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Five Easy Experiments to do at Home that Prove the Earth is Sperical; #1

submitted by UncleDoug to flatearth 1.1 yearsApr 12, 2023 07:47:34 ago (+16/-5)     (files.catbox.moe)


#1: Watch a Lunar Eclipse

Solar and Lunar Eclipses Worldwide – 2023

A lunar eclipse occurs when the Earth is directly between the sun and the moon. This positioning causes the Earth to cast a shadow onto the moon. In a total lunar eclipse the Earth’s shadow completely covers the moon. This shadow darkens the moon’s surface.

The shape of the Earth’s shadow on the moon during lunar eclipses is always spherical. This is because the Earth is round and a round object casts a round shadow. Try it with a dark room, a flashlight, and an orange or a ball. You will have a tough time getting a non-spherical shadow out of the ball.

Now try the same activity with a dinner plate. You will notice that it is much easier to make shadows that are shapes other than round. If the Earth were flat and shaped like the dinner plate, the Earth’s shadow during a lunar eclipse would often be one of these non-round shapes. It could be oval or even just a thick line. This has never happened.

41 comments block

[ - ] deleted 0 points 1.1 yearsApr 12, 2023 08:20:15 ago (+3/-3)


[ - ] UncleDoug [op] 1 point 1.1 yearsApr 12, 2023 08:31:49 ago (+3/-2)

[ - ] deleted 1 point 1.1 yearsApr 12, 2023 08:34:23 ago (+4/-3)


[ - ] UncleDoug [op] 0 points 1.1 yearsApr 12, 2023 08:40:24 ago (+4/-4)

Never been fishing huh? Sad

OMG the fish are NASA holograms, reeee.

[ - ] deleted 0 points 1.1 yearsApr 12, 2023 09:01:15 ago (+3/-3)


[ - ] AryanPrime 3 points 1.1 yearsApr 12, 2023 09:17:47 ago (+5/-2)

the reality is that uncledoug is a kike, and doesn't want you knowing about the flat earth because it justifies the Christian Creation myth, and the last thing kikes like doug want Aryans doing is learning about real Christianity that calls on all Aryans to wage war against the kike filth

[ - ] UncleDoug [op] -3 points 1.1 yearsApr 12, 2023 09:33:30 ago (+1/-4)

The same old fightknightHERO, riling up the christcucks to help destabalise this forum.

yids gonna yid I guess.

[ - ] UncleDoug [op] 1 point 1.1 yearsApr 12, 2023 09:07:54 ago (+2/-1)

Is water denser than air? yes

Is Earth's atmosphere denser than space? yes

How does light get refracted when traveling between different-density mediums? Hmmmm

Light passing from a less dense to a more dense medium bends toward the normal. Light passing from a more dense to a less dense medium bends away from the normal.

I guarantee that I fish more than you.

Zero chance

[ - ] AryanPrime 3 points 1.1 yearsApr 12, 2023 09:21:45 ago (+5/-2)


uncle doug and low 84 IQ kike arguments HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA

It demands you tell it the density of things, but density isn't the only thing there

You see, if you create a vacuum chamber, you can counteract the pull force of gravity rather easily. The catch is it must all be done in an enclosed space, ie something with a "barrier" preventing passage of items of a minimal size

that's where kike doug's argument falls flat...the infinate vacuum of space isn't "strong enough" to create suction from the planet and instead forms "gradients" of air pressure, against the UNIVERSAL CONSTANT PULL OF A NEAR PERFECT VACUUM ACCORDING TO DOUG

it wants you to believe this while simultaneously ignoring the fact that you can lift a column of water miles into the air with a water pump

the vacuum of space is weaker then my water pump is it doug?

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAH, inferior low IQ kikes can't stand it their 500 year long grift about heliocentric chutzpah is coming to a close LMFAO HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA

If the earth was a sphere many military documents wouldn't say "assume a flat and level earth" on them now would it you stupid fucking kike

you don't "assume flat" on a "round object" for any purpose...unless the fact it's a round object itself is a lie

[ - ] ghetto_shitlord 0 points 1.1 yearsApr 12, 2023 11:04:53 ago (+0/-0)

There is little difference in how they behave. Formula 1, which is obsessed with how things move through air, uses computational FLUID dynamics. Why fluid? Because air behaves like a fluid, air is just a lot less dense at sea level than air. The rotation correction would be miniscule at that distanc

[ - ] deleted -1 points 1.1 yearsApr 12, 2023 11:57:38 ago (+0/-1)


[ - ] Sector7 -1 points 1.1 yearsApr 12, 2023 14:48:59 ago (+0/-1)

Never once corrected a shot for the "spin", 'cause that's just some movie shit.

Exactly, that would be like having to adjust for your speed relative to the road surface when reaching for something in your truck.

[ - ] deleted 0 points 1.1 yearsApr 12, 2023 17:49:41 ago (+0/-0)


[ - ] Mopar_or_nocar24 0 points 1.1 yearsApr 12, 2023 15:04:23 ago (+0/-0)

Fish and birds.

[ - ] Had 0 points 1.1 yearsApr 12, 2023 13:57:15 ago (+0/-0)

Why are sunsets red?

[ - ] UncleDoug [op] 0 points 1.1 yearsApr 12, 2023 15:53:14 ago (+0/-0)

Rayleigh scattering.

[ - ] x0x7 1 point 1.1 yearsApr 12, 2023 08:49:06 ago (+2/-1)

Better question is explain it in a flat earth model.

[ - ] deleted 1 point 1.1 yearsApr 12, 2023 09:59:38 ago (+3/-2)


[ - ] Had 0 points 1.1 yearsApr 12, 2023 14:00:04 ago (+1/-1)

Please explain. You must establish foundational information in your model since it is not the common one. What exactly is a "plasma effect"? What does the earth look like from the outside looking in? What evidence is there to indicate this?

Genuine questions, I have never taken the time to look into flat earth and what the whole theory entails.

[ - ] Mopar_or_nocar24 0 points 1.1 yearsApr 12, 2023 15:06:02 ago (+1/-1)

They can't explain it because they don't fucking understand it themselves. They screeched about circumstantial evidence for ball Earth but then Project theories that are a million times worse in comparison.

[ - ] deleted 0 points 1.1 yearsApr 12, 2023 17:20:08 ago (+0/-0)


[ - ] Had 0 points 1.1 yearsApr 12, 2023 19:45:33 ago (+0/-0)

Lol, ok dude I tried. I watched the first 2 videos and couldn't fathom spending 40 mins on the third.

This is some serious schizo shit.

[ - ] deleted 0 points 1.1 yearsApr 12, 2023 17:51:09 ago (+0/-0)


[ - ] soupnazi 0 points 1.1 yearsApr 12, 2023 16:40:25 ago (+0/-0)

So how does that make it so we can see the sun and moon at the same time during an eclipse? What is the physical set up in that case? That's what the question was. I was hoping a description of a physical system and how that generates the effect I asked about.

[ - ] ghetto_shitlord 1 point 1.1 yearsApr 12, 2023 11:05:54 ago (+2/-1)

Preferably with mathematical proof.

[ - ] deleted -2 points 1.1 yearsApr 12, 2023 11:58:56 ago (+2/-4)


[ - ] big_fat_dangus 1 point 1.1 yearsApr 12, 2023 13:50:37 ago (+2/-1)

Lmao this is your brain on flat tard. When they're too stupid to understand math (which is always), they simply say math isn't real.

[ - ] deleted 0 points 1.1 yearsApr 12, 2023 17:41:15 ago (+0/-0)


[ - ] ghetto_shitlord 1 point 1.1 yearsApr 12, 2023 17:43:41 ago (+1/-0)

"There is no such scientific thing as a "mathematical proof"


[ - ] deleted 0 points 1.1 yearsApr 12, 2023 17:44:52 ago (+0/-0)


[ - ] ghetto_shitlord 0 points 1.1 yearsApr 12, 2023 18:39:41 ago (+0/-0)

So that statement does not say math isn't real? Can you explain further.

[ - ] big_fat_dangus 0 points 1.1 yearsApr 12, 2023 18:22:13 ago (+0/-0)

Please point to where you get any bitches.

[ - ] Mopar_or_nocar24 -1 points 1.1 yearsApr 12, 2023 15:08:45 ago (+1/-2)

They say foundational math is circumstantial but then screech about the moon being a Plasma effect and how everything is metaphysical in nature.

It's all this strange sort of schizophrenic projection.

[ - ] ghetto_shitlord 0 points 1.1 yearsApr 12, 2023 17:38:32 ago (+0/-0)

WTF do they mean "plasma effect?

[ - ] deleted 0 points 1.1 yearsApr 12, 2023 17:42:44 ago (+0/-0)


[ - ] ghetto_shitlord 1 point 1.1 yearsApr 12, 2023 17:41:45 ago (+1/-0)

Oh really? One can calculate how fast an object will fall, at sea level, and it can be corroborated with physical experiments. Please show me this with no gravity. We have a calculable, reproducible equation for lift. Please reproduce that equation without gravity as well. Just an estimation is fine

[ - ] deleted 0 points 1.1 yearsApr 12, 2023 17:52:36 ago (+0/-0)


[ - ] ghetto_shitlord 0 points 1.1 yearsApr 12, 2023 18:35:36 ago (+0/-0)

Repeatable experiments confirm it though. The theory is we don't understand exactly why there is this attraction. We can measure and predict it with near perfect accuracy.
Kindly find me a repeatable experiment for flat earth.

Also, waiting on flat earth math. How much energy does it take to raise a 1kg mass, irrespective of air density, to 100 km?

[ - ] HelenHighwater 4 points 1.1 yearsApr 12, 2023 12:42:08 ago (+4/-0)

The reason an eclipse looks that way is that is the rare occasion when we see some or all of the dark side of the sun. Only half of the sun is burning gas, the other side is ice cold. The sun is only about forty-seven feet above the earth's surface. Above the sun is a black shroud of helium-4 and Oganneson molecules. The moon is a derelict Nazi warship that became quantum entangled in the He4 shroud. Our 'planet' is not a dinner plate, like some mental people here think. The earth is shaped like an inverted torus that is used to channel phlorium energy to nourish the psionic entity that lives in the core of the planet.

[ - ] big_fat_dangus 2 points 1.1 yearsApr 12, 2023 13:52:20 ago (+2/-0)

FINALLY someone dropping some truth

[ - ] Illsithereandlaugh 0 points 1.1 yearsApr 12, 2023 17:14:26 ago (+0/-0)

You took it out of my mouth.