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Nigger entitlement in a nutshell

submitted by PoundOfFlesh to whatever 1 yearApr 13, 2023 22:50:31 ago (+34/-1)     (whatever)

Today at the grocery store some short fat sheboon was slowly pushing her cart and talking on her sail foam. At one point she stopped and was blocking the way into the next aisle. I nudged her cart out of the way, and of course she blurted out, "Excoooz you!"

I've had a shitty day so I turned around and barked at her. "No, excuse you! Pay attention and don't block the fucking aisle." She actually backed down a little but was still sassy and said, "You shoulda said excooz me!" I told her to fuck off and moved on.

Later she passed by me again and gave me the angry nigga stare. I almost asked her if she was mad because she's wearing those tight revealing clothes yet nobody's paying attention or wants to fuck her, but I didn't want to be falsely accused of something. Just ignored her instead which was the wiser thing to do (avoid the groid).

Anyway, point of my story is I fucking hate nigger entitlement. They don't get out of the way, they don't say please or thank you, and they always expect everyone else to accommodate them. You can only ignore it for so long. People hate niggers because, among countless reasons, niggers are inconsiderate, selfish assholes.

I almost always avoid and never relax, but today I was tense and something about that she-coon rubbed me the wrong way. I'm probably lucky she didn't call Tyrone and his homies over from the liquor aisle.

21 comments block

[ - ] Fascinus 10 points 1 yearApr 13, 2023 23:28:19 ago (+10/-0)*

Niggers are low-empathy savages.

It's in our nature to, without knowing better, expect them to behave as humans since they are able to speak https://files.catbox.moe/1d80uh.jpeg

and wear clothes.

(((disgusting kike))) media reinforces these expectations with unrealistic portrayals of dindus as actual humans.


Once one understands what they *really are and adjust expectations accordingly, everything starts to make a lot more sense.



Edit: Formatting is jacked, repeated sentences - trying to work around the oddness

[ - ] BulletStopper 1 point 1 yearApr 15, 2023 05:13:25 ago (+1/-0)

Don't forget the sclera of the eye. In humans, it's white. In niggers, chimps, and other lower primates, it's yellow.

[ - ] RMGoetbbels 4 points 1 yearApr 14, 2023 05:03:47 ago (+4/-0)

They are slow as fuck in the checkout line on purpose because they are "sticking it to the man" and fucking up everyone elses day behind them.


[ - ] drhitler 4 points 1 yearApr 14, 2023 00:13:44 ago (+4/-0)

Iam sick of them acting like they are the experts when it comes to "justice" and "respect" which they have for no one else except someone else who is black.

[ - ] Gowithit 2 points 1 yearApr 14, 2023 01:29:52 ago (+2/-0)

Have you ever noticed the Ms ,Mr. thing? Higher tone and energetic towards blacks, deeper almost sarcastic tone with non blacks. Also said with no eye contact. Again only with non blacks.

[ - ] Hoobeejoo 0 points 1 yearApr 14, 2023 03:18:42 ago (+0/-0)

They demand respect, yet they cannot say what it is they do that would earn respect.

[ - ] bobdole9 3 points 1 yearApr 14, 2023 00:48:46 ago (+3/-0)

Imagine the same behavior from non-niggers. Shopping within an hour of opening or closing gives you the best chance to avoid the open-mouth-breathing retards.

[ - ] 86USSLiberty 3 points 1 yearApr 14, 2023 00:01:54 ago (+3/-0)

I hear you man. I think I’m more frustrated with those who view them as human even more though. To me they’re like a novelty parroting chimp. It’s like playing along with tranny delusions. It’s an undue cruelty to society and the animal to expect them to live amongst man in a human society. You wouldn’t expect it out of other apes. Parrots don’t get fundamental rights for their mimicry. They belong on the same game preserves in Africa like Kruger in manageable populations of course. Tag em and humanely dispose of them if they approach too near human settlements.

[ - ] Inward 0 points 1 yearApr 14, 2023 09:01:42 ago (+0/-0)

We've all been trained to believe that niggers are human.

[ - ] deleted 2 points 1 yearApr 13, 2023 23:01:13 ago (+6/-4)


[ - ] PoundOfFlesh [op] 3 points 1 yearApr 13, 2023 23:06:19 ago (+3/-0)

But we need the diversity!


[ - ] boekanier 0 points 1 yearApr 14, 2023 02:58:51 ago (+0/-0)

diversity is all we need

[ - ] Inward 1 point 1 yearApr 14, 2023 09:37:13 ago (+1/-0)

Funny, I haven't heard "diversity is our greatest strength." In a long time from a non-ironic source. We should remind everyone with new memes.

[ - ] eongoat 1 point 1 yearApr 14, 2023 13:27:53 ago (+1/-0)

Been ordering online at my grocery store for pickup and it has been great. No groids to deal with at all. I spend about 5-10 minutes in the parking lot waiting for them to bring it out to me. Only complaint I have is they don't know how to pick out decent fruit/veg, so I have to get that myself.

[ - ] SirNiggsalot 0 points 1 yearApr 15, 2023 06:12:21 ago (+0/-0)

Nigger fatigue is a true pandemic.

Niggers have zero self awareness or empathy , and common courtesy is unknown to them.

Avoid the groid, and never relax

[ - ] usedoilanalysis 0 points 1 yearApr 14, 2023 13:42:46 ago (+0/-0)

It's not just niggers who do that, people are so fucking retarded, that they'll block the shopping lane with their cart, and ignore you when you say excuse me, then get mad when you move their cart, which is full of shit they haven't even paid for yet.

[ - ] SteppingRazor 0 points 1 yearApr 14, 2023 09:45:58 ago (+0/-0)

While I agree with what you wrote, a simple excuse me goes a long way. I wouldn’t wait more than a second before barging through though.

[ - ] MaryXmas 0 points 1 yearApr 14, 2023 06:57:10 ago (+0/-0)

They always back down. If they don't, they chimp.

[ - ] BBQ_JONES 0 points 1 yearApr 14, 2023 06:18:56 ago (+0/-0)

Did you know that they also stink???

[ - ] dassar 0 points 1 yearApr 14, 2023 04:12:42 ago (+0/-0)

When you stank eyed you, Should've replied 'Excoooz you !!'

[ - ] boekanier 0 points 1 yearApr 14, 2023 02:57:33 ago (+0/-0)

they are like that because of their (very) low IQ