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30 comments block

[ - ] ParnellsUprising 10 points 1.1 yearsMay 2, 2023 13:47:40 ago (+10/-0)

That is complete bullshit.

I mean, I am certainly not a proponent of the bill, but nowhere does it state any of the bullet points in that massive crap-load of misinformation.

Read the text of the Bill, and tell me where any one of those bullet points is true:

Complete and utter bullshit.

It does potentially criminalize things like dropping flyers on campus or other public buildings, and potentially private property, and displaying "hateful" things onto buildings that you do not own, but I believe you should be able to walk around with a sign, or display Nazi flags on your own property , etc..

I mean, the bill itself is complete bullshit, but it seems they were pretty careful not to outright trample the 1st amendment, while trampling your 1st amendment by enhancing nuisance laws.

[ - ] Sector7 1 point 1.1 yearsMay 2, 2023 15:59:00 ago (+1/-0)

I believe you should be able to walk around with a sign, or display Nazi flags on your own property , etc..

See (2) below. Your sign and Nazi flag will be seen by the court to be a willful and malicious act that is a felony of the third degree.

Section 2. Section 784.0493, Florida Statutes, is created
69 to read:
70 784.0493 Harassment or intimidation based on religious or
71 ethnic heritage.—
72 (1) As used in this section, the term “harass” has the same
73 meaning as in s. 784.048.
74 (2) A person may not willfully and maliciously harass,
75 threaten, or intimidate another person based on the person’s
76 wearing or displaying of any indicia relating to any religious
77 or ethnic heritage.
78 (3) A person who violates this section commits a felony of
79 the third degree, punishable as provided in s. 775.082, s.
80 775.083, or s. 775.084.
81 (4) A violation of this section shall be reported pursuant
82 to s. 877.19.

You claim you weren't acting willfully and maliciously, but the DA will point out you obviously knew the neighbor could see you... This is so mild it doesn't even qualify for the list of crazy shit we've seen from soros DAs.

[ - ] ParnellsUprising 2 points 1.1 yearsMay 2, 2023 18:39:08 ago (+2/-0)

Yeah, I don't disagree that there is going to be overzealous prosecutions of this, which is why I see a lot of these bullshit laws eventually ending up in the Supreme court.

Who knows how that will turn out though with dumb fucks like Amy Coney Barret. I really wish Trumpstein had focused on putting more constitutionalists on the court as opposed to "conservatives", so who knows if the laws will eventually be shut down as they should, as they are a direct attack on the 1st amendment.

[ - ] Conspirologist [op] 0 points 1.1 yearsMay 2, 2023 13:56:18 ago (+2/-2)

This is just the beginning. See you after a few years, when all US will become a Jewish dictatorship country like Israel.

[ - ] FreeinTX 2 points 1.1 yearsMay 2, 2023 14:42:40 ago (+2/-0)

Keep dreaming. There will be millions of dead jews before that happens. 110.

[ - ] Conspirologist [op] 0 points 1.1 yearsMay 2, 2023 14:46:50 ago (+2/-2)

Do you wanna bet, hotshot? The majority are brainless NPC. The constitution was conceived by a bunch of elite. Average people are natural born slaves.

[ - ] FreeinTX 2 points 1.1 yearsMay 2, 2023 14:49:25 ago (+2/-0)

We don't need a "majority" to put stupid and filthy fucking jews in their hell bound shit stained place.

Stop believing that they are all powerful. They're worthless shit.

You mentioned Israel. They are on the verge of a civil war because they can't even treat their own with respect and dignity.

[ - ] Conspirologist [op] 0 points 1.1 yearsMay 2, 2023 15:00:27 ago (+2/-2)

Yes, of course, Israel has Zionists and Ortodox who hate each other, because the Zionists have to pay taxes for Ortodox Jews who do nothing all day but praying.

And yes, we need a majority, otherwise we will be arrested like it happened on January 6 already.

[ - ] FreeinTX 1 point 1.1 yearsMay 2, 2023 16:52:26 ago (+1/-0)

A "majprity" is 175 million people. There were less than 2000 arrested at J6.

2-3% j woke will be more than enough. That's why (((they))) are so quick to shut down jew names. It doesn't take much. Plus, they are over zealous and end up exposing themselves. Every time they shut someone down, they wake up many.

[ - ] Sleazy 6 points 1.1 yearsMay 2, 2023 13:42:43 ago (+6/-0)

clearly unconstitutional

[ - ] PeckerwoodPerry 5 points 1.1 yearsMay 2, 2023 13:31:46 ago (+5/-0)

The jews killed Jesus.

[ - ] HonkyMcNiggerSpic 1 point 1.1 yearsMay 2, 2023 16:03:41 ago (+1/-0)

The holocaust is a hoax that has been thoroughly debunked.

[ - ] PeckerwoodPerry 1 point 1.1 yearsMay 2, 2023 21:49:59 ago (+1/-0)

Kike George Soros profited off of sending other kikes to ghettos. Gold teeth were a hot commodity back then.

[ - ] Fourteeneightyeight 0 points 1.1 yearsMay 5, 2023 01:17:35 ago (+0/-0)

make sure you keep doing nothing about it

[ - ] allAheadFull 3 points 1.1 yearsMay 2, 2023 13:46:23 ago (+3/-0)

Most of these things seem to involve speech of some sort...

[ - ] KyleIsThisTall 1 point 1.1 yearsMay 2, 2023 14:05:21 ago (+1/-0)

Obvious infringement of 1stA wont withstand a legal challenge, can lead to civilly tortious civil rights suit.

[ - ] drhitler 0 points 1.1 yearsMay 3, 2023 04:32:08 ago (+0/-0)

careful ron, stopping any trans stuff is antisemitic

wouldn't it be funny if his own laws came back to bite him on the ass, everyone should ask him "Who killed Jesus ron?"

[ - ] AntiPostmodernist 0 points 1.1 yearsMay 2, 2023 16:40:29 ago (+0/-0)

This is what you can expect from a conservative republican government, from christian nationalism. CN It might not be kosher now, but it will be an easy shift from anti-semitic to fanatically pro-zionist judeophilic.

Welcome back to the days of George Bush, with war on the horizon? yes it's gonna be a retread of the Bush years.

[ - ] HonkyMcNiggerSpic 0 points 1.1 yearsMay 2, 2023 16:02:41 ago (+0/-0)

Fuck these bolshevik commies. Our constitution is clear and any law they pass which is repugnant to the constitution is null and void. This is a lottery waiting to happen. all someone has to do is put up a flier and get caught and arrested. Then take it to the supreme court. Then sue the fuck out of everyone involved. all jews are demons from hell.

[ - ] Peleg 0 points 1.1 yearsMay 2, 2023 15:35:41 ago (+0/-0)

So you're not allowed to say that jews control fl's government, but if they didn't control fl's government would they able to get laws like this passed?

[ - ] ImplicationOverReason 0 points 1.1 yearsMay 2, 2023 13:45:46 ago (+1/-1)

a) most likely thanks to the goyim defense force setting it up.

b) use it: "who is responsible that...is now a hate crime?"

[ - ] Niggly_Puff 2 points 1.1 yearsMay 2, 2023 14:03:22 ago (+2/-0)

Blaming the GDL for this is probably the most jewish thing you could do. They were exercising the 1st amendment. The reaction of bought and paid for jewish politicians is where the blame lies.

[ - ] Sector7 0 points 1.1 yearsMay 2, 2023 16:00:52 ago (+0/-0)

The GDL has one of the most jewish acts I've ever seen.

[ - ] FreeinTX 1 point 1.1 yearsMay 2, 2023 14:43:42 ago (+1/-0)

You're going to blame people who are naming the jew for laws that are passed that ban the naming of the jew?

[ - ] Sector7 0 points 1.1 yearsMay 2, 2023 16:02:49 ago (+0/-0)

Look at the results people create, not their marketing.

[ - ] FreeinTX 1 point 1.1 yearsMay 2, 2023 16:54:05 ago (+1/-0)

You want those results.

Jews running around calling for bans on free speech helps us more than hurts us. And telling people that they aren't allowed to hate jews causes jew hate.

[ - ] Sector7 0 points 1.1 yearsMay 2, 2023 21:08:11 ago (+0/-0)

The thing about jew hate is that it lags behind population change. A greater percent of the population used to know about jews than they do now. Among those who've heard of jews in current year, most consider it nothing more than an internet meme.

"Yeah, they suck, but I'm going to keep paying taxes on my income to them."

[ - ] FreeinTX 0 points 1.1 yearsMay 2, 2023 21:24:02 ago (+0/-0)

It's turning around. As boomers die off, Gen Z will see the light.

[ - ] Sector7 0 points 1.1 yearsMay 2, 2023 21:39:22 ago (+0/-0)

More of us knew, but no one heeded my call for at least half of us to be shot. "No one" being the greatest generation. Gen Z is more focused on mutilating their own genitals. I know they're what passes for hope in current year.

Sorry, but all I see is cattle claiming they're going to stampede "any day now". Where is the valid counter-argument, since I'm seeing this claim celebrate its at least 50th birthday?

Factor in the advances in population control we've seen and the whole DOTR meme becomes a sick joke. We literally have jews spreading anti-semitism because there's such a shortage...

[ - ] Lordbananafist -1 points 1.1 yearsMay 2, 2023 14:10:51 ago (+0/-1)

they need atlantic coastline for when the safety camps don't appear