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15 comments block

[ - ] Rob3122 1 point 1 yearMay 15, 2023 18:14:37 ago (+1/-0)

Religion is big business!

[ - ] mikenigger [op] 2 points 1 yearMay 15, 2023 14:50:46 ago (+3/-1)

i wonder how many pedo scandals can $100bn bury

[ - ] Master_Foo 3 points 1 yearMay 15, 2023 15:03:17 ago (+6/-3)

The only reason this is being exposed is because the Jews found out the Mormons weren't sending the money to Israel, like they were supposed to.

So now the IRS is involved to make sure the money goes to Israel.

[ - ] UncleDoug 0 points 1 yearMay 18, 2023 11:40:13 ago (+0/-0)

Jews found out the Mormons weren't sending the money to Israel

...and mormons also baptise dead jews.

Its the spiderman meme where all the jews are out jewing each other, typical Abhramoid faiths.

[ - ] AryanPrime -1 points 1 yearMay 15, 2023 15:06:10 ago (+2/-3)

^^^kike crying his people aren't grifting enough

no one's fooled forum sliding inbred inferior genetics having kike filth

Oh and kikes are not "jews", never have been from day 1, but of course I don't expect a kike to figure that out

[ - ] JustALover 2 points 1 yearMay 15, 2023 15:18:28 ago (+2/-0)

Your comment makes no sense. In fact, most of your time spent here is accusing anything with more than 2 molecules of being a kike. So, yeah, in to the block list you go.

[ - ] 1nward -1 points 1 yearMay 15, 2023 15:23:26 ago (+0/-1)

[ - ] 1nward 3 points 1 yearMay 15, 2023 15:22:50 ago (+3/-0)

Translation: Jewish accountant fired by LDS for pedophilia and sexual misconduct.


David A. Nielsen, the twin brother of Lars Nielsen

In February, the SEC fined the Mormon church and Ensign Peak a total of $5 million for using shell companies to obscure the size of its investment portfolio. SEC investigators found the church "went to great lengths" to hide $32 billion in securities over nearly 20 years. It created 13 shell companies that were "assigned a local phone number that would go directly to voicemail" in case regulators checked in.

*David was working at financial firms in New York such as Goldman Sachs and D.E. Shaw & Co.* judeo Mormon mole.

[ - ] Master_Foo -1 points 1 yearMay 15, 2023 15:31:29 ago (+3/-4)*

This is why Christ-Cucks can't be allowed in the White-EthnoState.

Imagine the Mormon Church is a White-Ethnostate. In Utah, it's mostly Germans and English descendants. Mormons would probably be chill if they just stopped worshiping a jew, and declared the White-Race their highest power.

Christ-Cucks believe that if you baptize a Jew, the Jew becomes "not a jew". Baptizing a "non-white" essentially makes them "legally white". Nigger Christians are "real white people" in the same way "Troons are real women".

So, the Christ-Cuck will constantly be baptizing niggers and jews into the White-EthnoState.

Eventually a "not a jew" will be promoted into the treasury by a Christ-Cuck and jew everything up. And now the White-Ethnostate's finances are being exported to Israel.

[ - ] HeyJames 4 points 1 yearMay 15, 2023 16:28:23 ago (+4/-0)

You're wrong about Mormons they love spics and bring them in by the bus loads

[ - ] Master_Foo 2 points 1 yearMay 15, 2023 16:49:59 ago (+2/-0)

What part of:
the Christ-Cuck will constantly be baptizing niggers and jews into the White-EthnoState.
Don't you understand?

Are you just autistic and it triggered you that I didn't mention Mexicans?

I bet you reply with proof that you are autistic. Do it. I dare you.

[ - ] HeyJames 0 points 1 yearMay 15, 2023 18:00:52 ago (+0/-0)

In Utah, it's mostly Germans and English descendants.

This is what you said. You're wrong. Mormons have brought about ton of dirty spics to Utah. They're just like the faggot Texans who pretend to take pride in their heritage but bring in spics for cheap labor

[ - ] Master_Foo 1 point 1 yearMay 15, 2023 18:08:03 ago (+1/-0)

Autism confirmed.

[ - ] HeyJames 0 points 1 yearMay 15, 2023 18:57:01 ago (+0/-0)

Autism for noticing spics? Interesting