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18 comments block

[ - ] Sector7 1 point 1.1 yearsMay 10, 2023 14:53:37 ago (+1/-0)

[ - ] pickingrinninspittin 2 points 1.1 yearsMay 10, 2023 12:37:18 ago (+2/-0)*

"I'm doing this to help the poor" (paraphrased)

Pull the other one, it's got bells on it.

This is such an blatant self-promotion stunt. Hint: If someone makes a point of telling you that they are <insert virtuous endeavor here> then you can be certain that they are doing it for selfish reasons. A sincere attempt to help or "make things better" will never be accompanied by fanfare no matter how self-effacing it may seem.

What's more the claim that anyone can make $1 million is a complete load of shit, and the people who know this the best are the ones who can make $1 million. Even discounting the many problems that face someone who's homeless making money is not easy. A very few people are really good at it and can make it seem easy. A larger but still not very large group can do it but it takes a lot of effort and -- and this is the important part -- natural ability.

Lots of people who have stable lives and a good amount of intelligence struggle their whole lives to get rich, but only a few of those actually do.

[ - ] germ22 3 points 1.1 yearsMay 10, 2023 10:47:19 ago (+3/-0)

Just flipping through the video. He was going to rent a $4000 house after a few months. Usually that requires a credit check, and a bunch of references, security deposit. Impossible to pull off if this wasn't scripted.

[ - ] 1nward 4 points 1.1 yearsMay 10, 2023 10:51:18 ago (+4/-0)

This is a psyop to dehumanize homeless which would be appropriate in a strong economy with representation from government officials.

However in America with not only no representation but absolute corruption and a fixed shell game for dirty Jews, this filthy Jews head should be placed on a spike in front of the subway so people can spit on his ugly jew reptile face.

[ - ] observation1 1 point 1.1 yearsMay 10, 2023 12:06:47 ago (+2/-1)

You could find a house without a credit check. Just pay cash.

[ - ] deleted 0 points 1.1 yearsMay 10, 2023 15:54:09 ago (+0/-0)


[ - ] 1nward 3 points 1.1 yearsMay 10, 2023 10:48:51 ago (+3/-0)


I hope he gets shanked for sweets from the foodbank.

[ - ] PotatoWhisperer2 0 points 1.1 yearsMay 10, 2023 17:13:31 ago (+0/-0)

He got cancer and GRIDS.

[ - ] kammmmak 4 points 1.1 yearsMay 10, 2023 09:41:55 ago (+4/-0)

[ - ] Aze 4 points 1.1 yearsMay 10, 2023 09:55:18 ago (+4/-0)

Im sure this was total organic and not staged at alll.

[ - ] GloryBeckons 25 points 1.1 yearsMay 10, 2023 10:09:11 ago (+25/-0)

I'll save you guys some time:

Jewish millionaire with $25,000/month production crew goes homeless to prove he can make $1,000,000 from nothing, in a year, totally organically and by himself; quits after making only $65,000 over 8 months, with copious help, due to both himself and his father randomly developing tumors and auto-immune diseases, for no reason at all, during the height of mRNA injection season.

[ - ] SocksOnCats 9 points 1.1 yearsMay 10, 2023 12:56:26 ago (+9/-0)

I'll save people even more time:


[ - ] mannerbund 8 points 1.1 yearsMay 10, 2023 10:43:47 ago (+8/-0)

Thank you

[ - ] bobdole9 4 points 1.1 yearsMay 10, 2023 12:43:37 ago (+4/-0)

TL;DW'd and a happy ending!? Damn, the schadenfreude must be wonderful.

[ - ] HeyJames 4 points 1.1 yearsMay 10, 2023 12:51:33 ago (+4/-0)

He made it up to get out of his act. It was all too much work for little kikey

[ - ] deleted 0 points 1.1 yearsMay 10, 2023 15:10:49 ago (+0/-0)


[ - ] parrygrin 0 points 1.1 yearsMay 10, 2023 17:44:21 ago (+0/-0)

Mostly I'm with you, this is rampant kike faggotry, but didn't he do this is 2020 and the mRNA started in 2021?

Honestly wondering if I missed something.

[ - ] GloryBeckons 0 points 1.1 yearsMay 10, 2023 18:19:51 ago (+0/-0)

My timeline may be off, I'm not sure; I didn't check exactly when he started. But the whole thing did last 8 months or so, and masking was already a thing when he started judging by the opening shots. My time frame guesstimate was based on that. If it's truly random and unrelated, that's quite the coincidence.