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Anheuser-Busch Offers Free Beer to Distributors

submitted by ShitAlt to news 1.1 yearsMay 2, 2023 16:02:35 ago (+9/-0)     (archive.is)


They are in a world of hurt now. Shouldn't have hired that freak troon.

6 comments block

[ - ] Fourteeneightyeight 0 points 1.1 yearsMay 5, 2023 01:15:37 ago (+0/-0)


[ - ] ParnellsUprising 3 points 1.1 yearsMay 2, 2023 18:53:18 ago (+3/-0)

Fuck em. I saw an article the other day that had a Costco 36 pack selling for less than $20, and it still wasn't moving. They fucked up hard, hopefully other brands will take notice, although I doubt it.

Fuck it, brew your own. It's fun, and once you start getting decent at it, you start getting some tasty brews, that are catered to you.

[ - ] Version6 3 points 1.1 yearsMay 2, 2023 17:15:28 ago (+3/-0)

Too fucking late. Let the company die a horrible death.

[ - ] Hoobeejoo 3 points 1.1 yearsMay 2, 2023 16:25:03 ago (+3/-0)

Earnings report is Wednesday. Loading up on puts tomorrow.

[ - ] HonkyMcNiggerSpic 1 point 1.1 yearsMay 2, 2023 21:52:09 ago (+1/-0)

bud light will forever be known as fag beer. They will never live it down. If I see someone drinking it they are getting harrassed and called tranny lover, etc

[ - ] SmokeyMeadow 1 point 1.1 yearsMay 2, 2023 16:52:37 ago (+1/-0)

So now we'll get fat discounts on all this beer nobody wants to drink. I can't wait for the shocked pikachu response from AB when they realize people aren't avoiding their product because it's too expensive. They're avoiding it because it makes people think they're gay. How much would you pay, to have people think you're gay?