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Black Swan - Challenging the Ball: lighthouse Netherlands 36,5 km Nikon P900

submitted by GetFuckedCunt to EarthIsAFlatPlane 1.2 yearsApr 12, 2023 02:17:14 ago (+3/-7)     (www.youtube.com)


Lighthouse of Vlieland ( Netherlands ) seen from the afsluitdijk ( Den Oever) next to the statue of Dr Ir Cornelis Lely ( engineer of this project ) Distance from camera to lighthouse : 36,5 km . Camera height 9 mtrs ( dike is 7.5 meters plus the camera lens at 1.5 mtrs = 9 meters) , so the horizon is at 10,7 km. We will calculate the curvature of the earth over a distance of (36,5 minus 10,7 ) 25,8 km. Wiki says: sqrt(radius^2 + distance^2)-radius so the expected hidden part due to the curvature of the earth would be 52 mtrs. Wikipedia also states that the light itself( the part above the white 'ring') is at a height of 51 mtrs above sealevel. And this is where the problem begin : why do we still see the whole lighthouse of 17 meters while we would only have been able to see only the upper 5 meters of it , the part above the white 'ring 'where the actual light is? The whole lighthouse including the tower is 17 meters long and it stands on a high dune of 40 mtrs . A total of 57 meters of which 52 meters would have been invisible because of the alleged curvature of the earth. This vid is no direct proof of a flat earth , but it does show that this would be impossible on a ball earth with circumference of 40.000 km

13 comments block

[ - ] i_scream_trucks 2 points 1.2 yearsApr 12, 2023 04:31:49 ago (+3/-1)

"This vid is no direct proof of a flat earth"


"But it does show that this would be impossible on a ball earth with circumference of 40.000 km"

No it really doesnt. It shows exactly what it shows. If the earth is flat, where is the bottom of everything you see in the video

Why do you clowns keep on posting evidence that proves you incorrect as evidence you are correct?

[ - ] UncleDoug 2 points 1.2 yearsApr 12, 2023 07:16:42 ago (+3/-1)

GFC is a either glownigger or a mongoloid, he might be the first person on tlol I block.

[ - ] deleted -2 points 1.2 yearsApr 12, 2023 08:29:06 ago (+0/-2)


[ - ] UncleDoug 2 points 1.2 yearsApr 12, 2023 08:34:25 ago (+2/-0)

Debating continuously egregious shilling, or worse still blatant stupidity is a waste of life.

[ - ] deleted -2 points 1.2 yearsApr 12, 2023 09:06:53 ago (+0/-2)


[ - ] i_scream_trucks 2 points 1.2 yearsApr 12, 2023 19:41:12 ago (+2/-0)*

Correct, that's why we dont bother debating pancake earthers.

None of your gibberish makes any sense and you have no new information that you aren't pretending hasn't been ass blasted before.

Come up with something new and maybe you'll hear something different when you're being debunked again.

[ - ] GetFuckedCunt [op] -3 points 1.2 yearsApr 12, 2023 06:31:58 ago (+1/-4)*

No it really doesn't.

You don't get to just say no when faced with evidence that contradicts your heliocentric ball model.


where is the bottom of everything you see in the video

Learn how perspective works




[ - ] qwop 2 points 1.2 yearsApr 12, 2023 08:14:29 ago (+3/-1)*

Has nothing with perspective to do. Light moves in a straight line. If something is not visible, it's because something else is blocking it.

In this case the bottom of the island is blocked by the curvature of the earth. In order to see the bottom, you would need to move higher up.

Here's a drone shot that perfectly shows that moving higher reveals more objects further away. Exactly as predicted by the globe model:


[ - ] GetFuckedCunt [op] -4 points 1.2 yearsApr 12, 2023 08:17:52 ago (+1/-5)

It has everything to do with perspective.

The horizon always remains at eye level unless obstructed by a mountain or buildings e.t.c. and you don't tilt down to lock on to a geometric horizon


Drone rising up and horizon remaining at eye level the entire time, never tilting down


Drone rising up, the horizon remains at eye level and distance increases.

Here is a simple experiment that you can do to prove that the horizon is not geometric


[ - ] qwop 3 points 1.2 yearsApr 12, 2023 08:24:43 ago (+4/-1)

Your spouting flat earth magic spells, mantras, like "the horizon always remains at eye level", without understanding what you are talking about. You are a complete moron.

[ - ] UncleDoug 3 points 1.2 yearsApr 12, 2023 08:36:14 ago (+4/-1)

He doesn't understand elevation determines the distance you can see toward the horizon. It is the primary reason why tall ships had a Crowsnest.

[ - ] Mopar_or_nocar24 1 point 1.2 yearsApr 14, 2023 09:46:05 ago (+1/-0)

Crowsnests are a jew lie perpetrated by globebois

[ - ] GetFuckedCunt [op] -3 points 1.2 yearsApr 12, 2023 08:38:11 ago (+1/-4)

Here is what eye level means, the only one casting magic spells are ball believers with their magical curve that doesn't exist.
