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8 comments block

[ - ] Crackinjokes 6 points 1.1 yearsMay 1, 2023 15:12:36 ago (+6/-0)

Research the fire bombing of Dresden and ask yourself whether it was better to be in a camp far far away from the big cities or better to be in a city.

[ - ] didyouknow 3 points 1.1 yearsMay 1, 2023 15:45:53 ago (+4/-1)

It gets even worse when you realize that the jews were being accommodated as if they were in a hotel in these camps.

Thanks Hitler.

[ - ] Conspirologist [op] -2 points 1.1 yearsMay 1, 2023 15:19:21 ago (+0/-2)

Research also the bombing of Rome, and ask yourself why only the Vatican was left intact.

[ - ] BlueEyedAngloMasterRaceGod 0 points 1.1 yearsMay 2, 2023 03:52:04 ago (+0/-0)

they did 'accidentally' and needlessly bomb a few old christian buildings to be fair, like monte cassino. i've seen one where they claim the bombs went astray, but you can clearly see by the photos it was a target successfully hit and destroyed, while the surrounding buildings remained. jews were massively disproportionately represented amongst the people who picked out bombing targets. like the OP said, they basically sat at home or base and played a video game, sending goys to do all the danger work. Vatican couldn't be bombed even if they wanted to, for political reasonings.

[ - ] uvulectomy 2 points 1.1 yearsMay 1, 2023 16:13:29 ago (+2/-0)

Isn't Azov lead by a literal rabbi, and their HQ is a synagogue?

[ - ] Conspirologist [op] 0 points 1.1 yearsMay 1, 2023 16:21:23 ago (+1/-1)

I don't know about the synagogue, but Azov belongs to a well known kike oligarch.

[ - ] BlueEyedAngloMasterRaceGod 0 points 1.1 yearsMay 2, 2023 03:52:36 ago (+0/-0)

doesn't mean their subjects are.

[ - ] drhitler 1 point 1.1 yearsMay 1, 2023 23:37:15 ago (+1/-0)

except people like me who will consider it a nothing to lose situation and ill take my service weapon and turn it on the people sending people to war.