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The mass informant networks run by the u.s. regime are none other than an open campaign to in-effect outright ban freedom of association. And its terribly obvious at this point.

submitted by prototype to AskUpgoat 1 yearApr 30, 2023 19:58:37 ago (+4/-1)     (AskUpgoat)

A lot of people,m rightfully say, the right will never organize an revolt, peaceful or otherwise.

The truth is, today, there is a widespread suppression of any organizing on the right. To whit, there are public reports of the FBI alone employing anywhere from thirty to forty thousand part time and full time informants. The DOD has on the order of a hundred thousand on part time per-tipoff payments. These are public numbers. Thats not to "prevent crime", that kind of scale is the sort of shit east germany and stalin engaged in. For example there are (now public) incidents where the FBI or ATF got a tip off about some guys talking about forming a militia, so they sent informants and/or agents in--to groups that consistent of 2-3 people.

Two to three people.

What this is is none other than a widespread, intentional, and transparent campaign to effectively affect a total ban on meaningful right-wing organization, up to, including, and especially targeting lawful and peaceful movements.

My question to you is this, why we should obey anything the regime has to say when its obvious its own agencies have openly made us citizens the enemy?

1 comments block

[ - ] FacelessOne 1 point 1 yearMay 1, 2023 00:55:25 ago (+1/-0)

Right wing groups are fed honeypot. Ask McVeigh about his friendly group of Feds. Remember how absolutely nobody else from that group was fingered for a thing.