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31 comments block

[ - ] Freespeechplease -2 points 1.1 yearsApr 27, 2023 09:04:58 ago (+1/-3)

There definitely is something wrong with pulling all the gas and coal etc out and sending it into the atmosphere. It's physically heavy. Pick up 5 gallons of gas and tell me burning it today for a few hours of enjoyment is good when it sat quietly in the ground in some shithole country for the last billion years is a good thing for the long term of the planet.

I'm not changing my lifestyle over it tho. Also electric batteries is a new chemical disaster waiting to happen

[ - ] deleted 8 points 1.1 yearsApr 27, 2023 09:32:31 ago (+8/-0)*


[ - ] Belfuro 1 point 1 yearApr 27, 2023 17:42:18 ago (+1/-0)

Ffs you idiot.

It all came from the atmosphere in the fucking first place.
During a time called the carboniferus.

Oh gee a cycle. Trap and release trap and release.

How fucking evil.

And FYI dumb fuck. The trapping was getting so far out of hand plants were facing extinction.

And what's released? Carbon, hydrogen and oxygen. Ohhh scary.

What are you made of?

[ - ] Moravian 0 points 1.1 yearsApr 27, 2023 13:03:29 ago (+0/-0)

The gas is not being sent into the atmosphere. A catalytic converter converts the CO and HC into CO2 and H20. Very little hydrocarbons escape, only when snapping throttle and during the warm up phase. I've spent extensive time measuring auto emissions with 4 and 5 gas analyzers to know this.

[ - ] Clubberlang 1 point 1 yearApr 27, 2023 17:54:59 ago (+1/-0)

Oyyyyyy Veyyyy this is systemic anti semitism!!

[ - ] Bottled_Tears 2 points 1.1 yearsApr 27, 2023 12:03:04 ago (+2/-0)

Climate change is a scam. They don't want to fix the Earth's climate they want to fix THEIR climate.

That's why it's all they talk about is depopulation, one world government, fixing the world but nothing to do with hunger, homelessness, etc.

Kind of obvious at this point.

[ - ] Belfuro 0 points 1 yearApr 27, 2023 17:39:59 ago (+0/-0)


Satan seeks us to fail. To not reproduce. To not discover or invent or live with love or be prosperous.

Once you know the enemies goal every change this last century makes sense.

Know thy enemy

[ - ] observation1 4 points 1.1 yearsApr 27, 2023 11:09:13 ago (+4/-0)*

That 97% he's talking about is mold, fungus, bacteria, other types of off-gassing that occurs in decomposition, and insects. Termites give off an enormous amount of co2, for example. Look it up.

(This does not even mention methane from deer, antelope, and a slew of other animals that outnumber cars and factories. Methane has a substantially higher warming effect than co2.)

The problem is real, that we poison our environment but global warming is a great distraction from that. We are destroying our environment in other ways.

[ - ] BoozyB 2 points 1 yearApr 27, 2023 20:35:01 ago (+2/-0)

Have you ever been near a salt marsh? Have you ever driven past a cattail swamp? How about that pungent odor down in the bayou?
That smell is rotting vegetation producing methane. Everything living eventually decomposes and makes methane. It's been happening for billions of years. (Or a few thousand years if you're a creationist.)
Dead organic material creates far more methane than animal farts ever will.

[ - ] PeckerwoodPerry 2 points 1 yearApr 28, 2023 07:14:29 ago (+2/-0)

It's called detritus, and the smell of it makes me homesick.

[ - ] olinneserpona 1 point 1.1 yearsApr 27, 2023 13:21:40 ago (+2/-1)

Plastic and all the DuPonts of the world dumping their waste must be removed.

[ - ] Belfuro -3 points 1 yearApr 27, 2023 17:38:20 ago (+0/-3)

Fuck off Commie cunt.

Tell you what pricks.

You live without plastic then tell us to remove it.

No engines. No electricity. No medicine. No packaging. No food not derived from yourself.
Rip out your plumbing.

Take yourself back to pure glass wood or tin etc.

Go on cunt that serves satan

[ - ] Belfuro 0 points 1 yearApr 27, 2023 17:43:01 ago (+0/-0)

I note the dv but no refutation.
What the fuck are these brain dead redditors doing here?

[ - ] Rotteuxx 2 points 1 yearApr 27, 2023 18:27:11 ago (+2/-0)

Calm down there, dunning-kruger.

Engines, electricity & medicine were all around before plastic was. Same with food exports & transformation.

Plastic plumbing is a very recent way of doing things wrong btw.

What plastics have allowed is for toxins to leech into our bodies & environment while allowing for cheap mass production of consumer goods we could easily live without before that.

[ - ] PotatoWhisperer2 0 points 1 yearApr 27, 2023 20:54:55 ago (+1/-1)

Plastic plumbing is stupid. I prefer working with metal pipes tyvm. They are tougher, last longer, and if it's off by a little bit you can just bend it to fit.

[ - ] Belfuro 0 points 1 yearApr 28, 2023 02:54:14 ago (+0/-0)

Hey cunt.
How do you insulate the wiring without plastics?

Plastics are of course organic.

But note, I'm happy for redditors like you and your faggot mate to go without access to plastics and die.

Now should you choose the path towards gaining sentience, behind by looking up all uses of plastics to get food grown and into your belly.

[ - ] olinneserpona -1 points 1 yearApr 29, 2023 12:50:12 ago (+0/-1)

Stop shilling and just go outside and enjoy your life, faggot.

[ - ] Belfuro 0 points 1 yearApr 29, 2023 22:49:17 ago (+0/-0)

Like a typical reddit level cunt, no refutation just insults.

At least this means you are boostered and will stop polluting the planet with your existence

[ - ] Belfuro 0 points 1 yearApr 27, 2023 17:33:37 ago (+0/-0)

What the fuck do you mean destroying the environment?

Are you a fucking redditor?

We cannot destroy THE environment.

We do change AN environment to another.

We do make environments unsightly. Like literally unsightly. Oh no non toxic plastic lying or floating around.
Destroys nothing.

Ask yourself, what is the difference between a plastic or glass bottle and a rock as far as being a pollutant?

[ - ] observation1 2 points 1 yearApr 27, 2023 17:51:00 ago (+2/-0)*

Your nonsensical triggered post exhibits such a low IQ, I don't know why I bother to respond.

If a moth eats your dry cleaning, is that not destroying your dress attire?

I guess you could say the moth was merely CHANGING your clothes. It destroys nothing.

The difference between plastic and a rock, is rock dust settles and doesn't make up 40% of the dust in my home.

Glass you can cook and bake with and doesn't find its way into the air I breathe and food I eat. Plastic, on the other hand leads to infertility and other major problems when you ingest it. It finds its way into crops like a pesticide ruins soil for generations. Not good for plants. Animals, babies or people. Glass on the other hand doesn't end up in the food.

By your logic. People aught to cook with Teflon pans because all that the pan can do to you in CHANGE your health for the worse.

[ - ] Rebooted 0 points 1.1 yearsApr 27, 2023 11:16:04 ago (+1/-1)

Life is a system of self-replicating change that reduces internal entropy and increases external entropy. You must understand this.

I am for life, for the "poisoning" of our environment, as you say, because the other option is a barren universe.

[ - ] observation1 2 points 1.1 yearsApr 27, 2023 11:45:00 ago (+3/-1)

Im not taking the "human is a cancer" position that is so often fallaciously imagined by bleeding hearts.

Im talking about medical drugs in the water supply, mercury and PFOS (forever chemicals) in the fish you eat, VOCs and microplastics in our home, incremental GMO crops, and toxic carcinogens in the air you breathe.

Entropy and blatant destruction of our world that we rely on to live are 2 different things.

[ - ] Belfuro -2 points 1 yearApr 27, 2023 17:35:44 ago (+0/-2)

Do you think humans are alone in producing poisons?

Wtf do you think happens to yeast in their environment once alcohol waste levels get high?

This world is in no way being destroyed. Pure fear mongering emotional manipulation and guilt tripping.

Ie evil speak.

[ - ] dosvydanya_freedomz 7 points 1.1 yearsApr 27, 2023 10:46:08 ago (+7/-0)

its a fucking scam.from CONvid to this climate unchange issue is a big psyop that happens to make the power elite gain more money and control

[ - ] Belfuro 0 points 1 yearApr 27, 2023 17:30:37 ago (+0/-0)

They are using climate change to brain damage people and to force end agendas.

Like banning people able to move around.

Like banning people eating food fit for humans.

Like stopping construction and maintenance of infrastructure

And its ramping up.

The world is now full of retarded morons who think oil and plastic bad even though they will die without it.

Or think meat is bad and eating poison good.

[ - ] Clubberlang 0 points 1 yearApr 27, 2023 17:55:56 ago (+0/-0)

Yool eet zee bugz en suxzee peenis!!

[ - ] UncleDoug 0 points 1 yearApr 29, 2023 06:23:03 ago (+0/-0)

They are using climate change to..

Facilitate the further transfer of wealth for a restructuring of the global economy.