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CISA Youtube vid instructs to report family members to authorities for telling any CoVid truth.

submitted by MichelleObamasPenis to Covid1984 1.5 yearsApr 2, 2023 06:44:49 ago (+12/-0)     (youtu.be)


They also lie about what the "Appeal to Authority" fallacy is.

Oh and check out:

"Official and verifiable source are held accountable for the information they share. For example, the CDC ..."

given the (disgusting) CDC's torrent of lies, obfuscations, changing definitions and persecutions. [https://youtu.be/bTj664taegw?t=200]

For extra points, if you want to check out a truly trashy - Hey, everyone, I'm fake - website, see https://www.cisa.gov/

2 comments block

[ - ] totes_magotes 2 points 1.5 yearsApr 2, 2023 14:20:58 ago (+2/-0)

Fuck these people. Everything we said was "disinformation" but now suddenly is true. They can all fucking die miserably.

[ - ] kammmmak 3 points 1.5 yearsApr 2, 2023 08:29:39 ago (+3/-0)

No comment section proves it.