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4 comments block

[ - ] yesiknow 1 point 1.2 yearsApr 7, 2023 17:23:14 ago (+1/-0)

Anyone who actually believes everyone else should prove their love and trust to the cult leaders by turning in their weapons must think they can rewind time to 1975 when the country was White.

[ - ] localsal 1 point 1.2 yearsApr 7, 2023 17:48:38 ago (+1/-0)

Most of these people are deluded by their own mental illness. They believe (actually feel) that a utopia is possible by just using their own experiences. They never see the raw industry that makes all of the comforts they buy, never see the massive amounts of logistics needed to keep shelves stocked, and worst of all think that everyone is exactly the same as they are.

The thought that people are the same is probably the biggest detriment to society. Not taking into account people under the influence of drugs and mental illness, and just the sociopathic tendencies of the majority of untamed human animals makes these utopia dreamers completely detached from reality.

That sheriff today says that a 12 and 17 year old are not supposed to possess guns, yet they did and murdered 3 others... how does that fit into this supposed utopia?

The analysis of the chaz event from the nigger floyd riots is spot on and hilarious. They declare it a no police zone, then people get shot, a warlord takes over leadership, threatening anyone opposed to his policies and tactics, then begs for police and ems as the utopia descends into murder and chaos. So lovely to watch.

It's mental illness all the way down.

[ - ] Doglegwarrior 0 points 1.2 yearsApr 8, 2023 10:18:20 ago (+0/-0)

The cartoon needs to be edited. The 4th image should never the dog ripping the faggots throat out.

[ - ] BulletStopper 0 points 1.2 yearsApr 8, 2023 02:36:43 ago (+0/-0)

Gud doge: "Really, it's better this way. More merciful. Better at home, comfortably asleep in his own bed, by the paws of a friend now, than at the hands of some filthy nigger stranger on some cold dirty dark street later."