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Age of consent at 25 with exceptions being made to the law within age differential. Age 25 for most other things as well.

submitted by AntiPostmodernist to whatever 1 yearApr 8, 2023 12:39:25 ago (+1/-5)     (whatever)

Look at the trauma that comes from sexual activity that occurs in 18-24 year olds.

The 2000s was marked by countless young girls in colleges who deeply regretted sexual encounters they were thought to have been capable of consenting to.

This led to a flood of accusations that left men branded as sex criminals for life.

Look at the sexual decisions girls in this age range are making today, only to deeply regret it and feel traumatized.

If pedophilia is primarily a problem because of mental immaturity, then by the light of modern neuroscience we can conclude that those under 25 have (on average) prefrontal cortexes that are not fully developed and thus these individuals are not at their peak capablity of providing meaningful consent.

- most porn becomes cp and is banned as a result.
- females feel a time pressure to find a mate and reproduce, only five years from 25 to the infamous three-oh wall. Maybe they'd set realistic standards then. Fertility rates will increase.
- as stated before, there's ample evidence that a girl below 25 years most likely has diminished capability to make meaningful decisions regarding sex.
- putting sex off for longer will kill a lot of the toxic cultures and poor decisions made by modern people.
- age differential will at least ensure that we aren't always jailing two under-25s who have sex.
- pushing childhood forward is exactly what we need, it would be very therapeutic for manchildren who get to get their lives together.
- it's the exact opposite of what the pedophiles want, and that's always good.
- the establishment of today hates this idea, which is good for the ideas credibility.
- sex is bad unless it's for reproduction, I'd ideally ban all sexual acts that involve ejactulation which does not result in children, but wasted seed. (Blowjobs, analsex, homosex, etc.). But I'm not so unrealistic as to think this is practical. Actually the ideal is no one has sex and we reproduce through technological means.
- I hate that everyone is sexually experienced but me, i want to make it so that no swx happens except what is abolaolutelt necessary, I also hate everything sexual and this pedophile tranny shit is the final straw, or it would've been if not for the fact that an entire generation of children has been raised exposed to all kinds of adult oriented content thanks to the internet.
- nonwhites have issues delaying gratification, there'd be a lot more of them arrested for breaking these laws than there would be among whites.
- we could raise all other age restrictions to the same level, that would be better for us, for example it would severely cripple the amount of taxes being paid to the government.

Think about it.

Once again, the exceptions made for cetain age differences mean that we won't be arresting all under 25 yesr olds who have sex with each other, nor does this mean we'd be allowing anyone under the age of 25 to legally have sex.

If two individuals under 25 are the same ages and they have sex, they won't be in danger of getting arrested for it.

32 comments block

[ - ] PeckerwoodPerry 5 points 1 yearApr 8, 2023 12:57:54 ago (+5/-0)

Nope. We should be pushing for boys to become men earlier, not later. Man-childs exist because there's no longer coming of age rituals in the modern world. Boys should be cut off from mothering at about twelve years old and be forced into adversity. They should have to learn to fight, feed themselves, defend what's theirs at an early age. That actually one of the biggest problems. Lack of positive male role models, and lack of real world experience in defending and keeping what you earned. "Coming of Age" rituals need to make a comeback. When society is in charge of creating strong men by putting them through adversity, less weakness will be tolerated by just about everyone.

[ - ] AntiPostmodernist [op] 0 points 1 yearApr 8, 2023 12:59:58 ago (+1/-1)*

You know who has coming of age rites? Jews and Muslims.

The idea of manchildren is often inaccurate.

They've tried to find work, they've had difficulty with getting work, eventually they stop trying out of discouragement. Then they see how old they are and fully resign themselves to staying inside all day playing vidya and collecting merchandise.

Manchildren want to get better, they need help, maybe sonething like compulsory military service might prevent the creation of new manchildren, but it does nothing for the glut of manchildren who exist today.

[ - ] AryanPrime 0 points 1 yearApr 8, 2023 13:03:35 ago (+0/-0)

you know who promotes things that would lower the Aryan birth rate? kike filth

[ - ] AntiPostmodernist [op] 0 points 1 yearApr 8, 2023 13:18:03 ago (+0/-0)

It won't lower it, but raise it. Female fertility peaks at around the mid 20s.

[ - ] AryanPrime 1 point 1 yearApr 8, 2023 13:33:22 ago (+1/-0)


no, someone who is clearly ignorant of biology based on his original post doesn't get to lecture people about "what is or isn't" true about biology later in the post LMFAO

"putting sex off for longer" will do absolutely nothing to help Aryans...there wasn't a degeneracy problem with Amish women getting married at 17-18 in their communities

it has to do with kike filth messing with the very education of humans from birth...there is no discussion to be had other then "eradicate the kike from it's spheres of influence"

Until that is done, no objective information can be truly trusted because it can't be trusted to be objective if kikes are still around

[ - ] AntiPostmodernist [op] 0 points 1 yearApr 8, 2023 13:48:15 ago (+0/-0)

The rates of sexual abuse of children within communities like the Amish are high.

A lot of these types of communities are marrying off daughters who are a lot younger than 18.

If you think that sexual consent requires the full cognitive capacity to meaningfully consent, as I do, then the results of neuroscientific studies coupled with real world observations of the inadequacy of an under 25 year olds ability to meaningfully consent to sexual encounters is pretty clear on what the appropriate judgement ought to be.

You just want to preserve your precious porn collection, is that right?

Or maybe your right to pick up young college age girls from the bar?

Maybe you just want to prevent the pedos from losing ground?

Here's the thing, thus is realistic and acheivable as a goal, the motion is present in real life and is a lot more popular than you might think.

A less sexual time would be better since a lot of our issues come from our era being paradoxically too sexual and not fruitful enough.

I'd like to make this age limit apply to everything, not just aexual consent, including applying it to internet access.

No one under 25 should be able to use the internet. A lot of lives were ruined by giving internet access to kids.

The last two paragraphs in your post I have nothing but agreement with.

[ - ] AryanPrime 0 points 1 yearApr 8, 2023 13:58:00 ago (+0/-0)

"you just want to preserve your precious porn collection"

This is something i've never understood...two reasons

I haven't watched porn for many many years now, even when I was watching it...what the fuck is a porn collection?

Seriously...porn can be instantly streamed, you can bookmark pages...why would i ever download a single byte of smut onto my computer? That's the mentality I don't understand lmfao...no porn could die out for all I care, in fact I wish it would because it subverts our culture, promotes the dehumanization of Whites constantly and is a large revenue stream for kikes

I also don't goto bars lmfao, never have actually so I wouldn't even know the proper "etiquette" for a place like that...why would I openly engage in things I know are kike methods of usurpation...people like you are fucking lost, you have no idea who you are or what your core principles are.

You are talking about "neuroscientific studies"...which are probably paid for by kikes to promote things they want promoted in some way shape or form.

Sexual consent requires one thing and one thing alone fren...desire

anyone who desires to have sex will have it...if you can trick a child into wanting sex, they will probably have it. Why do you think they are "grooming" children in the first place...make the child desire sex and they will desire it, then "make yourself available" and "pretend to be understanding" it's right out of their literature.

Sex isn't evil
the internet isn't evil

the kike usurpation of sex and the internet is evil

You constantly try to obfuscate away from the influence kikes have on poisoning everything, this is why I suspect you are a larping kike, or a non White with not that high of an IQ who isn't malicious by nature but just doesn't understand anything because he has no frame of reference for "normal thought patterns" because he grew up in a kike usurped culture from day 1

I was lucky, I had parents who saw what was happening decades ago...I knew about kikes by the age of 6 thanks to them...It's why my noticing skills are rather high.

[ - ] AntiPostmodernist [op] 0 points 1 yearApr 8, 2023 14:04:34 ago (+0/-0)

Accusations like that mean little to me, I know who I am.

As I said before, I understand that nothing could be trusted today where the heebs run it all, nothing could be trusted since the American Civil War.

But realistically, how can we live on that basis?

Some of what you write is a bit suspect, I hope you aren't encouraging degeneracy.

As stated before I do not like sex, I want less of it in my society, I especially want less sexual stuff in the presence of children, and I think of under 25s as children bc I see how they act. They are not adults. They should not have exposure to anything even remotely sexual.

[ - ] ghetto_shitlord 2 points 1 yearApr 8, 2023 13:21:42 ago (+2/-0)

This take is ignorant of biology.

[ - ] AntiPostmodernist [op] -1 points 1 yearApr 8, 2023 13:27:59 ago (+0/-1)

How so?

The brain develops all throughout life, but it's the prefrontal cortex that we are concerned with here.

[ - ] ghetto_shitlord 1 point 1 yearApr 8, 2023 14:21:15 ago (+1/-0)

Sexual urges start before 25. Making it "illegal" is pointless. If people want to fuck they are, laws or not.

You made a LOT of statements as absolutes without data to back it up. Spare me the, "muh woke scientists" drivel. Bring receipts why you think this will work, ever.

Where are men in this? yYou're just blaming women, it takes 2 to tango. Total incel ideology. I happily banged at 21 year old at 15. No power imbalance. No extortion. I'm 44 now and we are still friends.

[ - ] PhantomXLII 0 points 1 yearApr 8, 2023 19:17:55 ago (+0/-0)

I happily banged at 21 year old at 15.


Who's the female?

[ - ] ghetto_shitlord 0 points 1 yearApr 8, 2023 23:08:05 ago (+0/-0)

No one you would know, and she is happily married now. Still a PAWG tho, lucky guy.

[ - ] PhantomXLII 0 points 1 yearApr 8, 2023 23:38:59 ago (+0/-0)

So you, a 21yo at the time, had sex with a 15yo?

Is that correct?

[ - ] ghetto_shitlord 0 points 1 yearApr 9, 2023 16:11:24 ago (+0/-0)

You've got it backwards. I was 15.

[ - ] AntiPostmodernist [op] -2 points 1 yearApr 8, 2023 15:08:57 ago (+0/-2)*

Just because you have sexual urges towards an adult doesn't mean you are fit for sex with an adult. It's an adults responsibility not to take advantage of a developing brain. I'm sorry for what you went through, you were exploited and I dont want to minimize that, but you need to stop living in denial and come to terms with the fact that you were groomed and assaulted as a child. Even if it was by another child (neurologically speaking) that doesn't make it right. It's good that could bring yourself to forgive your attacker but you should have reported her to the police. I have nothing but sympathy for male victims, they are victims just as much as their female counterparts.

[ - ] ghetto_shitlord 1 point 1 yearApr 8, 2023 16:02:27 ago (+1/-0)

"fit for sex with an adult."

Who defines this? Wouldn't that matter to the individual? How are you defining adult, age?

I was not exploited, again, individuals are different. How can you tell ME how I feel?

I wasn't groomed, I pursued her.

I can't "forgive" something I wanted to happen.

Did I groom the 20 somethings I live on a boat with, who came voluntarily? No one made them come. I posted an ad and they responded. They advanced on me, not me on them. They initiated.

This reeks of incel bullshit. If you could not get laid as a teen that's on you. Don't project your "morality" on something you couldn't obtain.

[ - ] AntiPostmodernist [op] 0 points 1 yearApr 8, 2023 16:21:13 ago (+0/-0)

No. My life sucked to a degree, so everyone else must go through the same thing. It's good for them, its good for society. If people's lives can improve after a traumatic experience, then we should give them traumas. If people appreciate things more when they don't have them, the best thing to do is take everything away from them, and give them something back. I'd like everyone to be born into poverty, idnlike everyone to have abusive parents, idblike everyone to Fer ducked over by the mental health system, I'd like everyone to experience every I have experienced, because to want to see how it would affect them.

[ - ] ghetto_shitlord 0 points 1 yearApr 8, 2023 16:29:17 ago (+0/-0)

WHAT TRAUMA? I had a damn good time, many times. It boosted my confidence to the point I wouldn't have what I have today. Did you miss we are still friends? I game with her husband now. he knows, and does not give a shit, because it was before him.

You've never chased down a girl you wanted and got her, have you?

You're making assumptions based on you, not me. I am not you.

[ - ] AntiPostmodernist [op] 0 points 1 yearApr 8, 2023 18:09:01 ago (+0/-0)

I'm a consumate gentleman.

I don't advance on women who have shown or so much as implied they aren't interested.

I'm no predator and stay within the most acceptable age range I am aware of.

[ - ] ghetto_shitlord 0 points 1 yearApr 8, 2023 18:16:45 ago (+0/-0)

Who said she was not interested? More poor assumptions. What is an acceptable age range? I'm 44, and my girls are 24 and 26.

[ - ] ghetto_shitlord 0 points 1 yearApr 8, 2023 23:06:12 ago (+0/-0)

Sorry that happened to you. It didn't happen to me.

[ - ] deleted 1 point 1 yearApr 8, 2023 12:46:32 ago (+3/-2)


[ - ] Ozark 1 point 1 yearApr 8, 2023 12:52:05 ago (+1/-0)

Well said.

[ - ] AntiPostmodernist [op] -3 points 1 yearApr 8, 2023 12:54:31 ago (+0/-3)*

This isn't a vice law.

This is a modification made to the law we have already, we are only changing the number.

You want some Shame? Some shunning? OK.

The prefrontal cortex is not fully developed in females until age 25 on average.

If you oppose raising the age of consent to sex to this age, you are a pedophile. Simply put.

You just want to be able to go to those dive bars to pick up some naive young girl and rape her.

If she is under 25 and you are over the legally acceptable age difference, then you are taking advantage of her. By law you should be put away and placed on a sex offense registry.

When we modify these laws the Shame and shunning will follow. We used to think that 12 or advent of fertility in puberty was an acceptable age for marriage and martial relations. Before that we used to have no lower limit to age At all.

The shame wasn't there until we put it there, and one of our first steps was to make it illegal by passing laws. This is an essential part of the process of developing new Shane's and basis for shunning.

Our laws marched on as we made more discoveries and gained more experience.

Now once again I'm providing you with both experience and scientific evidence.

We should always do what the pedos and establishment institutions do not want us to do, and they are both very much against this change to our laws.

[ - ] deleted 0 points 1 yearApr 8, 2023 13:00:28 ago (+1/-1)


[ - ] AntiPostmodernist [op] 0 points 1 yearApr 8, 2023 16:22:40 ago (+0/-0)

A vice law is a law on drugs, gambling, perhaps even firearms. This is a sex law, it's a different category.

[ - ] deleted 0 points 1 yearApr 8, 2023 18:49:59 ago (+0/-0)


[ - ] AryanPrime -1 points 1 yearApr 8, 2023 13:04:00 ago (+0/-1)



Kike spotted

[ - ] deleted 0 points 1 yearApr 8, 2023 18:36:37 ago (+0/-0)


[ - ] La_Chalupacabra -1 points 1 yearApr 8, 2023 16:23:31 ago (+0/-1)

More law won't fix the symptoms of an ailing society.
You have to attack that which is eroding the social pillars.
Besides, developing brains would only be hurt by playing on an extended "easy mode"; the brain needs to be exercised to develop properly, just like muscles do.

[ - ] AntiPostmodernist [op] -1 points 1 yearApr 8, 2023 16:27:57 ago (+0/-1)

Sex with adults is not mental exercise.