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13 comments block

[ - ] germ22 7 points 1.2 yearsApr 14, 2023 08:27:49 ago (+8/-1)*

Did they really LOSE six gorrilion? Did they have a set amount of money in their bank accounts, and now it's six billion less?
Or is it that the stock exchange values it 6 billion less. Which might be thire plan all along to buy back shares for cheaper. I'd imagine it's mostly small time investors, regular people that sell their stock when something like this goes down. And now big guys, like black rock can buy more shares for cheap.
edit: my spelling

[ - ] Monica 6 points 1.2 yearsApr 14, 2023 09:33:19 ago (+6/-0)

Lose: to undergo deprivation of something of value (investors lost heavily)

Loose: not rigidly fastened or securely attached (loose planks in a bridge), not tight-fitting (loose clothing)

[ - ] germ22 1 point 1.2 yearsApr 14, 2023 13:40:59 ago (+1/-0)

one day i will remember the difference of lose and lose, break and brake, too and to. But today is not that day.

[ - ] Mopar_or_nocar24 2 points 1.2 yearsApr 14, 2023 09:11:57 ago (+2/-0)


[ - ] boekanier 4 points 1.2 yearsApr 14, 2023 09:24:06 ago (+4/-0)

strange and weird that they prefer to be woke rather than rich

[ - ] Zyklonbeekeeper 3 points 1.2 yearsApr 14, 2023 14:04:04 ago (+3/-0)

This faggot goof ain't going to be able to handle the international rejection, it will kill itself soon...AND GOOD.

[ - ] Pulverizor 2 points 1.2 yearsApr 14, 2023 08:33:36 ago (+2/-0)

I've been under a rock but looks like that fella has had too much to drink already.

[ - ] lord_nougat 0 points 1.2 yearsApr 14, 2023 11:54:06 ago (+0/-0)

He lost a bet or something.

[ - ] beece 2 points 1.2 yearsApr 14, 2023 09:34:12 ago (+2/-0)

False. The "loss" noted in the OP meme is only on paper, the stock share price/market cap. The price didn't even drop all that much per share, and you have to cherry pick the dates to show that "loss". In fact it is up from a month ago. So 6 gorillion higher. https://finance.yahoo.com/m/20992955-d29d-32f8-ae6a-956155c8a7c8/anheuser-busch-stock-charges.html

Eventually, as people quit drinking that swill, the company will actually lose money, but as of now, they are still making shitloads. InBev has 500- brands, including many other beers you'd be familiar with: Miller, Becks, etc.

[ - ] x0x7 1 point 1.2 yearsApr 14, 2023 10:00:23 ago (+1/-0)

My suggestion is to stop linking to images of faggots. Do you know what the mere exposure effect does. That's why they want to put these people out there. I can know that trannies are a problem for a rational society that accepts physical reality for physical reality with relatively exposure to them.

[ - ] mikenigger 1 point 1.2 yearsApr 14, 2023 11:35:13 ago (+1/-0)

she drink the bud rite, what are you gonna do roundeye?

[ - ] RMGoetbbels 0 points 1.2 yearsApr 14, 2023 09:22:07 ago (+1/-1)

We need another round of tranny beer over here please.

Edit: I just hit the speaker symbol and it sounds hot. What is this new tranny feature?