying anything. Like I said, you can't prove the negative, but you could at least try to make calls.

[ - ] observation1 0 points 1.3 yearsMay 19, 2023 23:45:09 ago (+0/-0)



[ - ] QuestionEverything 1 point 1.3 yearsMay 19, 2023 09:06:22 ago (+1/-0)

observation1's comment is correct: no inflight phone service. Reputedly, he was using his cell phone: which of course was impossible. This has been well investigated and remains a "BS item" that the US Gov't continues to proclaim as truth.

[ - ] bonghits4jeebus 0 points 1.3 yearsMay 19, 2023 14:48:17 ago (+0/-0)

The "great job" is even weirder. Why would a faker not just cut that out?

[ - ] observation1 0 points 1.3 yearsMay 19, 2023 17:52:48 ago (+0/-0)*

The recipient of the call is who recorded it.

Think about. The call needed to happen live, to the family- not pre recorded. Otherwise the prompting wouldn't work when you pause to answer or let the other person speak.

It is weird
I can't imagine the scenario where paddengers were led into a room and approached with instructions to call like that.

[ - ] rapid_water 1 point 1.3 yearsMay 19, 2023 07:17:00 ago (+1/-0)

The events of 911 have a strong connection to Israeli intelligence, from dancing Israeli's, hijackers known connections to Mossad agents and Israeli maintenance companies doing work within the towers in the preceding days. If 911 documentaries omit these facts then I have to question their accuracy or there alternative intent (misinformation)

A really good source for the Israeli connection is Ryan Dawson (ANC report). He has quite a bit of material to search through (I listen to his podcast). He is completely opposed to conspiracies that planes did not hit the pentagon, that planes were remote controlled, that planes landed in Ohio, etc... (which I am at odds with); however he makes the critical connection to Israeli which brings a very very strong argument


It's peculiar that the popular 911 conspiracies documentaries will do such diligent research, but omit the Israeli connection.

[ - ] Doglegwarrior 0 points 1.3 yearsMay 19, 2023 14:47:00 ago (+0/-0)

My gut instinct is they were remote planes. That's why no bodies. There were no flights that morning and two famous people were purposely not allowed on to quiet suspicious activity.

If you believe the official story of 9/11 you probably think we went to the moon 6 times and the good guys won ww2

[ - ] Belfuro 1 point 1.3 yearsMay 19, 2023 03:09:39 ago (+1/-0)

Didn't know that they never recovered any bodies.

For reference they recovered the nasa pilots bodies from Columbia disaster

[ - ] rhy 0 points 1.3 yearsMay 19, 2023 14:40:45 ago (+0/-0)

The planes landed in Ohio, military walked down the aisles and plugged everybody one at a time.

[ - ] shitface9000 [op] 0 points 1.3 yearsMay 19, 2023 21:17:23 ago (+0/-0)

I think they would do it bloodlessly like gas or electrocution

[ - ] observation1 0 points 1.3 yearsMay 19, 2023 01:42:00 ago (+0/-0)

Loose Change is a great documentary. The first release was better than the second. Those guys did God's work.