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Boomer Shock

submitted by carnold03 to Boomers 1.2 yearsMar 19, 2023 06:24:05 ago (+26/-6)     (voxday.net)


A Boomer is astonished to hear his own Boomer brother’s lack of concern for his own children. As seen on Gab.

"As a repentant boomer, I agree with what @voxday says about my generation."

"So it wasn’t a total surprise when this morning, during a conversation about our children’s inheritance, my unrepentant, vaccinated boomer brother said, 'Why would you want to leave them anything?'"

"Exact words, and even though it wasn’t a surprise because Vox has said this over and over, it was shocking to hear the complete lack of loyalty to his own children’s future."

"My parents, now in their 90s, once had seven rental properties in Perth. They sold them all – one by one – in the 1980s so they 'could see the world'. They now own their own downsized home and get the pension."

I’m not making anything up because I hate Boomers. I hate Boomers because I have paid attention to what they have said and what they have done for nearly 50 years, and because we are instructed to hate wickedness.

Boomers are not, on average, good people as the Bible defines the concept.

A good man leaves an inheritance to his children’s children...

Proverbs 13:22

44 comments block

[ - ] paul_neri -4 points 1.2 yearsMar 19, 2023 06:27:37 ago (+1/-5)*

I find this boomer hate quite bizarre.

In my life I've encountered many hatreds...wog;catholic;class;good looking(female hate); wealth. But being hated because I am a boomer caught me by surprise!

[ - ] deleted 0 points 1.2 yearsMar 19, 2023 12:47:38 ago (+0/-0)


[ - ] paul_neri 1 point 1.2 yearsMar 19, 2023 19:20:36 ago (+1/-0)

67 - tail end boomer.

[ - ] PostWallHelena 0 points 1.2 yearsMar 19, 2023 13:39:08 ago (+0/-0)

He’s pretty old according to him. 60s or 70s I think.

[ - ] PostWallHelena -3 points 1.2 yearsMar 19, 2023 06:31:40 ago (+1/-4)*

You’re a degenerate .

[ - ] Trumpman1488 -3 points 1.2 yearsMar 19, 2023 07:24:12 ago (+3/-6)


[ - ] yesiknow 4 points 1.2 yearsMar 19, 2023 09:00:39 ago (+6/-2)

More hate spewing for communism.

Boomers inherited nothing. Their parents were depression, era ww2 era and earned whatever they had. Boomers were expected to earn what they had and their kids were as well.

God bless the child who has his own.

[ - ] deleted 3 points 1.2 yearsMar 19, 2023 13:55:27 ago (+3/-0)


[ - ] PostWallHelena 1 point 1.2 yearsMar 19, 2023 13:27:47 ago (+1/-0)

I don’t totally agree with you here. Boomers gained off money stolen from future genrations.

But they are not evil as a generation. That is just ridiculous.

[ - ] Belfuro 0 points 1.2 yearsMar 19, 2023 14:35:43 ago (+0/-0)

Name a generation that didn't put the unborn into debt for their own living post 1922?

[ - ] PostWallHelena 0 points 1.2 yearsMar 19, 2023 15:25:45 ago (+0/-0)

None, it was just much worse with the boomers. They rode the creat of the wave and arguably benefitted the most from the highest level of fiscal piggishness. I dont really think it was something they can be held collectively responsible for. But they benefitted the most.

[ - ] Belfuro 0 points 1.2 yearsMar 21, 2023 00:20:04 ago (+0/-0)

Boomers only crime was the timing.

They did no better nor worse than any generation at facing down this wave of evil.

Anti boomer hate serves Satan and his synagogue

[ - ] taoV -1 points 1.2 yearsMar 19, 2023 11:05:41 ago (+2/-3)

I'd say a global empire counts as something. Who cares about their parents, we're talking about boomers. Free-love-and-novel-drugs enjoying, philosemitic, immigration tolerant, social scurity devouring, cheap Chinese crap loving, broadly financially illiterate, tech-indignant, fatally arrogant, empire destroying boomers. All that is 90+ percent of them. Fuck you wrinklefag.

[ - ] Belfuro 1 point 1.2 yearsMar 19, 2023 14:34:59 ago (+2/-1)

Can say the same about the technology you millenials grew up with.
The lack of corporal punishment at home and school.

But as a useless millenial your kind never could be taught. All emotion based rejection of facts.

Fuck, are you even out of bed yet?

[ - ] taoV 1 point 1.2 yearsMar 19, 2023 14:43:20 ago (+2/-1)

Best you can do is "the world sucks because we didn't beat our kids enough"? Watching you people die will be glorious.

[ - ] TheNoticing 3 points 1.2 yearsMar 19, 2023 15:44:03 ago (+3/-0)

They're probably the type to confuse child abuse with corporal punishment. "My dad made me sleep outside in the rain when I was 8 to teach me manners." No, that's child abuse you fucking braindead slug.

[ - ] MaryXmas -1 points 1.2 yearsMar 19, 2023 16:49:49 ago (+0/-1)

I think you mean 40 years of the greatest economic growth in the history of the world. The greatest generation left your faggot ass a great country for you to service and cultivate. You spent your time salting the earth and pissing in the well.

[ - ] Sector7 1 point 1.2 yearsMar 19, 2023 17:51:56 ago (+1/-0)

Sounds like you may have failed to show up for the fifties and sixties.

[ - ] AugustineOfHippo2 1 point 1.2 yearsMar 19, 2023 09:15:46 ago (+1/-0)

I really like @carnold03 but i think this boomer hate is truly misguided. most boomer parents worked hard and put their kids through college and helped out with house down-payments and baby-sat kids and whatnot. there are scum in all generations, and as i have said before, and criticism of boomers can be laid at the feet of any generation.

[ - ] PostWallHelena 0 points 1.2 yearsMar 19, 2023 13:35:12 ago (+0/-0)

He is really anti-social for a christian. Surprising. He really likes this Vox Day dude, who seemed like a super cunt the couple of times I watched him.

He never even participates here unless he he punching down on boomers. Totally degenrate.

[ - ] andasyoucansee -6 points 1.2 yearsMar 19, 2023 10:04:14 ago (+0/-6)

Honestly, I think maybe white people deserve to go extinct.

I was walking through a neighborhood the other day and there was someone burning industrial pollution in the middle of the neighborhood and everyone was being a dumbfuck and pretending it was OK and they weren't going to get cancer and give away all of their meager "wealth" to the very medical industrial complex they pretend to hate and want to work around and be "independent of." Same towns tend to burn trash. Why do white people like burning trash so much? They like it almost as much as nigs and spics love littering and rednecks like dumping waste in the forest and then shooting it with guns so the plastic keeps the ground toxic for thousands of years and jews loves lying and stealing everyone's things and acting like they're smarter than you.

And then, you look at the collapsing liberal government, and the feminist implosion of society, and the way "conservatives" somehow have made up some fucked up hodgepodge belief system that is simultaneously conservative and feminist, or you know somehow both up and down and impossible to achieve or realize, and you realize the single most cogent criticism of conservatism is that it is simply whatever the fuck liberals believed 20 years ago and nothing more (that's not true, it's lots of eating the young and poisoning each other's water and air and listening to music and movies and media promoted by people you ostensibly hate but then give all of your money to again and again).

[ - ] andasyoucansee -2 points 1.2 yearsMar 19, 2023 10:12:04 ago (+0/-2)

Honestly though OP, it's because boomers suffer from systemic lead poisoning from lead in the gas when they were growing up.

Unfortunately, studies show that boomers are -literally- brain dead from lead poisoning. Hope that explains EVERYTHING!

[ - ] MaryXmas 0 points 1.2 yearsMar 19, 2023 16:55:03 ago (+0/-0)

Not an excuse.

[ - ] ModernGuilt 2 points 1.2 yearsMar 19, 2023 10:21:46 ago (+2/-0)

I think boomers were raised as pets first and foremost, then the (((gov))) invented a pure jew counter culture of hedonism, gay orgies, and drugs. Boomers not knowing anything made their entire life out of that to this day.

Boomers were never taught anything, never needed anything, and never learned anything. They're essentially a cultural black hole. Societal collapse was a forgone conclusion

[ - ] PostWallHelena 1 point 1.2 yearsMar 19, 2023 13:32:01 ago (+1/-0)

Theres a grain of truth to this. A grain. My parents were never into hedonism or pro-fag and they never took drugs.

[ - ] deleted -2 points 1.2 yearsMar 19, 2023 11:00:59 ago (+0/-2)


[ - ] deleted 0 points 1.2 yearsMar 19, 2023 12:35:29 ago (+0/-0)


[ - ] PostWallHelena 0 points 1.2 yearsMar 19, 2023 13:35:51 ago (+0/-0)

Its my church!

[ - ] deleted -1 points 1.2 yearsMar 19, 2023 13:37:02 ago (+0/-1)


[ - ] PostWallHelena 0 points 1.2 yearsMar 19, 2023 13:40:50 ago (+0/-0)

Haven’t you read my rants?

[ - ] deleted 0 points 1.2 yearsMar 19, 2023 14:15:02 ago (+1/-1)


[ - ] paul_neri 0 points 1.2 yearsMar 19, 2023 19:20:01 ago (+0/-0)

It's a broad church.

[ - ] con77 2 points 1.2 yearsMar 19, 2023 12:15:00 ago (+2/-0)

My mother was flipping houses decades before it caught on. Now at 84 all she does is fret over her money and nag my sister and I. I told my sister this week. She'll fuck us over in the end because she's a spiteful old woman. Now she's getting dementia and is relentlessly negative. Fun.

[ - ] deleted 3 points 1.2 yearsMar 19, 2023 12:38:10 ago (+4/-1)


[ - ] Belfuro 1 point 1.2 yearsMar 19, 2023 14:43:43 ago (+2/-1)

And Karen hate.

And white supremacist hate.

And Christian hate

And muh vaccine isn't real.

And muh moon landing was fake.

And flat earth.

And nukes aren't real.

They divide us. They hide truth as lies. The lie and stage it as truth

Our history is a lie. Our science is a lie.

People see a false flag and Therefor everything is fake like how no Planes could of hit the towers because 911 official story was fake.

No. They absolutely will use real world events to twist behavior into the desired stampeding direction.

They for example saw the release of covid. A real recently lab made virus, as an opportunity to advance many agendas.

You can actually observe how that they weren't ready for covid and made many mistakes that woke up many normies

[ - ] MaryXmas 0 points 1.2 yearsMar 19, 2023 16:51:03 ago (+0/-0)

Nah. I hate jews but boomers might actually be worse.

[ - ] Sector7 0 points 1.2 yearsMar 19, 2023 17:50:29 ago (+0/-0)

Agreed, except for the defense of entitled female assholes who will probably assault you over something they made up in their heads. Karens should be smacked upside the head in lieu of a reset button.

Also, "waking up" is overrated as a concept.

But little more than a glance at the quality level of post-boomer kids is needed to see why they seethe with jealousy.

[ - ] TheNoticing 0 points 1.2 yearsMar 19, 2023 15:52:57 ago (+0/-0)

"Incel" is shaming language invented by feminists and the left to shame men for leaving the plantation of relationships and marriage.

[ - ] deleted 0 points 1.2 yearsMar 19, 2023 20:07:05 ago (+0/-0)


[ - ] UncleDoug 0 points 1.2 yearsMar 19, 2023 13:21:04 ago (+0/-0)

Exact words, and even though it wasn’t a surprise because Vox has said this over and over, it was shocking to hear the complete lack of loyalty to his own children’s future."

Ive heard this sentiment from many boomers.

They buy property dirt cheap and enable shabbos goys in government to enact polciies to hyper inflate their property worth, only to double down and be indignant and think they earned millions working 9-5, through blood, sweat and tears. Only to shit on their own children and leave shitskins to inhert their wealth because they think the new generations are lazy for not being affronted the same opportunities and sheer dumb luck they had.

A good man leaves an inheritance to his children’s children...

Boomers are the first generation to stop intergenerational wealth, they party on to the grave like they are still 18 years old on spring break.

[ - ] paul_neri 0 points 1.2 yearsMar 19, 2023 19:19:12 ago (+0/-0)

Doug, Doug, Doug...this resentment, bro.You can spend all your life feeling bitter. If a man has a roof over his head like you do...he's doin' ok. In a few years China will have bombed all our homes so us boomers and you lot will be standing in the same rubble.

[ - ] GoatsAdvocate 1 point 1.2 yearsMar 19, 2023 14:52:17 ago (+1/-0)

Boomer hippies getting stoned and protest their only war their generation fought (and lost)

Millennials signed up and fought for a “war” that was brought on by greed and deception of false pretenses puppeted by boomers.

[ - ] Moravian 0 points 1.2 yearsMar 19, 2023 18:34:26 ago (+0/-0)

What else is new? The generation that was taught "It's not your fault you lost" and given a participation award, blames another generation for their failures.

[ - ] mikenigger 0 points 1.2 yearsMar 19, 2023 20:23:10 ago (+0/-0)

dangus nowhere to be seen ITT