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The Regime in D.C. is now outright denying the J6 are political prisoners. Here is the next step

submitted by prototype to random 1 yearMay 11, 2023 23:07:22 ago (+11/-0)     (random)

The fact that the regime is now using our language "autocratic regime", "political prisoner" means their grip is slipping. The fact they have to deny it means the language and perception is spreading. They are now on their backfoot.

We have a good chance of bringing the regime to a complete political collapse if this continues and accelerates.

People must perceive the federal government for what it truly is: an illegitimate regime, an occupation, one whose victims are political prisoners and not criminals.

The next step is to start calling the DC prisons "political internment facilities." or "dissident camps."

The public perception is changing. The regime's propaganda outlets are failing. Can you feel the anger in the public stirring?

The acceleration is starting to accelerate on its own.

They'll probably be in this thread soon to post "two more weeks" in hopes you shut off your brains from the sarcasm. But the truth is they're posting this because now they're scared, the propagandists and guys sitting in the fusion centers are scared because we're right.

We're going to win. As long as this continues, as long as we call them what they are, we're going to win. The regime is gonna come crashing down, along with all the guys enforcing it, the ones saying "I just have a job to do."

Call a spade a spade and watch the truth destroy the occupation and its goons. Accelerate.

14 comments block

[ - ] deleted 3 points 1 yearMay 11, 2023 23:57:00 ago (+3/-0)


[ - ] prototype [op] 2 points 1 yearMay 12, 2023 01:20:52 ago (+2/-0)

Is that bitch still head of the dc lubyanka?

As far as I know. Would be nice to know the names and faces of the people operating the detainment camp though.

[ - ] deleted 2 points 1 yearMay 12, 2023 01:30:46 ago (+2/-0)


[ - ] prototype [op] 2 points 1 yearMay 12, 2023 02:13:32 ago (+2/-0)

Yes, it would be nice. Federal Employee Database?

Foreign nations undoubtedly already have it. Lets all hope they leak it some day.

[ - ] Warden 2 points 1 yearMay 12, 2023 00:05:10 ago (+2/-0)*

Not to sound blackpilled or whatever but, “The regime” has committed all sorts of treasonous acts, and at this point they don’t even attempt to give excuses for why they behave this way, they just do it. The reason they don’t give excuses, or really even try to justify why they’re eviscerating constitutional limitations and rights, is because they know there is no opposition to the ZOG’s actions, not from Republican reps, not from the subverted judicial system, or any powerful groups or people.
Now is not the time to be optimistic, we are one false flag away from random political dissidents all over the nation being black bagged and thrown into camps just for lawful speech, without government even needing to entrap protestors into something they can later call an insurrection.

The only thing that’s keeping us out of mass imprisonment for our political views is the 500+ million guns in the hands of 1/3rd of the population, and honestly, idk how much longer that hurdle will pose a significant threat. There’s absolutely no organization amongst the right, and it doesn’t take much to con large portions of the right into supporting further gun restrictions, like Trump’s unconstitutional executive order that banned bump stocks, or the red flag laws expanding throughout the country, or the lockdowns etc etc. ZOG knows just how far they can push things before they’ll get a little push back, and when that pushback comes, they just hype up some cops killing black men and the right forgets why they should hate the enforcers of tyranny the moment leftists start rioting.

[ - ] prototype [op] 3 points 1 yearMay 12, 2023 01:19:40 ago (+3/-0)

Now is not the time to be optimistic, we are one false flag away from random political dissidents all over the nation being black bagged and thrown into camps just for lawful speech

Warden. Listen to yourself. It already happened. Is happening. They're preparing for a round up of another thousand citizens. You think they'll stop there? But maybe they're not, maybe it was an empty threat. Either way they feel comfortable outright threatening 150 million americans for our political positions. If someone threatens you, you should always assume thats their true intent, and that they intend to carry through with it sooner or later.

The regime sealed its fate the day it arrested the J6.

[ - ] prototype [op] 1 point 1 yearMay 12, 2023 02:12:38 ago (+1/-0)*

I want to offer a follow up that will hopefully illuminate the position of the regime as-it-stands.

not from Republican reps, not from the subverted judicial system, or any powerful groups or people.

I disagree. They have faced resistance, albeit non-violent up to this time.
My current estimate for a sub-civilwar kinetic conflict within the next 18 months is 1-in-6.
The odds of a generalized third party that takes at least ten percent of the vote and messes up the party-split (how the false two party power-laundering scheme is structured) is 1-in-4 over the next 24 months.
The odds of generalized strikes from the unions, spreading and then extending to eight or more months sit at about 40% right now.

Logistic regression on time-series data for scope and frequency of these phenomenon gives a curve-fit, that when adjusted for seasonality and geographic density, approaches x^2, except for the last one, that appears to be in a semilinear relationship to foreign and corporate political spending.

Basically, something is gonna blow up in the regime's face, soon. Theres a number of other relationships I track, immigration (adjusted for city vs county) vs cost of living vs counties flipped. As immigration increases, cost of living increases, no surprise. As immigration and CoL increases, the number of counties that flipped red had a marginal edge when adjusting for political distribution. Which would explain why the GOP is only giving lip service to doing something about immigration or cost of living.

Everything I'm looking at indicates the u.s. is going down and heading toward very strong centralized government with regional political instabilities. The current ephemeral split in the regime itself, is manifestly real in the populace, which will emerge as political radicalization, entryism, and eventual militarization. There is currently a better than 3-in-4 chance that the GOP begins to shrink soon due to their failure to act, losing significant holds on any remaining institutions, as well as congressional, senatorial, and sundry other positions.

Because they've acted as a false bulwark, as the regime succeeds in centralization of political and military power, an apparent disconnect will grow in terms of voluntary participation. We already see this with the military, it is a symptom.
As crime signficantly increases, and power is further centralized, the federal government and its ancillaries in the cities and states will flip narrative to a strong on crime position.

However, this policy will come too late, as the citizens already alienated, will see it as a gambit to justify stronger crackdowns on firearms. This is stipulated on the theory that the surge in gun-rights victories is probably, on a bell curve distribution, the halfway point, indicating we are likely to see a series of gradual, then major reversals.

This makes sense in light of the fact that centralization of authority has commenced.
Likewise this is supported both by the attempt to pass the RESTRICT act, and use title 42's
expiration as a distraction from that. It is thoroughly understood that in order to eliminate
the second (at least in the legal sense, if not the practical sense), the first amendment
would have to be heavily restricted, and curtailed. Everything we've seen over
the last ten years has been in this direction, to push the narrative that speech is the
problem with society (and not lack of enforcement, or unequal enforcement of the law).
The attack on the first right now, the distractions, the last ten years of chaos, the worst
of it over the last seven, all of it, are aimed at first creating an unrecoverable crisis
and reaction, and then implementing a solution. This will not be martial law per se,
and I don't know the details, nor will it strictly be called hate-speech laws, but it
will basically be that, at a federal level, but ten times worse. It may even give
lip service to protecting whites, or christians, or conservatives. it may even do that
initially, but after only a year or two, or maybe after a lost war abroad (ukraine, taiwan,
sudan, who knows), it will be blamed on us, whites, christians, straights, conservatives,
men, gun owners, "extremists", whatever boogieman they may come up with.
And then any pretense will be dropped.

The understanding is as the right to free speech is thoroughly squashed, the exercise
of the second amendment by the irate public becomes much more likely.
The thinking that leads to this is "in for a penny in for a pound."
Someone writing "if you're gonna get your door knocked down by mraps for the wrong political speech, might as well go further than that!"
When that sort of speech takes hold and is common in the public, then you'll know the end is close. Likewise statements about an eye for an eye. Or when fear of infiltrators or informants
stops having an effect on the moderates/right.

And at that time, any attempt to suppress that response, to break it up, or control, or censor it, will fuel that response. In many ways it already has, but even in the existing sociopolitical pressure cooker we exist in now, its not there yet as a systemic risk to the regime. But that risk is rising.

I like to call it the breakdown effect. Or "the end of the moderate middle."
The problem with polarization is that as it grows in intensity and ubiquity,
the limiting effects of moderation fade.
The way it works is one person starts talking about grievances.
Other people agree. The anger, largely moderated by the back and forth of politics, elections, hope for things improving in the future, all of that, bubbles forth and acts in in a multiplicative effect rather than additive now.
Someone suggests "'something' should be done about this crap!"
Others agree.
And because of the level of the anger, the voices of moderation that usually temper this process (people with high-tolerance to adverse conditions or maltreatment) remain silent.

Too much anger, too long, after long periods of suppression or censorship, short-circuits
moderation mechanisms in the public sphere. And this isn't conjecture. It's actually
an extrapolation from models based on observed historical outcomes esp. civil wars.
Only in those instances the reigning authority pulled out and left a vacuum, or was not effective at keeping people civil and thus effectively created a power vacuum, or the reigning authority created a large long-term grievance narrative by two-sided policies between two competing groups (in this case the left and the right).

The train has left the tracks and theres no going back. The best the DOD could probably hope for is a controlled burn-off of the simmering internecine conflict between political ideologies in the u.s. They'd have to accelerate into the civil war narrative, heavily arm both sides, and organize the conflict.

It'd be ugly and we'd risk losing reserve currency status, but the current civilian government is from what I can see unrecoverable--especially under the intelligence agencies and NGOs murder/bribery/black-mail system and foreign rule.
Civilian government, for anyone paying attention, has basically failed almost entirely.

On that predicate, what the romans did in the same situation, was first to reform (failed), then to inflate the money supply (failed), then to resort to dictatorship (failed), then to retreat and abandon territory in order to shore themselves up internally (failed), and finally split their empire up (succeeded at keeping them alive for a long time after).

The chinese went through something similar.

The u.s. regime, globally, but also within the conus, will go through roughly the same cycle.
The only choice here is if they choose to accelerate into it, and shorten the worst period of chaos to a grand total of 1-4 years and extend the long-tail of it to a few decades (like the irish troubles but x15-x20 as many bodies), or let it fester and accelerate on its own, have a guaranteed 30-50% loss of dollar purchasing power anyway, and deal with the irish troubles x16-x40 (large uncertainty, but the bounds are well known) all over a span of three to seven years, starting no-later than 2026-2028 (though this is an upperbound).

These are the DODs options other than something that is a complete and utter departure from current governance, some major disaster that changes the face of the nation like an ebola or H5N1 outbreak, or nuclear attack. Their playbook so far has mostly been to use 'large' attacks to start external wars to change 'problem' demographics. The largest attacks, pearl harbor and 9/11 certainly changed the nation, but a third world war and the contingent draft would be refused this time (60-70%) by the public, and would basically double the risk of a unified front forming against the federal regime, practically overnight.

[ - ] dontknowwhatiwant 1 point 1 yearMay 12, 2023 03:51:54 ago (+1/-0)

Thank you for sharing your thoughts.

Excellent read, a lot to think about in there.

Have a nice evening.

[ - ] prototype [op] 0 points 1 yearMay 12, 2023 09:04:57 ago (+0/-0)

edit: words.

[ - ] HeyJames 0 points 1 yearMay 12, 2023 08:24:34 ago (+0/-0)

Trump arrested them lol

[ - ] prototype [op] 0 points 1 yearMay 12, 2023 09:18:46 ago (+0/-0)

Trump arrested them lol

Seen this narrative out of an obvious shill account elsewhere.

Man I thought you were gonna turn out to just be a sometimes-funny shitposter.
Really didn't want to write you off HJ.

So Trump really is running again. So the criminal charges will fail, or he'll run
from home confinement doing some fireside chat bullshit or other?

Yeah its gonna be that isn't it. The opposable thumb of the deepstate is gonna come out of the woodwork to "fight the swamp" while deepening it all again, to two-more-weeks-us for another four years while appointing people he "couldnt possibly have known!" were absolute snakes and crypto-zionists and in bed with chinese or british marxists.

Shit, it is, isn't it. I'm gonna be right again.

This is what I'm talking about when I make posts talking about cross-referencing barely perceivable incongruities and similarities across suspect posts and comments. It's kind of a shit and tertiary-tier example but this is how you guys leak.
Like I just finished doing the daily round up of accounts that went from suspect to verified narrative posters on a couple sites. Occasionally I give you guys a freebie and out one of you just for fun, but the ones I haven't outed are basically bright red signal beacons that I can use to cross-reference and verify new propagandists.

You're fighting a cycle with two competing metavariables, rate-of-new/maturing-undetected-alt-accounts vs rate-of-exploitable-trust-generated-per-post (for any given metric). The first variable is increasing while the second variable is decreasing.

Basically your strategy is failing and you're fighting a war of attrition. You prioritized the wrong battles.

Probably the reason behind the restrict act.

They said I could be anything, so I decided to become comfy.

Any way good morning.

[ - ] HeyJames 0 points 1 yearMay 12, 2023 09:55:05 ago (+0/-0)

Trump was president and made a speech that the fbi would arrest everyone involved with j6. The president has the authority over the executive branch which includes law enforcement. This was his decision and he had the ultimate power behind it.

[ - ] boekanier 0 points 1 yearMay 12, 2023 01:44:46 ago (+0/-0)

no, only dreams...as long as they have the police and military on their side (they are paying them) nothing good is to be expected

[ - ] Taxedtv 0 points 1 yearMay 12, 2023 07:46:27 ago (+0/-0)

The currency they pay them with is dying. Just like the Roman soldiers who refused to fight for their debased currency, there will be a time when the enforcement arms of the state collapse because the money is worthless.