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Bilderberg 2022: Back from Lockdown. Part 3: The Agenda – Harbingers of Doom?

submitted by knightwarrior41 to conspiracy 1.2 yearsApr 6, 2023 19:23:57 ago (+0/-1)     (www.conspiracyarchive.com)


With mainstream media coverage largely absent for the duration of the 2022 Bilderberg conference, much of the commentary from Bilderberg’s alt-media antagonists was focused on the few morsels of information that Bilderberg deigned to officially release: the list of participants and the list of key topics. Of these, the rather spartan “key topics for discussion” (Figure 1), spawned most of the speculation. Steve Byas, for example, writing in The New American (Jun. 04, 2022), claimed this list “essentially establishes the globalist agenda of the [Bilderberg] group”; while ZeroHedge argued that it revealed the global elite’s plans to both “manage the emergence of a bipolar world” and to silence its opponents. According to Paul Taylor, Executive Director of the Dr Rath Health Foundation, the topic list “suggests Bilderberg expects the current period of global instability to continue.”

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