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The history of the last 10 years of the abortion debate, summed up:

submitted by totes_magotes to aII 1.1 yearsApr 15, 2023 09:06:22 ago (+4/-1)     (aII)

Old white Christian men have no business legislating a woman's body. No uterus, no opinion

Men can get pregnant, thus making abortion no longer a women's health issue and allowing old white Christian men to legislate on it again.

SCOTUS overturns RvW leading up to, among other things, protestors disrupting legal proceedings at the Arizona capitol using violence and attempting to smash windows but they are not charged in the same manner and with the same publicity and rabid hatred as January 6th participants are.

Now states are enacting legislation to restrict abortions and suddenly the nuance that didn't exist for gun control issues ("Relax, ain't nobody coming for your guns. We just want 'common sense' gun laws.") now exist for abortion issues.

If the Mental Olympics were an actual sport, motherfuckers would be setting world records every day.

1 comments block

[ - ] StealthNinjaTaliban 0 points 1.1 yearsApr 15, 2023 10:30:21 ago (+0/-0)

Abortion is obviously a medical procedure and no one doubts the States ability to regulate medical procedures.

Dumbest thing I’ve heard about the entire topic, “if men could get pregnant, abortion would be a sacrament”

IF men could get pregnant then they would be in control of it. Society would revolve around family. Same way it did when men controlled women.