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Minneapolistan Proving Once Again that Magic Clay Works

submitted by La_Chalupacabra to whatever 1.4 yearsMay 14, 2023 22:12:11 ago (+3/-0)     (www.youtube.com)


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8 comments block

[ - ] deleted 2 points 1.4 yearsMay 14, 2023 22:20:59 ago (+2/-0)


[ - ] SumerBreeze 2 points 1.4 yearsMay 14, 2023 22:36:57 ago (+2/-0)

It’s Americuh, now. Thanks, Obama!

[ - ] x0x7 1 point 1.4 yearsMay 14, 2023 22:37:58 ago (+1/-0)

When they interbreed with you three generations from now your descendants will be 1/8th as dumb as them, but it will be enough that civilization will never see anything resembling rationality again.

[ - ] La_Chalupacabra [op] 1 point 1.4 yearsMay 14, 2023 23:02:43 ago (+1/-0)

But just think of the food!

[ - ] Ex_hack 1 point 1.4 yearsMay 14, 2023 22:23:15 ago (+1/-0)

Just Somalians doing Somalian things

[ - ] La_Chalupacabra [op] 1 point 1.4 yearsMay 14, 2023 23:03:23 ago (+1/-0)

Flush, please!

[ - ] jigganiggaboo 0 points 1.4 yearsMay 15, 2023 00:52:49 ago (+0/-0)

Bunch of disgusting niggers and muds. They can burn themselves down for all I care

[ - ] bonghits4jeebus 0 points 1.4 yearsMay 14, 2023 23:40:13 ago (+0/-0)
