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Women LOVE drug dealers

submitted by HeyJames to whatever 1.1 yearsMar 30, 2023 09:07:15 ago (+28/-9)     (whatever)

A woman will always choose a drug dealer over an average guy with a bachelor's degree that makes 60k working in an office

Women want excitement and drama and a guy who treats them like trash and fucks other women for $50 dope bags

Women never break up with drug dealers because they're "bored". Usually the drug dealer will end up getting locked up or dump them once HE gets bored. Women love doing drugs for cheap and like being with dangerous men. Middle class white girls in college or with jobs in nursing are blasting cookaine and fucking their dealer.

80 comments block

[ - ] Rotteuxx 25 points 1.1 yearsMar 30, 2023 09:18:52 ago (+27/-2)

I'm sorry to hear your mom is a crack whore.

[ - ] HeyJames [op] 6 points 1.1 yearsMar 30, 2023 09:21:54 ago (+11/-5)

You know it's true. Women aged 16-30 are partying and hooking up with guys who are in shape and feed their desire to be with a dangerous man. Drugs bring them better parties and more excitement. If they can get free drugs they will not hesitate to fuck the dealer. Women are great at hiding the past and living double lives. I'm not saying this as a lonely incel either

[ - ] PostWallHelena 16 points 1.1 yearsMar 30, 2023 09:39:29 ago (+17/-1)

What were you doing from 16 to 30? We know because you told us. You were ruining as many women as possible. And now you need to invent narratives that make you feel like you werent a bad dude. You were a bad dude. A nigger among white men. Cope.

[ - ] Aze 4 points 1.1 yearsMar 30, 2023 11:58:34 ago (+4/-0)

Hard truth, but truth all the same.

[ - ] HeyJames [op] -2 points 1.1 yearsMar 30, 2023 10:20:25 ago (+2/-4)

Nobody has ever corrupted full grown adult women. They chose their life and do what they want. Stoicism is key. God gives us the strength to endure that which we cannot change. Only those who adapt can survive. Those who deny reality succumb to it.

[ - ] OftenWrong 4 points 1.1 yearsMar 30, 2023 10:31:24 ago (+5/-1)


[ - ] HeyJames [op] 1 point 1.1 yearsMar 30, 2023 10:33:03 ago (+4/-3)

Cope? 80% of women are hooking up with 30% of men. What I'm saying is not untrue whatsoever. "Cope" applies to someone who's mind exists outside reality.

Your username fits

[ - ] OftenWrong 1 point 1.1 yearsMar 30, 2023 10:49:08 ago (+1/-0)

cope. Go look up coltaine on odyssey

[ - ] HeyJames [op] -1 points 1.1 yearsMar 30, 2023 14:01:53 ago (+0/-1)

Cope? What am I denying here and becoming angry about? Point it out, do please

[ - ] OftenWrong 0 points 1 yearMay 5, 2023 10:47:50 ago (+0/-0)

you are thinking the whores want drug dealers when that is some women coping

[ - ] GlowNiggerDick 1 point 1.1 yearsMar 30, 2023 11:00:24 ago (+1/-0)

You dont have to be a drug dealer dude, all you have to be is tall, in shape, have your shit together (It doesnt matter if you sell coke, cars, or have an office job), and not have standards for yourself.

Drug dealers get cheated on too, once a woman gets to know you, they always take you less seriously over time. Ive known 2 guys its happened to. It can happen to anyone, look at Tom Brady, and Will Smith ffs. Once they know everything about you, they start looking elsewhere and they will apply their ideals to the first guy that is their type and they dont totally know yet. Once they get to know him the cycle repeats.

The guys youre talking about never let their women get to know them, they keep away from them most of the time, and they dont take their relationships seriously. Thats not any more of a healthy situation than getting cheated on while youre at work.

[ - ] Doglegwarrior 2 points 1.1 yearsMar 30, 2023 11:24:37 ago (+4/-2)

I've come to the conclusion that women are overt narrcisist from 0 to 25 or until they are not hot anylonger. If they were never hot they are always covert narricist. Then from 25 or not hot onward they become covert narrcist I'd guess 99% of women.

How do I know have dealt with a pretty extreme example after going dowm the rabbit hike and looking back at past relationships and my friends relationships I really can't think of one woman that didn't live up to what I described.

I think white women in particular have been at war against their men for a long time then thr jew commie revolution opened up the flood gates. Why? Women are narricist they have no problem destroying something that loves them even if it destroys them in the end.

Also they are never wrong

[ - ] andasyoucansee 1 point 1.1 yearsMar 30, 2023 12:08:43 ago (+1/-0)

The behavior is endemic to the sex it is borne into. Always ask yourself why no society across all of time and place and all of human history had women rulers (or more specifically, no -successful- society whose records exist) even though all these cultures had different ethnicity, nationalities, religions, belief and morality systems, existed in different millennia, across the globe from one another, and they all did two things: kicked out the jews and didn't let women vote. Now ask yourself why.

[ - ] HonkyMcNiggerSpic 0 points 1.1 yearsMar 30, 2023 11:44:51 ago (+1/-1)

oy vey white women are bad, goyim. Instead we should room whack with jew daddy cults reeeee

[ - ] PostWallHelena 0 points 1.1 yearsMar 30, 2023 14:06:00 ago (+1/-1)

I've come to the conclusion that women are overt narrcisist from 0 to 25 or until they are not hot anylonger.

Children are narcissists. Young people are self centered. Does this differ for boys and young men? Please. You have blinders on because you never dated a 20 year old dude. Lemme tell you, theyre not the most selfless people. They are vain and egotistical. They also tend to be “hot”, but correlation is not causation.

I think white women in particular have been at war against their men

Ive never been at war with men. Most of my girl friends were not at war with men. A few were, just like a few men here are at war with women.

What men and women want are often at odds with each other. Reasonable people will negotiate.

I never expected that men would be selfless angels who would act in a manner only to please me. Men are people with their own self interests. It seems that some of you dont understand that women are the same way.

[ - ] FacelessOne 0 points 1.1 yearsMar 30, 2023 19:37:48 ago (+0/-0)

Ah the resource is giving opinions again

[ - ] PostWallHelena 0 points 1.1 yearsMar 31, 2023 12:01:43 ago (+0/-0)

no one will ever accuse you of being a resource.

[ - ] Gowithit 0 points 1.1 yearsMar 30, 2023 11:01:53 ago (+1/-1)

Drugs bring them better parties and more excitement
You must have known a different breed of them.

Women are great at hiding the past and living double lives.

Not anymore. Why? Social media and men talk waayy to much now. Most of any gossip I know comes from men.

[ - ] Doglegwarrior 1 point 1.1 yearsMar 30, 2023 11:26:04 ago (+1/-0)

Different breed is the drug dealers to the rich...

Low income drug dealing and their clientel are insanely bad

[ - ] Sunman_Omega 1 point 1.1 yearsMar 30, 2023 13:42:16 ago (+1/-0)


[ - ] PostWallHelena 12 points 1.1 yearsMar 30, 2023 09:35:03 ago (+13/-1)

You have no idea what women love because you never spent more than 3 minutes with one.

Why do men BECOME drug dealers? They like the excitement and drama. They dont want to be an average guy making 60k a year working in an office. They like doing drugs for cheap and like BEING dangerous men.

Who are these anonymous drug dealers your hypothetical women are fucking? Are they Martians? Oh yeah they’re MEN. Blameless innocent men forced in to dealling drugs to satisfy the insatiable cravings of these man-eating Karens for drama and excitement. LOL!

She made me be a psychotic drug dealer. She loves adventure.

Typical attitude from our biggest self professed male whore. Zero accountability. Zero logic. Child like moral reasoning. You should not be allowed to vote.

Not my fault you have chosen to mix with unsavory women for your whole life. Dont forget to refill your herpes meds.

[ - ] bobdole9 3 points 1.1 yearsMar 30, 2023 10:40:35 ago (+3/-0)

Why do men BECOME drug dealers?
Because bootlegging alcohol isn't an option anymore.
They dont want to be an average guy making 60k a year working in an office. They like doing drugs for cheap and like BEING dangerous men.
You can be both - danger really shows up if you don't know who you're dealing with. There are perks to looking like the stereotypical LEO.

Edit: I agree with Helena's post overall, just poking buttons.

[ - ] Gowithit 3 points 1.1 yearsMar 30, 2023 10:57:02 ago (+3/-0)

My turn for having to look up an acronym and I couldnt find it. Law enforcement officer?

[ - ] PostWallHelena 2 points 1.1 yearsMar 30, 2023 11:02:02 ago (+2/-0)


[ - ] Gowithit 0 points 1.1 yearsMar 30, 2023 11:29:12 ago (+0/-0)

Ok. Thanks. I was going to agree with him on the danger only shows up if you dont know who you're dealing with part. All of the dealers that I defintly don't know are very laid back and all of this danger that James is talking about Ive never heard of. They complain about their women a lot though. "Shes always accusing me of cheating"," this bitch wants a new whatever and that bitch dont even cook", "She dont even fucking clean man thats why I gotta be buying shit all the time", are the things I usually hear.

What I see is that some of these women have it made in the shade. They must be blackmailing the guy or something because there is always some type of home repair/remodeling being done.

There was this girl one time and I felt bad for her. She wasnt the rough and tumble type. Nice girl but I always found it weird that she was trying to play betty crocker and dealer at the same time. She would cry about how the other girls treated her or didnt eat the dessert she would make for the parties.

One time, you would find this funny, she saw me outside , came over and asked if she smelled. No, why? Because some girl had told her since she slept with a black guy she smelled like cocoa butter and stunk. Bizarre conversation but oh that guy I eventually ended up meeting him, looked like a faggot but thought he was hot shit because he was dating her. Always getting her to buy him high end clothing buying him the latest gadgets. You are right.. its not just the women. He was the one that brought drama to her. I think its just the money that attracts a certain person.

[ - ] PostWallHelena 2 points 1.1 yearsMar 30, 2023 12:56:06 ago (+2/-0)

People hanging around this scene tend to fit what shrinks call personality disorders. Im not sure they are truly disorders, but thats neither here nor there.

I think the men who decide to sell drugs have aggressive morally flexible life strategies. Typically they are narcissists or antisocial personalities and the women they attract will tend to be histrionic or maybe borderline personality. But generally all Cluster B with lots of overlapping. Low sense of shame.

Some of the women might be dependent Cluster C like your friend that smells like cocoa butter.

These men break the rules of other men because the extra cash affords them better women than they can otherwise get. Drug dealing is absolutely parasite behavior. They may or may not realize thats why theyre doing it. The women do it for the nice shit. Maybe some of the dependent types are doing it because they crave the most dominant aggressive alpha types in men.

The point is, just because OP observes opportunistic, self-serving behavior in women who date drug dealers, he tries to extrapolate that every woman everywhere is like this, when the truth is some people are opportunistic and what that behavior looks like in women is a little bit different than what it looks like in men.

OP strikes me as being a bit on the Cluster B side. He’s not shy. He’s lived a wild life. He wants to believe the problem is women but really its Cluster B people. He’s probably not too psycho but he can’t accept his own womanizing was a harmful mode. He blames the women. All of us. Except his “saint” who is some kind of unicorn, haha.

[ - ] bobdole9 2 points 1.1 yearsMar 30, 2023 16:26:35 ago (+2/-0)

Drug dealing is absolutely parasite behavior.
Agreed. Making a profit off supply and demand to pay the bills or your own supply.

Mind you, never did anything besides plant matter.

[ - ] HeyJames [op] 0 points 1.1 yearsMar 30, 2023 13:59:20 ago (+0/-0)

If you met me you'd think I was a wholesome blue collar dude who has no secrets. The man who internalizes is the one who succeeds. Perseverance and stoicism are the path to victory. Salmon die after their journey upstream. They fight and fight just to breed, battling with nature. It is best to accept nature and go with the current lest the desire to breed does not result in death.

I am not mgtow. Those guys are pathetic "nice guy" cop outs. They lose and make excuses for losing. Being a winner means doing whatever it takes and never giving up. Succeeding despite the odds, even in the final hour.

[ - ] HeyJames [op] 0 points 1.1 yearsMar 30, 2023 13:33:28 ago (+0/-0)

You can be both

Maybe with herculean effort like getting absolutely ripped and taking tactical shooting courses or martial arts. The quickest way to dry a woman up is to make less than 100k and be boring

[ - ] big_fat_dangus 0 points 1.1 yearsMar 30, 2023 10:07:23 ago (+3/-3)


Every single time!

[ - ] PostWallHelena 3 points 1.1 yearsMar 30, 2023 10:58:55 ago (+3/-0)*

The difference is I dont make a career out of making posts to vilify men. Youre Bizarro world’s answer to feminism. Hatred of your own race, lack of accountability, feelies over facts, incentivizing victimhood— it’s all there.

[ - ] big_fat_dangus 0 points 1.1 yearsMar 30, 2023 12:16:11 ago (+1/-1)

Projection level: terminal.

[ - ] Inward 0 points 1.1 yearsMar 30, 2023 10:58:03 ago (+1/-1)

Lord knows you're not a man. You can't even get a woman to stay with you.

[ - ] HeyJames [op] -1 points 1.1 yearsMar 30, 2023 10:28:37 ago (+2/-3)

Statistics prove 80% of women aged 18-30 are hooking up with 30% of men. Numbers can't lie.

[ - ] Rotteuxx 3 points 1.1 yearsMar 30, 2023 10:39:49 ago (+3/-0)

Show me stats that prove that young men go out and mingle as much as they did 30 years ago instead of staying inside being adult children playing video games and watching porn.

The numbers won't lie.

[ - ] HeyJames [op] 1 point 1.1 yearsMar 30, 2023 11:40:10 ago (+1/-0)

You're right record numbers of men are checking out. You're assuming there aren't women also checking out on life. However if you're an average dude trying to find a woman good luck. This is

[ - ] Rotteuxx 1 point 1.1 yearsMar 30, 2023 11:56:20 ago (+1/-0)

You can't check-out when you've never checked-in to begin with.

I wouldn't be surprised to learn that the majority of young single men have never even approached a woman to engage in conversation because they're stuck in anxiety fueled mind loops. It's not like the average youth has good physical and mental health considering what most people eat nowadays, on top of not being active with multiple vaccinations since birth.

[ - ] HeyJames [op] 0 points 1.1 yearsMar 30, 2023 12:52:15 ago (+0/-0)

Pornography and jewish media have men desperate for sex too. If you approach a woman as a guy who just wants to have sex, their instinct will kick in and reject you. If you're good at conversation and have a good attitude it goes a long way. Granted this doesn't mean being the "gay best friend" just keeping things casual the first or second date and being chill. A lot of guys are bad at that.

[ - ] bonghits4jeebus 0 points 1.1 yearsMar 30, 2023 22:27:04 ago (+0/-0)

Why do men BECOME drug dealers?

Maybe because women dig them.

It certainly seems like the woman is getting the good side of that deal. Man risks prison, risks death slinging the dope and his girlfriend just has to not get killed and spend his money. And probably do his drugs, too.

[ - ] PostWallHelena 0 points 1.1 yearsMar 31, 2023 11:54:54 ago (+0/-0)

I never dug drug dealers. Even when I was using drugs with some regularity. I always assumed they were scumbags and pathological liars. If any of my girlfriends were dating dealers they didnt tell me. I would have looked down on women dating drug dealers and Im thinking that most women feel the same way. Dating a drug dealer is not a bragging point among women. I think you guys watch too much TV.

[ - ] bonghits4jeebus 0 points 1.1 yearsMar 31, 2023 19:48:38 ago (+0/-0)

You just aren't hood enough or desperate enough for money or drugs. The obvious implication of my statement is that some women like them; not all of them. It's enough women, though. Enough.

[ - ] PostWallHelena 0 points 1.1 yearsMar 31, 2023 20:05:20 ago (+0/-0)

You just aren't hood enough or desperate enough for money or drugs.

Well Im not a nigger if thats what you mean.

I never bought drugs from hood dealers. I bought from middle -class white drug dealers, or maybe white trash but I always thought they were assholes. My friends who were casual users did not think being a drug dealer was cool even when they were using them.

It's enough women, though. Enough.

Apparently enough white guys want to be them. Enough.

Why are so many murderers men? Is it cuz chicks dig murderers? Thats probably our fault too right?

[ - ] HeyJames [op] -2 points 1.1 yearsMar 30, 2023 10:25:41 ago (+1/-3)

Lol. Believe it or not I have been with the same woman for 6 years now. Life is what you make of it. The anger I see is palpable. Find me all these virtuous young women who are living correctly. I garuntee you once they go to college they'll turn. Most of them before that. Statistics prove 30% of men are fucking like 80% of the women aged 18-30. These guys aren't the ones who sing loudest in church. Probably half are genetic "winners" who have very good looks but the other half are drug dealers who have tattoos and treat women like shit.

Women aren't seeking relationships with good guys anymore. My wife is a Saint for putting up with me and I have nothing negative to say in the matter but I got very very lucky. Most women will try to fuck you over after 6 months to a year. Has happened to me MANY times. You'll say "oh this guy is just upset or hurt" but women are experts at PLAYING MEN and only want men who play the same game.

[ - ] Bigdeal 2 points 1.1 yearsMar 30, 2023 10:38:27 ago (+3/-1)

Where do you even come up with nonsense like 30% of men fuck 80% of woman? I don't see how there could be any real statiscal evidience out there that would be trust worthy enough to ever back up that claim. I hear alot of complaining about woman on here and I will tell you that is 90% of the problem. Good woman are out there but some people are so self centered and focused on false narratives that they never notice them.

[ - ] PostWallHelena 2 points 1.1 yearsMar 30, 2023 11:13:36 ago (+2/-0)

Women aren't seeking relationships with good guys anymore. My wife is a Saint for putting up with me.
Highest bodycount on talk.lol folks. ^^^
Just because your wife sought a relationship with a bad dude doesnt mean the rest of us do. Why do some nice girls like bad men? Who knows, but if you hate women for doing this then you must secretly hate your wife for loving you. I bet you even cheated on her. I bet she knows and forgave you. Thats what you really hate about women. God, women are so hateable, lol!

[ - ] HeyJames [op] 2 points 1.1 yearsMar 30, 2023 12:22:55 ago (+2/-0)

For some reason you've taken this very personally and have gotten nasty. Perhaps you should do some self reflection to see why that is. I'm only speaking from experience and observations. This has caused you great discomfort in which became the basis to start trying to win by stating some very personal attacks designed to be hurtful.

If you don't like what I'm saying then that's perfectly okay! I expect it! However your reaction should prompt some soul-searching.

[ - ] PostWallHelena 1 point 1.1 yearsMar 30, 2023 13:43:07 ago (+1/-0)

Really, cuz I thought you made a feelies-based, irrational generalization that all wahmen want to suck Sonny Burnett’s dick and then, when I owned you on your own post, I think you got butthurt.

What does indeed grind my gears though is that after your illustrious career as a whore maker, you change your ways and get married, but you are still trying to poison well for young white men and women by painting all females as conniving whores.

Oh except yours. She’s some sort of genetic freak. You won the wahmen lottery. But nobody should pay attention to that. Do as I say not as I do. 99.9999% of wahmen are ebul. What’s the liklihood that this fairytale you tell yourslef is actually true?

Recap: After ruining scores of women for other men, you’re settled down now, but you don’t want other men to have that. Why? Why are you trying to steer them away from the happiness you enjoy?

I think you are giving bad advice to young men. I think you are a hypocrite.

Newflash—your wife isnt a unicorn. She’s flawed like the rest of us. And if you met her 20 years ago, you would have tried to use and discard her like you did with many other nice girls. You would never have known the difference. You dismiss them all as whores to excuse yourself. You need to do this because of who you are.

Hey, what do I care what did with your life? Nada. But you try to black pill the young ones here with the lies you weave so you can live with yourself? Uh-uh. Sorry, Sonny. I’ll kick your little MGTOW beehive over every time. I give fuckall if you think it’s nasty. Your post is nasty.

[ - ] HeyJames [op] 2 points 1.1 yearsMar 30, 2023 13:55:36 ago (+2/-0)

Holy shit. Had to take a few minutes to recover from laughing. Seriously you got this worked up? And made this many conclusions based on line 3 paragraphs?

No women were "ruined" in the making of this film. Not sure that you think women are virgins at age 18. Do you believe that? Girls are having sex at age 13 these days. By the time they hit 18 the body count is up there. Much higher than I was in my teen years as my home growing up was religious. Religious enough to leave me uncircumcised because my parents believed gods law had become fulfilled with the coming of Christ, thank God.

Every woman thinks they're a catch deserving of a man's commitment regardless of their past current or future behavior. Only some are worthy of that. You're pretending I hung out in young adult Christian groups and succumbed 18 year old virgins. This is not the case and none exist beside the point.

I'm not blackpilling anyone. Simply sharing my experiences and ranting off a little bit. Nobody has to pay attention and absorb and adopt it. Nobody is being compelled to do anything.

Newflash—your wife isnt a unicorn. She’s flawed like the rest of us.

It's not my place to say what a woman's past has been without knowing them. Notice I haven't speculated on yours. That being said I think there is quite a bit there that you're not letting on. Nothing to be ashamed of and of course you're not obligated to share and perhaps will take many past transgressions to the grave. Such is expected. I used to hold ill will against women who participated in such but now I just compare them to a dog shitting on the carpet or eating lasagna off the counter.

Letting nature upset you is a fools errand.

[ - ] Inward 5 points 1.1 yearsMar 30, 2023 10:57:10 ago (+5/-0)

You must be a nigger in the ghetto...or a jidf jew.

[ - ] Crackinjokes 3 points 1.1 yearsMar 30, 2023 10:22:58 ago (+3/-0)

Is what I've actually noticed is that there are tons of good women out there who want to be wives and mothers and the men are just not interested anymore. I know a few of those and they're having a real rough time. And then dating websites are the opposite of where you find those men. And no young men are going to church anymore so you can't count on that.

[ - ] HeyJames [op] 1 point 1.1 yearsMar 30, 2023 10:27:15 ago (+1/-0)

Those women have impossibly high standards though. If you live in an expensive city like most a man needs to make 100-150k to support a stay at home wife. The average salary is not anywhere close to that.

[ - ] PhantomXLII 0 points 1.1 yearsMar 30, 2023 18:59:02 ago (+0/-0)

If you live in an expensive city like most a man needs to make 100-150k to support a stay at home wife

*A stay at home wife and be poor as fuck in said expensive city

[ - ] PhantomXLII 0 points 1.1 yearsMar 30, 2023 18:58:14 ago (+0/-0)

Is what I've actually noticed is that there

Okay champ, 99% of WHITES don't live in Neuschwabenland. I'm glad you do, glory to God and the Reich, but most of us don't man.

Here in the rest of the world, women are fucking degenerates begging for any excuse to fuck a man then fuck him over.

men are just not interested anymore

Couldn't imagine why...

And no young men are going to church anymore


Not like churches are filled with judeo-cuckians, lukewarm fools God himself said he'd "spit out" from among us...

Not like you've got faggot priests and degenerates among the clergy, and when that's pointed out all you hear is "don't judge" or "a sin is a sin, their being a faggot (or "gay", as the peasant judeocucks say) is just as bad as you telling a mean joke" modernist bullshit.

Besides, even if we did go to church and spotted a girl, she'd be a closet whore anyway. They'll dress up and play the part of a sweet little Christian girl but flip the moment she's out those doors.

[ - ] Crackinjokes 2 points 1.1 yearsMar 30, 2023 10:21:32 ago (+2/-0)

This is why you should send your daughters to college so they meet a higher class of drug dealer

[ - ] bonghits4jeebus 1 point 1.1 yearsMar 30, 2023 22:28:38 ago (+1/-0)

Essential to this is the fact that the women perceive that they don't go to jail that much.

It happens, though.

[ - ] Clubberlang 1 point 1.1 yearsMar 30, 2023 13:23:04 ago (+1/-0)

The guy with the 60k office job will retire at 40 without having to pay for that destructive sluts lifestyle.

[ - ] InLovingMemoryVoat 0 points 1.1 yearsMar 30, 2023 18:18:03 ago (+0/-0)

The trick is to slap her around every so often. That'll keep things interesting

[ - ] Sector7 0 points 1.1 yearsMar 30, 2023 14:25:30 ago (+0/-0)

an average guy with a bachelor's degree that makes 60k working in an office

That's not even a half hearted attempt at life. The guy has clearly chosen to play the game, but is playing as one of the marks. Almost guaranteed to be financially supporting the Fed and ZOG too.

[ - ] Not_C 0 points 1.1 yearsMar 30, 2023 13:46:16 ago (+1/-1)

Stop talking like a fat nigger with 5 kids all from different fathers who thinks they deserve a man with a 6 pack, who's 6', and makes 6 figures.

If you want a girl who is a 9/10, then you need to be a 9/10.
If the best you can find is a 1 or a 2, then accept the fact that you're only a 1 or 2.

And stop blaming the weaker sex.
If you have a problem with Bob's wife, then you need to take that up with Bob.
If you've got a problem with Frank's daughters, then take it up with Frank.
Stop being a coward by blaming women, instead of blaming men.

[ - ] HeyJames [op] 2 points 1.1 yearsMar 30, 2023 14:08:35 ago (+2/-0)

Where was the blaming or complaining? Please point it out to me. I was simply stating my observations

[ - ] Not_C 0 points 1.1 yearsMar 31, 2023 00:45:17 ago (+0/-0)

Where was the blaming or complaining?

So you were celebrating the fact that girls with incompetent fathers love drug dealers?

[ - ] HeyJames [op] 0 points 1.1 yearsMar 31, 2023 10:36:52 ago (+0/-0)

No it's a logical observation. It's best not to be upset, happy, sad over the behavior of women. That's how they win. We win by adapting.

[ - ] Not_C 0 points 1.1 yearsMar 31, 2023 15:54:20 ago (+0/-0)

It's best not to be upset, happy, sad over the behavior of women.

What I think is best is getting upset at Bob for how Bob's wife acts.
What I think is best is being justifiably sad that Frank allows his daughters to act the way they act.

What I think is best is calling out anyone who does nothing as Bob and Frank's laziness and incompetence results in them failing as men.

I'm White. If someone tried to turn my daughter into a druggie, I'd kill them.
If someone tried to turn one of Frank's daughters into a druggie, I'd grab a hold of Frank and tell them to kill whoever's doing that to his daughter.
Only the lesser races are incapable of empathy.
Only the lesser races would sit back and do nothing, claiming that it isn't their problem.
The White man's brain is incapable of allowing him to sit back and do nothing.

[ - ] HeyJames [op] 0 points 1.1 yearsMar 31, 2023 16:18:19 ago (+0/-0)

You're only one man and can't change millions. I agree with you but we cannot do anything meaningful as a whole.

[ - ] Not_C 0 points 1.1 yearsMar 31, 2023 16:34:58 ago (+0/-0)

That's a real soyboy attitude.

What I'm telling you to do is raise your daughters right. And also for you to make sure your neighbor raises his daughters right. And if he doesn't, you need to set him straight.
All while I raise my daughters right. And I set my neighbor straight.

We can do something meaningful as a whole. And that is setting our neighbors straight, and making sure they set the next neighbor straight.
Making sure that the moment one father or husband steps out of line, someone somewhere is setting them straight. And making sure that not one single White man is going to get away with slacking off when it comes to their daughters and wife.

[ - ] HeyJames [op] 0 points 1.1 yearsMar 31, 2023 16:41:56 ago (+0/-0)


Let me know how changing the behavior of 150 million people goes for you. I'm sure you'll be successful

[ - ] Not_C 0 points 1.1 yearsMar 31, 2023 17:22:00 ago (+0/-0)

Yes, soyboy.

I'm not changing the behavior of 150 million people. I'm holding myself and my neighbor accountable for our actions. And then my neighbor is holding the next neighbor accountable.
And we are all making sure no one steps out of line.

But you need to spin it so that you have an excuse for doing nothing.
Because you're a coward, who is too scared to confront other men.
That you made up an excuse that excuses you from doing anything.
That's what makes you a soyboy.

[ - ] Spaceman84 0 points 1.1 yearsMar 30, 2023 13:26:53 ago (+0/-0)

Drug addicts love dealers

[ - ] Metanoid 0 points 1.1 yearsMar 30, 2023 12:02:28 ago (+0/-0)

Ok James, lets give you the benefit of the doubt that you're right. How would you go about recognising one of these women?
Take for example a 40 year old nurse. What are the tells.

[ - ] HeyJames [op] 2 points 1.1 yearsMar 30, 2023 13:30:50 ago (+2/-0)

This really only applies to age 18-30. That 40 year old nurse did party back in the day though. She will never tell you. Can only find out through mutual acquaintances what her past was

[ - ] Metanoid 0 points 1.1 yearsMar 30, 2023 14:21:53 ago (+0/-0)

Fair ennough. This is really more for aguments sake and I'd like to see how you assess behavior. So lets say the nurse is 29 and the wall is coming fast. Same questions.

[ - ] HeyJames [op] 1 point 1.1 yearsMar 30, 2023 14:33:08 ago (+1/-0)

Start asking about hobbies/interests. Even just asking where they've traveled. Been to Vegas, Miami, San Diego or other party spots? Red flag. Dyed hair or tattoos? Red flags. The vehicle they drive as well. Girls who are hoes prefer Nissan Altima or jeep wrangler. Don't ask me why but it's true. Heavy alcohol use is another factor.

[ - ] deleted 0 points 1.1 yearsMar 30, 2023 11:38:51 ago (+0/-0)


[ - ] PhantomXLII 0 points 1.1 yearsMar 30, 2023 09:43:36 ago (+1/-1)

Well I'd say part of that is because $60k is more like $20k really, and women love money more than any man, so there's that too.

[ - ] HeyJames [op] 0 points 1.1 yearsMar 30, 2023 10:31:16 ago (+0/-0)

I have never made less than 60k in my adult life. Refusing to be broke is the way forward. Once you commit to a standard and hold yourself to it without wavering then the world is yours.

[ - ] PhantomXLII 0 points 1.1 yearsMar 30, 2023 11:24:41 ago (+0/-0)

That's great. Your 60k is worth 20k. 100k is the new 50k. 250k is what 100k used to be.

The value of the dollar is only lost. It never gets better. It never will.

[ - ] SirNiggsalot 0 points 1.1 yearsMar 30, 2023 09:29:01 ago (+0/-0)

Jealous bitchass nigga

[ - ] Clubberlang 0 points 1.1 yearsMar 30, 2023 13:25:29 ago (+0/-0)


[ - ] HeyJames [op] 0 points 1.1 yearsMar 30, 2023 09:12:53 ago (+1/-1)

@big_fat_dangus women problems will GO AWAY if he joins the hells angels

[ - ] TheBigGuyFromQueens -2 points 1.1 yearsMar 30, 2023 09:31:35 ago (+0/-2)


[ - ] Clubberlang 0 points 1.1 yearsMar 30, 2023 13:26:33 ago (+0/-0)

What if I'm hard of hearing and it sounded more like a whimper?