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Presenting "The Stowaway," the first in a series of sci-fi visual novels!

submitted by PeBeFri to gaming 11 monthsApr 27, 2023 15:48:38 ago (+0/-0)     (gaming)

I am pleased to announce the release of the first installment of Imaginal Voyages, an anthology of science fiction VNs that I helped write.

You no doubt are aware of growing unease surrounding new technologies, which may be advancing at a rate that outpaces our ability to anticipate and mitigate the problems and moral quandaries they will pose. What if we create something that may alter the fabric of our society as we know it, offering alternatives to traditional means of living and methods of leaders to govern their people? These and other questions will be mulled over in Imaginal Voyages, just as they were in its sources of inspiration, The Twilight Zone and Black Mirror.

One last note: The first entry in the series, the one that's available now, is free. Enjoy!

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