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17 comments block

[ - ] Thought_Criminal 8 points 1.2 yearsApr 2, 2023 20:52:47 ago (+8/-0)

The article did not state it. It is no longer a post order tip, it is a pre order RANSOM to not fuck up your order.

If you tip a Doordasher 25 cents, do you expect your food will all be there in the bag, spit free?

[ - ] x0x7 3 points 1.2 yearsApr 2, 2023 23:30:41 ago (+3/-0)*

Also door dash involves no personal touch. It makes no sense. The company should just pay them. Do I tip Amazon? It's a delivery. I should just pay a price and it should be there. That's how delivery works. This different than waiting. If I need it I have someone who can set up custom orders for me if I want it, is available to talk about allergies, can talk to me about what is in the food, will fetch anything I need. While most of the time you won't utilize everything they can do for you the fact that you can means it makes sense to give some discretion to the customer over their pay because that stacks even more cards in the customers favor. In essence if the company paid you would be paying the same amount because it would be factored into the cost of your bill.. but instead they give you control. What extra thing can you ask a door dash driver to do for you? When you have a waiter they are temporarily your employee and whatever you need is yours. What extra can you ask from a door dasher should you need it?

[ - ] mikenigger 2 points 1.2 yearsApr 2, 2023 23:44:57 ago (+2/-0)

all this tipping will have us all slide off the planet! - lord_nougat

[ - ] Fascinus 2 points 1.2 yearsApr 2, 2023 22:23:47 ago (+2/-0)

[ - ] deleted 1 point 1.2 yearsApr 3, 2023 05:07:27 ago (+1/-0)


[ - ] SocksOnCats 2 points 1.2 yearsApr 2, 2023 21:09:24 ago (+2/-0)

I found this a while back. It works really well:


[ - ] soupnazi 1 point 1.2 yearsApr 2, 2023 23:49:34 ago (+1/-0)*

Pretty cool. One flaw is that some of those things are out of the hands of a waiter. So example in the industry there is a difference in the concept of a fast app and a non-fast app. A fast app cuts the line of the kitchen and can be put out in 5 seconds. A non-fast app has to be cooked and mixes with the queue of other food (though it may be accelerated). A fast app should come out with your drinks or shortly after. A non-fast app could take ten minutes. Tipping a waiter poorly because you ordered something that had to be cooked is kind of fucked.

Entree is 1000% out of the hands of the waiter.

But judging on non-alcoholic drinks is fair. Speed of service is quality of service and drinks are a good metric. That and check. But a good waiter will bring you a water if your alcoholic drinks aren't instant, esp because if he's good at queue management (which if he is fast in general then he is) he should be taking every opportunity to talk to you on the early side so dropping down a water is not only a good gesture but improves the opportunities to get orders and apps in quicker.

But yeah. Don't punish your waiter for the kitchen or bar. I say write down your own criteria. Tip either 15 or 20 percent. If they meet it 20, if they don't 15. If they blow it out of the water 22. But if you don't want to find yourself waffling later and being overly generous write it down and stick it in your wallet.

If you want to use times like that app, sure. Decide I want to be greeted in blank, drinks in blank, check in blank after putting a napkin on a plate. They hit it 20, they don't, 15.

Edit: Looked at it further. The "assessment" area. "Was the music to loud." What the actual fuck. Whoever would tip their waiter poorly because the music was too loud deserves a sock to the face. Basically the mega karen spreadsheet.

Like for real. The entree. So if someone works at a restaurant where they actually cook their food instead of microwaving it every waiter there deserves less of a tip? The most retarded person on the planet had to build that website.

[ - ] PygmyGoat 1 point 1.2 yearsApr 3, 2023 08:13:01 ago (+1/-0)

I’ve worked at several restaurants where the tips the wait staff receive are split up between all of the kitchen staff. So you’re not just tipping the wait service but everyone that helped get your meal to the table. Not saying all restaurants are run this way, just the ones I’ve worked at.

[ - ] deleted 0 points 1.2 yearsApr 2, 2023 23:40:11 ago (+0/-0)


[ - ] deleted 1 point 1.2 yearsApr 3, 2023 07:35:29 ago (+1/-0)


[ - ] PygmyGoat 1 point 1.2 yearsApr 3, 2023 08:14:35 ago (+1/-0)

I’ve heard of a couple countries where people get offended if tipped because good service is expected and shouldn’t need to be rewarded.

[ - ] con77 1 point 1.2 yearsApr 3, 2023 01:05:50 ago (+2/-1)


[ - ] deleted 0 points 1.2 yearsApr 3, 2023 12:00:34 ago (+0/-0)


[ - ] texasblood 0 points 1.2 yearsApr 2, 2023 21:06:45 ago (+5/-5)

I do a pizza now and again.
Joint knows I tip $10/on the $25 pie
The service in the one-half mile is amazing.
I get what I PAY FOR!!
(Nice tits are a bonus)

[ - ] MaryXmas 1 point 1.2 yearsApr 3, 2023 06:23:21 ago (+1/-0)

You are a simp.

[ - ] texasblood -1 points 1.2 yearsApr 3, 2023 19:52:39 ago (+0/-1)

Playing and Paying forward gets three outta five pizzas free.
I'll stay simp for free food.
I still tip the drivers.

[ - ] texasblood -4 points 1.2 yearsApr 2, 2023 21:35:39 ago (+0/-4)*

EDIT: Three couyon cucks downvoted LMMFAO.
You pathetic cunts

[ - ] WhiteCollarCriminal 2 points 1.2 yearsApr 2, 2023 22:15:12 ago (+2/-0)

Nice tits are always a bonus!