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Meat is crucial for human health.

submitted by ShitAlt to RealNews 1 yearApr 30, 2023 14:53:07 ago (+53/-0)     (archive.is)


Scientists declaration emphasizes value of meat for human health

101 comments block

[ - ] scholarandrogue 9 points 1 yearApr 30, 2023 15:46:32 ago (+9/-0)

only red meat provides the type of cholesterol the brain needs to function properly.

[ - ] Belfuro 2 points 1 yearApr 30, 2023 17:30:54 ago (+6/-4)

And every nutrient we need is in red meat.
We don't need plants at all.

Plants kill us. Literally. We have a limited amount of times we can digest plant starch sugar.

When plant matter gets into the blood stream it kills us, so the body goes into emergency mode and releases insulin to keep us alive.

Insulin effectiveness diminishes over time and use! Hence all these modern children getting diabetes!

And while insulin is in your blood you cannot burn fat hence the explosion in obesity.

But note, obesity is NOT an illness. Our bodies handle being fat just fine.

Obesity is a symptom of over consumption of plants.

And not the cause of heart disease or other so called obesity related illnesses . Eating plants is the cause of heart disease and inflammation and mental illnesses and many more.


[ - ] Prairie 3 points 1 yearApr 30, 2023 20:37:40 ago (+4/-1)

Plants have all sorts of defenses from animals eating them, pesticides, etc. Organs are devoted to breaking them down to get the nutrients. Plants are at war with our digestive systems. I'm not going to claim that they have no compensating benefits, but those pushing all-plant diets needs to have a lot of evidence supporting their position.

[ - ] UncleDoug 1 point 1 yearMay 1, 2023 09:05:25 ago (+2/-1)

Animal protein doesn't contain Manganese, Folate, Vit K1, Vit C, and a carnivore diet potentially increases the chances of Vit A deficiency.

It is sensible to eat a balanced diet, we are omnivores after all. There is a whole plethora of vegetables that are low in starch.

Making blanket statements is ridiculous, diet and metabolism is far more complicated than indignantly stating only eat red meat.


Eating good quality animal protein is exceptionally important to a healthy balanced diet, but that doesn't mean you can do away with cruciferous vegetables to supplement your diet.

[ - ] Belfuro -2 points 1 yearMay 2, 2023 03:38:08 ago (+0/-2)

Now final point.

Plant, starch based diets kill.
Biggest health crisis in human history is diabetes and that's wholly plant caused.

[ - ] PostWallHelena 0 points 1 yearMay 3, 2023 09:32:48 ago (+0/-0)

With all due respect, no.

When plant matter gets into the blood stream it kills us, so the body goes into emergency mode and releases insulin to keep us alive.

No. We evolved from herbavores. Chimps and gorillas eat almost nothing but plants. We evolved to eat losts of plants and a little meat.

Insulin is not poison. Insulin resistance can occur as we age and it is caused by eating too many carbs at the wrong times. But insulin sensitivity is not an inevitiability. Lots of people reverse insulin sensitivity through fasting and keto. Its just a dysregulation. We’re not on an insulin counter ffs.

But note, obesity is NOT an illness. Our bodies handle being fat just fine. Obesity is a symptom of over consumption of plants.

Wrong. Its an illness caused by too many calories, usually and it increases insulin insensitivity among other things.

Anti-aging studies have shown that the body needs sufficient time in catabolic phase (ketosis) in which insulin levels are low and autophagy and other “repair” functions are induced. Carbs in particular and protein to a lesser extent will halt ketosis and shift the body to anabolic phase. Anabolic state is great for growing animals or pregnant females but its not good for aging animals. It promotes DNA damage, reduces autophagy and apoptosis, which are important for cancer prevention and other things.

High protein intake is associated with shortened lifespans in laboratory animals from bugs to mammals. This is one of the benefits of a plant heavy diet. In particular, a high sulfur diet with high cysteine and methionine is bad for aging. High meat diets promote mTOR signaling, which increases insulin (!) and reduces the production of hydrogen sulfide by the body (a known geroprotective substance) .

I would never tell a person “Meat is trying to murder you when you eat it, your metabolic process is a defense against the poison of meat”. Those sort of statement are not helpful. Meat, like every other nutrient, has tradeoffs. Your nutrient proportions have trade offs. People need to balance short term gains (muscle development, joint repair) with long term health goals ( living till 90). Do some more research.

The impact of dietary protein intake on longevity and metabolic health: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6562018/

Hydrogen sulfide offers clue to how reducing calories lengthens lives: https://www.sciencenews.org/article/hydrogen-sulfide-offers-clue-how-reducing-calories-lengthens-lives

[ - ] Belfuro 0 points 1 yearMay 3, 2023 21:29:29 ago (+0/-0)

As a female I expect this from you.

No we do not get insulin resistance from age. Children are getting IR in huge numbers now.

Eating plants causes IR and that kills.

It doesn't matter if plants don't kill chimps.
We are not chimps.

Eating plants kills humans.

That is a fact. An observable one.

Eat plants.
Body converts to sugar.
Gets in bloodstream.
Rather than die our body produces insulin.

The more often this occurs the less effective insulin gets until one day a single mouthful of plant kills.

Observable fact

[ - ] PostWallHelena 0 points 1 yearMay 3, 2023 22:34:02 ago (+0/-0)

As a female I expect this from you.

I didnt know you were a woman too!

Eating plants kills humans. That is a fact. An observable one.

It’s observably untrue. You’re a nut.

[ - ] TheNoticing 0 points 1 yearMay 1, 2023 03:59:17 ago (+0/-0)

Kids get bad shit from vaccines.

[ - ] Ragnar -3 points 1 yearApr 30, 2023 19:18:35 ago (+3/-6)

You sound ulta stupid. The way you oversimplified the reasons is why our side is not taken seriously. You obviously don’t know much about the actual physiology of the body.
Starch is not poison.
Meat is great but not in the quantities the retarded carnivores clowns claim.

[ - ] Belfuro -2 points 1 yearMay 1, 2023 02:56:31 ago (+0/-2)

Eat starch when you become diabetic cunt.

Fucking dare you to prove that it won't kill you aka be a poison.

Keep eating plants and you Will develop insulin resistance.

Ps. Cancer also feeds on plants. Yep plants grow cancer.
Full carnivore diets are proven to halt cancerous growth.

[ - ] Ragnar 1 point 1 yearMay 1, 2023 11:41:02 ago (+2/-1)

You absolute retarded cunt.

Who is the longest living people in the world?
The Japanese.
What do they eat nonstop?
Starch! And very little meat.

Plants do have toxins which makes a lot of vegetables and seeds bad for us. However, it’s the opposite for fruits which are designed to be eaten.

Good luck getting vitamin C on your fake astroturfed all meat diet. You obviously never ask yourself why is this unnatural diet being pushed so hard for the past half decade. You are incapable of asking questions and being curious to find the objective truth. There’s no difference between only meat eating faggots and vegan imbeciles. Both diets are fake and astroturfed and deleterious to our health. And that’s why they are pushed so hard as the opposite extremes and binary choices. Fuck off with your grug brain understanding.


Eating all meat all day doesn’t make you a man. In fact, more meat and less carbs would never help you get gains at the gym. Ask any bodybuilding bro and he would tell you how important carbs are for muscle growth. Fucking retard.

E: tagging @postwallhelena so your senile ass can learn something real for once

[ - ] PostWallHelena 0 points 1 yearMay 3, 2023 09:42:14 ago (+0/-0)

Ah yeah I just read this. I answered him a bit further up the thread. Glad to see youre not defending a heavy carnivore diet. He posted alot of unsupportable silliness.


Im gonna disagree here. The danger with supplements is an increased exposure to toxins due to the chemical processing and increased concentrations of adulterants found naturally. But if you can obtain high quality supplements the beneifts are very high. You can get benefits virtually impossible in natural forms.

[ - ] Belfuro -1 points 1 yearMay 1, 2023 17:54:50 ago (+1/-2)

Shit stain shit stain, calm down cunt.

Meat does provide vit c. You dafter cunt how do you think inuit can have 100% meat diets?

Scurvy came about because sailors were only eating grains, hard tack, and protein. Salted pork no fat, no organs, no fermentation. Lots of grog aka plant aka sugar.

And the longest lived people in the world are meat eaters. Mostly fish. People of Sardinia and some jap isles.
Dumb cunt.

Big rice eaters as in China are now the highest diabetic population in the world

Remember diabetes. That disease from eating plants that kills you?

The biggest corn eaters on the world are now the most obese. Mexicans.

Eating meat does make you a man.

See your irrational infant behavior compared to mine.

But we have a solution. Keep eating plants and die once your artificial insulin boost compensation injections supply disappears.

Now as a clear redditor, why are you on this site?

[ - ] Ragnar -1 points 1 yearMay 2, 2023 00:27:32 ago (+1/-2)

What a retarded npc vulgar reaction. Proving you are a programmed drone regurgitating whatever your social media “gurus” spew out.

Listen you absolute pea brained faggot. The eskimos went out of their way to get berries for vitamin C. Additionally, since the lack of carbs indisputably affects thyroid, they would hunt deer in the right season and eat the thyroid first.
You OBVIOUSLY know so so little. Little knowledge is dangerous and you are the proof of it.

The longest lived people and without heart problems are the Japanese. You are just a liar.
The third world countries with the most diabetes and/or coronary disease are big pufa eaters, and pollution filled nations.

You are such a retard, it’s like talking to a Down syndrome penguin.

Meat is healthy at different quantities during different phases of life. You probably don’t even know every cell in your body needs glucose. Sure, your fake shills online would tell you ketones are great. But glucose is the PREFERRED fuel especially in the brain. In fact, ketones are a sign of diabetes, but you won’t know this because you have never done actual research other than watching videos of shills while you gobble your boyfriend’s meat.
You are not even White. You are just too stupid. You are probably inbred.
I’m not going to engage with you. I’ll just wait till you get gout and kidney problems, then diabetes and then heart disease. You WILL run into problems. It may take you a few months or a few years, depending on how close to the equator your chimpanzee ancestors are from.

[ - ] Belfuro 0 points 1 yearMay 2, 2023 03:18:49 ago (+1/-1)

Lol berries on frozen tundra.




In an age of mass murder, plant based diets are killer number one.

When are you going to address the fact that the biggest health crisis in human history is diabetes and duabetes is wholly caused by plant consumption?

Cannot address that can you cunt?

Did know that meat is the source of accessible vit c?

[ - ] Ragnar 1 point 1 yearMay 2, 2023 13:24:04 ago (+1/-0)

Oh god I really hate using the Lord’s name in vain but you are testing me patience.

Bro bro, retard, now look here faggot. Which of the cornivore clowns are you regurgitating the words of? Look here, you simpleton, the vitamin C in meat is only available for minutes after the kill. Hey faggot, are you hunting your own game and feasting on its blood and organs within minutes?
Keep larping, brainlet!

Also, since you keep banging on about the one disorder “diabetes”. Do you know so called carnivore faggots have their blood sugar running high to very high? You may not know or you are going to obfuscate this to suit your narrative.

Do you know avoiding carbs and sugar means your body eats itself to provide the sugar it NEEDS for the brain? How? By upping cortisol. Hmm, did you know cortisol is the main driver of all disease including dIâBëTeeeS.

Please tell me you are not so stupid to believe diabetes is caused by plant consumption? You might be tho. You do know that vegans don’t have higher incidence of diabetes or heart disease and they are actual retards who only eat plants.

Anyway, you are far too stupid to see reason and frankly incapable of understanding it. Your excuses are asinine. I’m not gonna waste my precious time on you anymore. Unlike you living on welfare, I work.

[ - ] Belfuro -1 points 1 yearMay 2, 2023 03:25:48 ago (+1/-2)

Japanese eat a lot of meat and very little starch.

Why did you ignore that?

And there longest lived populations are exclusively meat eating.

Tina, whale etc

[ - ] Ragnar 0 points 1 yearMay 2, 2023 13:14:29 ago (+1/-1)

When do you stop with your lies?
I doubt you have been abroad extensively so you are relying on incomplete information from sources that have a dog in the race.
Look i had to live in different societies and I have observed what certain populations eat. The Japanese absolutely do not eat a lot of meat. Sure they eat fish frequently but not the amount we in the West are assuming. They eat a lot of rice every freaking meal. One of the things that shocked me was how asian peoples eat rice, and a lot, for breakfast. They usually eat it with natto and sometimes smell amounts of fish. Ever since the 70s, IIRC, they started eating eggs every day. They tend to eat it raw a lot. But mostly one egg per person. Not like us, with two eggs along with four rashes of bacon and two plump sausages haha.
Anyway, the nations that culturally and traditionally eat a lot of meat like actual meat not just dairy or eggs, it’s the muslim countries in Central Asia. And guess what? Yes, their longevity is in the gutters, cardiovascular disease is through the roof.
Some of the longest lived persons are from caucuses as in Georgia as in the country. Guess their diet? Mostly cheese and BREAD and fresh fruits and lots of broth.
Similarly, some of the healthiest populations for example in the valleys of Switzerland, also relied heavily on cheese and bread. Meat once a week according to researchers of the last century and ergo more reliable than today’s bought and paid for researchers.

I’m not insulting for being stupid, which you are, but I think you lack knowledge and suck fake gurus’ cocks.
So anyway, keep sticking your head in the hole.

[ - ] UncleDoug 1 point 1 yearMay 2, 2023 14:26:16 ago (+1/-0)

Don't tell belfuro about the Mediterranean diet, full of healthy fats from olive oil, fatty fish and good animal protein that does not contain intravenous/intermuscular fats.

[ - ] UncleDoug 0 points 1 yearMay 2, 2023 14:23:31 ago (+0/-0)

What does their protein all have in common? It is all high in omega fatty acids and have a high ratio of healthy (unsaturated) fats to unhealthy (saturated) fats.

Beef and other red meat is delicious but contain bad fats, eat pork, duck, turkey and oily fish instead you ignoramus.

[ - ] Belfuro -1 points 1 yearMay 2, 2023 03:28:38 ago (+1/-2)

Meat diets causing kidney stones or disease is another myth you are spreading.

Did you even bother reading studies on the subject?

[ - ] Ragnar 1 point 1 yearMay 2, 2023 12:10:05 ago (+1/-0)

Hey dude, your meat only diet is raising your cortisol. this is some grand projection, buddy.

Not only did I study countless research papers on the subject, I did meta analysis of them at my previous job out of school. I have also worked at a real research lab. But I don’t have to provide my credentials. Firstly, because truth speaks for itself, regardless of the source. Secondly, because I ain’t gonna dox meself. And thirdly, because you are very thick and will not and cannot understand actual biological science.

Anyway, I never mentioned kidney stones. Liar much?
Stones are formed by calcium and you find a higher prevalence of kidney stones among populations living close to equator.
Gout and kidney disease are different and absolutely affected by extra dietary protein. Notice, I said affected not caused, but I reckon you don’t have the capacity to understand.

Look we can continue insulting each other for weeks on end and to no avail. And you can keep downvoting me showing your high cortisol on your all meat diet. But I just wanna tell you that I was where you are a couple years ago. I did buy half of the bs online faggots are selling. I did fall for “we don’t need carbs” bs as well. Because why? Our body can make our own glucose? lol as flawed and incorrect that is, our body also makes fat, so should we say don’t eat fat they are unnecessary? No.
The point is you and your kind need to expand your horizons and take an honest objective look at the topic, rather than having these grifters’ hands up your butt and being a puppet. All those carni clowns with clout online are already changing their tune. You just haven’t noticed and are going to be late to the party, bro.

[ - ] deleted -1 points 1 yearMay 2, 2023 13:25:44 ago (+0/-1)


[ - ] Ragnar 1 point 1 yearMay 2, 2023 13:33:00 ago (+1/-0)

Bro, I lived there

[ - ] deleted 0 points 1 yearMay 3, 2023 08:52:55 ago (+0/-0)


[ - ] Ragnar -1 points 1 yearMay 3, 2023 11:47:41 ago (+0/-1)

Because you are lying

[ - ] deleted 0 points 1 yearMay 3, 2023 13:01:49 ago (+0/-0)


[ - ] Razzoriel 0 points 1 yearMay 1, 2023 08:59:32 ago (+0/-0)

They do so because red meat has anti-cancerous nutrients for your body. Kind of like taking zinc to increase testosterone; its a fundamental percussor, so if you insure your body has plenty to produce it, it will.

[ - ] Ragnar 1 point 1 yearApr 30, 2023 18:59:29 ago (+1/-0)

Shellfish is excellent too

[ - ] Trope 1 point 1 yearApr 30, 2023 21:32:28 ago (+1/-0)

Most importantly: Ruminants can break down the linoleic acid from the grains they are fed. Seed oils accumulate in our tissues and the tissues of non-ruminants. So stick with red meat for the most optimal fatty acid profile.

[ - ] PostWallHelena 0 points 1 yearMay 3, 2023 09:47:43 ago (+0/-0)

You are implying ALA cant be processed by humans— not true. But if you were focused on obtaining higher levels of DHA and EPA you should go with fish sources, not red meat

[ - ] TheNoticing 0 points 1 yearMay 1, 2023 03:58:23 ago (+0/-0)

dOcToRz sAy cHoLeStErOl iZ bAd!!!

[ - ] Nein 0 points 1 yearApr 30, 2023 20:19:19 ago (+0/-0)

That's an absolute I doubt anecdotally.

[ - ] Clubberlang 0 points 1 yearApr 30, 2023 20:52:02 ago (+0/-0)

That says alot about the current society we live in.

[ - ] MuricaPersonified 6 points 1 yearApr 30, 2023 15:34:39 ago (+6/-0)

Well, it's refreshing to see "scientists" defending meat for a change instead of bug protein or whatever the next Goylent Green is.

What sucks? We still have bad feed, hormones, and possible mRNA injections. Know where your meat comes from!

[ - ] deleted 6 points 1 yearApr 30, 2023 15:37:59 ago (+6/-0)


[ - ] MuricaPersonified 1 point 1 yearApr 30, 2023 15:45:36 ago (+1/-0)

This is the way.

I'd like to get there eventually, but for now am able to settle for local grown, at least when at home.

[ - ] Belfuro 0 points 1 yearApr 30, 2023 17:33:47 ago (+0/-0)


What's your thoughts on pork?

I have been trading my homegrown for local factory farmed pork.

The Bible says it's unclean. A warning from our ancestors because yes pork of old carried a lot of parasites.

Not sure about it's safety and health risks now

[ - ] SecretHitler 3 points 1 yearApr 30, 2023 18:55:55 ago (+3/-0)

The Bible says it's unclean because it's part of the jewish dietary restrictions, which are one of the mechanisms in that religion for keeping their ethnic group from mixing too much with non-jews and losing their own identity.

That aspect didn't get passed to Christians, but the excuse behind it did. Eating pork was enough of a White thing that everyone essentially ignored it.

[ - ] deleted 1 point 1 yearMay 1, 2023 09:08:15 ago (+1/-0)


[ - ] Ragnar 1 point 1 yearApr 30, 2023 19:05:17 ago (+1/-0)

I only eat wild boar or free range heritage breeds

[ - ] TheOriginal1Icemonkey 1 point 1 yearApr 30, 2023 20:31:15 ago (+1/-0)

Ok tough guy. I saw you at Safeway with pork chops this morning.

[ - ] Ragnar 1 point 1 yearApr 30, 2023 23:52:52 ago (+1/-0)

Nah, that was your 600 lb wife’s boyfriend buying filthy meat to feed her insatiable appetite

[ - ] Ragnar 1 point 1 yearMay 1, 2023 00:20:04 ago (+1/-0)

Nah, that was your 600 lb wife’s boyfriend buying filthy meat to feed her insatiable appetite

[ - ] Ragnar 1 point 1 yearMay 1, 2023 00:25:00 ago (+1/-0)

Nah, that was your 600 lb wife’s boyfriend buying filthy meat to feed her insatiable appetite

[ - ] Ragnar 1 point 1 yearMay 1, 2023 00:27:26 ago (+1/-0)

Nah, that was your 600 lb wife’s boyfriend buying filthy meat to feed her insatiable appetite

[ - ] TheOriginal1Icemonkey 0 points 1 yearMay 2, 2023 18:27:37 ago (+0/-0)

Nice one!🤣

[ - ] UncleDoug 0 points 1 yearMay 2, 2023 14:28:04 ago (+0/-0)

A warning from our ancestors because yes pork of old carried a lot of parasites.

What a dumb gay cunt still living in the HebrewMatrix.

Pigs were only demonised in the middle east because they lacked adequate animal husbandry and public sanitation.

[ - ] The_Reunto 0 points 1 yearApr 30, 2023 19:22:31 ago (+0/-0)

The Bible says it's unclean

The Old Testament / Old Covenant stated the pork was unclean. The New Testament / New Covenant states that pork is currently not necessarily unclean (cf. Romans 14).

[ - ] observation1 3 points 1 yearApr 30, 2023 17:31:05 ago (+3/-0)

Pigs have the worst feed. Can't eat any pork anymore unless you know where it came from and i don't mean which state.

Ham, bacon, sausage and dogs are out.

Local lamb and local cow is in.

[ - ] MuricaPersonified 4 points 1 yearApr 30, 2023 17:35:12 ago (+4/-0)

You know what, you're right. Their living conditions are awful as well. For me, mass market meats for both pork and turkey are inedible; I can taste the stink of the factory farms, if that makes sense.

[ - ] deleted 2 points 1 yearApr 30, 2023 20:35:23 ago (+2/-0)


[ - ] Belfuro 2 points 1 yearApr 30, 2023 17:35:46 ago (+2/-0)

The enemy took over the big beef industry in usa.

We are what our food eats and usa practice of corn feed lots is a fucking terrible idea.

My animals are injection and drug free. So is my grass.

We cannot trust our mainstream food supplies anymore

[ - ] deleted 0 points 1 yearMay 2, 2023 13:28:14 ago (+0/-0)


[ - ] ghetto_shitlord -5 points 1 yearApr 30, 2023 17:33:34 ago (+0/-5)

Whoosh. It's not meat that is the concern, it's the energy input required to produce it. It's very high compared to other foods.

[ - ] TheOriginal1Icemonkey 0 points 1 yearApr 30, 2023 20:32:55 ago (+0/-0)

Neck yourself faggot.

[ - ] ghetto_shitlord -1 points 1 yearApr 30, 2023 21:26:35 ago (+0/-1)

How mature. Instead of showing me something that shows that meat production isn't a very severe net energy negative you resort to middle school level insults.

[ - ] TheOriginal1Icemonkey 0 points 1 yearApr 30, 2023 21:38:15 ago (+0/-0)

There’s no need to argue with someone who’s retarded mind can’t be changed. I save that for the non useless folk.

[ - ] ghetto_shitlord -1 points 1 yearApr 30, 2023 21:52:25 ago (+0/-1)

It's hilarious, because these same people insisting on a movement, can't even get along with each other. Then wonder why nothing happens.

[ - ] carnold03 3 points 1 yearApr 30, 2023 15:35:29 ago (+3/-0)

The Jewish are made of meat. So are foreigners, come to think of it.

[ - ] Sunman_Omega 1 point 1 yearApr 30, 2023 16:05:48 ago (+1/-0)

Jews aren't human either, so it doesn't count as cannibalism.

[ - ] kammmmak 1 point 1 yearApr 30, 2023 16:12:19 ago (+1/-0)

Not sure cold blooded is edible.
Better not just to play it safe.

[ - ] SecretHitler 1 point 1 yearApr 30, 2023 18:57:32 ago (+1/-0)

Gross not interested.

[ - ] Trope 0 points 1 yearApr 30, 2023 21:34:20 ago (+0/-0)

The fatty acid profiles of non-ruminants are too high in linoleic acid from seed oils. Please do not resort to cannibalism.

[ - ] qwop 3 points 1 yearApr 30, 2023 16:02:56 ago (+3/-0)*

My conspiracy brain has been thinking for some time that the veganism movement is a similar modus ploy as climate change, feminism, gay marriage, diversity, or whatever other retarded agendas being pushed on us.

They never tell us what makes us stronger. Most big movement fads just wastes our time and reduces our actual natural powers.

[ - ] Belfuro 1 point 1 yearApr 30, 2023 17:36:54 ago (+1/-0)

Oh it definitely was.
Official Diet has been murder weapon no less than boosters are

[ - ] anthonylancer 2 points 1 yearApr 30, 2023 16:16:00 ago (+2/-0)

I recently come across some information that States that all this carbs nonsense and this vegetarianism stuff being pushed is a total death sentence

[ - ] Ragnar 2 points 1 yearApr 30, 2023 19:03:07 ago (+2/-0)

Less than 75 grams of meat per day? That’s an insanely small amount. Wtf

[ - ] GrayDragon 0 points 1 yearApr 30, 2023 20:55:46 ago (+0/-0)

Yeah, that comes out to 2.65 ounces. That is probably some safety statement. Eight ounces or less a day seems reasonable to me, but I doubt those triple-patty, goyslop burgers would be healthy too often.

[ - ] Ragnar 0 points 1 yearMay 1, 2023 00:24:19 ago (+0/-0)

Wow 8 oz or less is still hard for me to do, and I have substantially cut down on meat already. I used to easily eat a pound+ a sitting but I cut down a lot a lot two years ago. I never ate goyslop burgers or supermarket meat. Always bought grass fed beef from my ranch and wild boar from a local place.

[ - ] TheOriginal1Icemonkey 1 point 1 yearApr 30, 2023 20:27:34 ago (+1/-0)

As a person of Icelandic ancestry, I am well aware of the effects of meat protein, red meat protein especially, on my function and wellbeing. I indulge heavily in North Atlantic fishes as well as beef and lamb. It’s what my body wants. Of course I eat plenty of vegetables of all types, and some grain carbs too. I rarely eat anything I didn’t prepare. White Power.

[ - ] Razzoriel 0 points 1 yearMay 1, 2023 09:00:58 ago (+0/-0)

Vegetables should be dead last in the food pyramid, below fruits and sugar. Carbs should be low-middle depending on your physical activity. Animal protein should be the main nutrient of all healthy humans.

[ - ] UncleDoug 0 points 1 yearMay 2, 2023 14:32:12 ago (+0/-0)

Carbs are energy, it is a requirement for life. Banning carbs is on the same level of retarded as banning carbon for climate change. Carbs in vegetables are better for you than the sugary carbs in fruits or processed grains.

Yes you should prioritise good quality meat consumption.

[ - ] totes_magotes 0 points 1 yearApr 30, 2023 23:16:23 ago (+0/-0)

Amazing how there are no healthy people in India at all, what with so many of them being vegetarian and all.

[ - ] PostWallHelena 0 points 1 yearApr 30, 2023 18:11:45 ago (+0/-0)

I guess we’re gonna find out one way or another.

Ive been a vegetarian for a long time. I was a vegan for a couple years but found it too challenging. I think its very hard to meet nutritional requiremnts as a vegan without a lot of supplementation. I think its probably not so hard as a lacto ovo vegetarian.

Vegetarians and pesco vegetarians seem to have slightly better life expectancy than red meat eaters. When adjusting for bmi. Vegans have about the same life expectancy as red meat eaters after adjusting for BMI and a bunch of other stuff. I suspect its because vegans are missing key nutrients that vegetarians and fish eaters are getting.

When you dont adjust for weight, vegans have the best expectancy, because they have the lowest body mass.

I wonder, how much of this data reflects the lifestyle of the study subjects. Vegetarians and vegans are historically more health conscious than the average carnivore, so perhaps as vegetarianism becomes more common, observed benefits evaporate.

I also think that until lately almost all vegetarians were raised on meat as children. That is no longer the case. The nutrition in meat is probably most needed in childhood and pregnancy, e.g.., lots of sulfur containing amino acids, B vitamins, iron, DHA. Vegetarian kids will absolutely need to supplement those things. Will they become healthy reproductively viable adults?

High sulfur diets seem to be great for young animals in growth stage but are not good for longevity. There may indeed be a benefit to lowering sulfur intake in mid-life to slow your metabolic aging and cutting meat is an obvious way to do that.

There are trade-offs to every nutrient. Meat heavy diets are good for some problems and bad for others. There are additional risks associated with industrial meat production, as we know

Im pretty healthy btw but I have started supplementing alot in the last few years. I was probably deficient in a few things like D and the Bs.

[ - ] Ragnar 1 point 1 yearApr 30, 2023 19:15:11 ago (+1/-0)

How do you know you are healthy?

Anyway, we are an omnivorous species and you know it. Made up bs like octo ovo vegan is completely unnatural and unhealthy since you are fighting against nature.
For your claim vegetarians are healthier than normal humans, I would like you to look at india that has most of her population as vegetarians for generations. And they are also one of the handful of nations consuming pufa (that you love) for centuries.
They are one of the most unhealthy nations in the world.
I rest my case.

[ - ] PostWallHelena 0 points 1 yearApr 30, 2023 20:45:01 ago (+0/-0)

How do you know you are healthy?
How do you? I have good blood work and I feel great.

Anyway, we are an omnivorous species and you know it.

Yes we evolved to eat meat and plant food. Am I somehow violating nature because I dont eat exactly what my ancestors ate 10,000 years ago? What about you? Is your diet identical to a cro magnon’s? Is the quality of the meat you eat identical to theirs? Seems you are triggered at the very idea of my vegetarianism but you probably don’t get upset at other users whose major nutritional sources are cow breast milk or grass or cane sugar. Did we evolve to eat those things? Did we evolve to drink alcohol or coffee? The answer is no and you know it! But those things dont trigger you because they dont give you sad feelies. Somehow me not eating meat really bothers you.

For your claim vegetarians are healthier than normal humans

Oh did that happen? I dont think it did. I said in longevity studies that lacto-ovo-vegetarians and pesco-lacto-ovo-vegetarians lived longer than meat eaters and vegans.

Indians have shitty health because of poor hygiene and bad infectious illnesses, as well as a lousy health care system. Besides less than half of indians are vegetarians. It would be more logical to compare the health of Indian Jainist to Indian Muslims, not rando Indians to Scottish people. Hindus often eat meat, they just dont eat cow. Do you think Jainists are more unhealthy than Muslims? Niggers eat alot of BBQ. They are ridden with AIDS. Have I proven anything?

Hitler was a vegetarian. He seemed pretty healthy and he accomplished more than you. I rest my case. Maybe if you quit meat you’d be a better fascist.

[ - ] Ragnar 1 point 1 yearMay 1, 2023 00:10:11 ago (+1/-0)

You claim others are triggered when we are not while you chimp out yourself. Every single vegan/vegetarian I have met are so neurotic like you are.

As for your demonstrably wrong accusation of me not getting upset at others pushing extreme diets, I do correct those people too. I’m against “carnivore” diets and low carb diets. I’m not against sugar because our cells run on glucose, especially the brain and kidney cells.

cow’s breasts
They are not breasts you absolute retard, they are udders. It’s like saying fish gills are lungs. The organs may serve a similar purpose but they ain’t the same. But we expect such retardation from a rat festered city dwelling vegetarian harpy.

Did we evolve to drink alcohol or coffee?
The answer is yes, and you WOULD know this if you studied it with an open mind and not your usual parochial and prejudiced mindset. It depends on how honestly you define evolution. Evolution is not a one time thing. It keeps happening and we have obviously developed genes for certain new dietary introductions over the 10,000+ years. It’s evident in milk digestion that we are able to do with ease. You yourself drink milk on your retarded octo pussy diet, but were your pajeet ancestors drinking milk 30,000 years ago? No. The same explanation is true for your bizarre question of following the diets of cro magnon.

And btw, all indians have anaemia and their women give birth to tiny babies.
And aids is not related to diet, it’s caused by sodomy.

Hitler was a vegetarian.
And he lost.

[ - ] PostWallHelena 0 points 1 yearMay 1, 2023 09:01:56 ago (+0/-0)

I read about a line of this , you seem pretty triggered.

[ - ] Ragnar 1 point 1 yearMay 1, 2023 11:49:57 ago (+1/-0)

Lame out for when you know you are wrong and provably so

[ - ] PostWallHelena 0 points 1 yearMay 1, 2023 12:34:58 ago (+0/-0)

Lame like when accuse Hitler of losing the war because of his vegetariansism?

[ - ] Ragnar 1 point 1 yearMay 1, 2023 12:42:33 ago (+1/-0)

Had he eaten meat he would have easily avoided the fatal mistakes

[ - ] PostWallHelena 0 points 1 yearMay 1, 2023 19:47:51 ago (+0/-0)

Lol. Eat more meat. Maybe you’ll have the sense not to set yourself up to be destroyed by this vegetarian.

[ - ] Ragnar 1 point 1 yearMay 2, 2023 00:35:56 ago (+1/-0)

The only thing you are capable of destroying is your own future. You are a childless hag with nothing of value to offer to our society. You are a neurotic vegan harpy who was too unpleasant for any man to reproduce with.
You are a genetic dead end.

I’m already winning by not being you.

[ - ] TheOriginal1Icemonkey 1 point 1 yearApr 30, 2023 20:39:49 ago (+1/-0)

I probably eat beef twice a month. Mostly fish and vegetables. Some pork here and there. My supplemental intake combined with my fitness routine, although occasionally stymied by occasional beer intake, leaves me well prepared to take out any three vegetarian/vegan faggots at a time, at any time no matter what Antifa weapons they may carry

[ - ] PostWallHelena 0 points 1 yearApr 30, 2023 21:16:37 ago (+0/-0)

If we are talking strictly health, and not considering any other issues, the best health option seems to be eating very small amounts of meat rather than no meat at all. I don’t know what your fitness routine is, but I don’t believe getting really musclebound is the best path to longevity, unless you have to fend off niggers alot. Being leaner and focusing on cardio seems to be the better choice for long life.

Remember there was at least one vegetarian that gave antifa a pretty hard time about 80-90 years ago.

[ - ] TheOriginal1Icemonkey 1 point 1 yearApr 30, 2023 21:43:41 ago (+1/-0)

Ooooh, you sly fox! You bear witness to one imprisoned Austrian Painter! 1488!
My routine is lifting for strength, not bulk. Cardio is difficult due to knee and hip issues, but I do massive stretching and I have .223/5.56/9mm/.45 to compensate.
Yes, little meat. A lot of greens.

[ - ] PostWallHelena 0 points 1 yearApr 30, 2023 22:30:40 ago (+0/-0)

Ooooh, you sly fox! You bear witness to one imprisoned Austrian Painter! 1488!

Im a vegetarian on a fascist site. I always keep that one in my back pocket.

Cardio is difficult due to knee and hip issues,

I hear that. I have a few little injuries and issues that keep me from going full bore. My knees started to bother me a few years ago, but I started supplementing with various joint support shit and I dont do high impact stuff. Have you tried PRP or hyaluronic injections? I did some research on this because a friend has a really fucked up knee.

[ - ] TheOriginal1Icemonkey 0 points 1 yearMay 2, 2023 18:31:56 ago (+0/-0)

No, I have not tried those. All I’ve done, to great benefit, is different variations of Glucosamine and stretching. High quality footwear helps as well. I’m just not into running, at all. I can’t do any of the cardio machines at the gym because they all face large screens with either sportsball or news, both which I can’t stand, even with the volume off. I can walk or run where I live, I guess I’m just lazy?

[ - ] PostWallHelena 0 points 1 yearMay 3, 2023 10:39:45 ago (+0/-0)*

Well you can be the beneficiary of my recent deep dive into cartilage and osterarthritis issues.

Glucosamine is good as is chondroitin. They provide a proteoglycan matrix that supports the collagen ( or maybe its the other way around!)

Therapies that promote cartiliage repair
-Boron (esp. calcium fructoborate) also boosts T
-Magnesium (Mg glycinate is a particularly good for for joint inflammation)
-Get adequate zinc and copper, do not megadose because that is bad for joints
-Iron is NOT good for joints, do not supplement
-Sulfur compounds like MSM are good for short term use, but sulfur intake shortens lifespan
-Oral hyaluronic acid will also help joints (80-200 mg daily) but similar proviso to sulfur: may not be great for longevity, might promote tumor growth
-Hyaluronic injections seem like a good bet for knees, targetted, affordable. PRP is another interesting therapy that some swear by.
-Hydrolyzed collagen powder will help body rebuild cartilage
-UC2 or undenatured (unhydrolyzed) collagen II has shown good results for osteoarthritis. It causes your immune system to stop creating inflammation in your joints. This therapy seems to work on osteoarthritis as well as RA,
-Vitamin C and E reduce inflammation
-B vitamins esp. biotin and niacin, folic, b12
-aminos such as glycine, proline, hydroxyproline, and arginine. 
-herbal joint supplements are usually phenols/flavanoids which are anti-inflammatory. Im using a boswellia/turmeric pill, but quercetin, pycnogenol, and a few others probably work in similar ways.
-Omega 3s. Im taking an algae based one. The best is supposedly green lipped mussel oil, which has some exotic forms of omega 3 but they are $$$$. They might be worth it if you are really suffering. Otherwise try a good quality krill oil pill.
-Avocado/soy unsaponifiables are another remedy which has scientific support but I dont know much about it.

Obviously youre not going to do everything here. Try one or two if it suits you.

Edit: I have an elliptical which I like. I might buy a rower. Its good for when I dont want to go out the door. I also have a mini-tramp which is great and doesnt bother my joints . Cheap.

[ - ] TheOriginal1Icemonkey 0 points 1 yearMay 4, 2023 01:17:36 ago (+0/-0)

I love you for this? Thanks though. I will have to research over time. A bit right now✌️

[ - ] PostWallHelena 0 points 1 yearMay 4, 2023 18:01:15 ago (+0/-0)

No prob, as I said I was researching the subject lately. Heres a cheat sheet from a review of various joint supplements. https://bjsm.bmj.com/content/bjsports/52/3/167/F2.large.jpg
(Review: https://bjsm.bmj.com/content/52/3/167) I wouldnt depend on results of interventions with only one trial. Good luck

[ - ] deleted 0 points 1 yearApr 30, 2023 20:37:20 ago (+0/-0)


[ - ] PostWallHelena 0 points 1 yearApr 30, 2023 21:06:20 ago (+0/-0)

The white hair is likely to be hereditary. I have less gray hair than my sister who is younger than me. I think a lack of B vitamins, biotin in particular, sounds consistent with hair loss and veganism. That is probably a bigger health threat than low protein for vegans.

When I was vegan I was pretty skinny. Most of the vegans Ive met are skinny. Frankly its hard to find alot of food that doesnt have animal products in it so vegans dont have a big opportunity to overindulge. However it’s not hard to put on weight as a lacto-ovo-vegetarian. There are lots of vegetarian friendly junkfoods like ice cream and cheese, etc. There are lots of fat vegetarians but red meat eaters tend to be fatter.

I think its also somewhat of a personality thing. Vegetarians and vegans tend to be more control oriented towards their eating. It takes a little self control to give up meat. And even more to give up dairy on top of it.

considered eating more meat so I'd stop going bald. didnt work.

:( Biotin, and maybe silica are better than protein for hair. Probably hydrolyzed collagen powder too, which is actually a protein I guess. If I was really trying to grow great hair I would go for those things rather than just eating alot of chicken. I dont think they will stop male pattern baldness though. I hear microneedling with minoxidil is working for some people. Bimatoprost too but that shit is expensive.

[ - ] Prairie 0 points 1 yearApr 30, 2023 20:35:31 ago (+0/-0)

This just in, powdered grasshoppers also found to give the same... no, better nutrition than meat.

[ - ] Clubberlang 0 points 1 yearApr 30, 2023 20:51:23 ago (+0/-0)

Oyyyyyy Veyyyy goy jesseet da bugz arreddy!!

[ - ] Belfuro -1 points 1 yearMay 2, 2023 03:35:57 ago (+0/-1)

Stfu retarded cunt.

Folaye is from folic acid and the highest source of folic acid we eat us eggs.

Vit k is found in meat and synthesizes to vit k1 and in turn k2

Manganese is not essential and like vit c is needed by those consuming plant based diets.

Did you do any study?