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US Army recruitment post is not well received

submitted by GoatWarVet to whatever 1.2 yearsMar 15, 2023 12:59:35 ago (+65/-0)     (twitter.com)


They'll have resort to scooping up border jumpers if they want their war judging from the comments.

27 comments block

[ - ] KingLeopold2 22 points 1.2 yearsMar 15, 2023 13:35:49 ago (+22/-0)

Hey glowies.... all the people that can actually fight, the ones you're desperate to convince to die for israel again, are busy stockpiling weapons and ammo and preparing to go to war with YOU.

[ - ] AmazingFlightLizard 5 points 1.2 yearsMar 15, 2023 21:40:37 ago (+5/-0)


No we're not. Don't listen to this crazy right wing conspiracy theorist, Mr. Fed.

[ - ] con77 14 points 1.2 yearsMar 15, 2023 13:17:22 ago (+14/-0)

the actual combat troops are OVERWHELMINGLY straight white males.

[ - ] PotatoWhisperer2 13 points 1.2 yearsMar 15, 2023 13:42:39 ago (+13/-0)

And there are fewer of them every year.

[ - ] PostWallHelena 5 points 1.2 yearsMar 15, 2023 17:33:25 ago (+5/-0)

All the effective ones anyways.

[ - ] GeneralDisarray 0 points 1.2 yearsMar 16, 2023 18:31:18 ago (+0/-0)

They specifically allowed the white men to be front and center for this campaign and it was noticed!

The comments are a bloodbath!!!

Ive noticed they have been struggling more to recruit but wow. The comments are 99% kicking the rainbow shit out of them!

Calling them out for hating on white men and using them in the meat grinder.

This was a very encouraging read!

[ - ] totalniggerdeath 0 points 1.2 yearsMar 17, 2023 16:23:19 ago (+0/-0)

The amount of comments about ZOG and Pissrael and jews is also notable.

[ - ] deleted 10 points 1.2 yearsMar 15, 2023 15:27:49 ago (+10/-0)*


[ - ] TheNoticing 3 points 1.2 yearsMar 15, 2023 21:14:41 ago (+3/-0)

They pay people a pittance in shekels to do their killing for them.

[ - ] deleted 8 points 1.2 yearsMar 15, 2023 13:31:14 ago (+8/-0)


[ - ] PotatoWhisperer2 7 points 1.2 yearsMar 15, 2023 13:51:04 ago (+7/-0)

/Some nigger accidentally shoots their gun

Commander: lays down and cries.

[ - ] GoatWarVet [op] 6 points 1.2 yearsMar 15, 2023 13:34:28 ago (+6/-0)

I saw something yesterday about the marines shifting to gender neutral language. Complete clownshow at this point.

[ - ] AngryWhiteKeyboardWarrior 8 points 1.2 yearsMar 15, 2023 13:41:52 ago (+8/-0)

I have relatives (that I know of) who served as far back as the Texas Revolution, then Civil War, WW2, Korea, Vietnam, Desert Storm, Iraq-Afghanistan etc. I myself was in the Navy and barely missed out on the Bosnian war and all of the post-911 stuff.

No way in fucking hell would I ever willingly serve again for these cocksuckers. I don't have kids, but I'd absolutely talk them out of joining up, and I would recommend to anyone who would listen to me not to join now. (the only exception to that would be if you're of draft age and they announce that a draft is coming, you should probably enlist before you get drafted so you have more of a choice about what you'll do when you're in)

[ - ] PotatoWhisperer2 9 points 1.2 yearsMar 15, 2023 13:48:59 ago (+9/-0)

Ayup. I probably would have lived a more profitable, less violent, and less destroyed life without my military service. And I will absolutely not recommend it to anyone today. There's just so many better ways to live your life now that the military just isn't a viable option, ignoring the jewish communism making its way into the command structure. Destroying your body for a failing country that wants you dead just isn't a good idea.

Of course that's just for Whites. Any shitskins I would wholeheartedly recommend joining up. Though I don't see too many of those until I go to costco or something. Then it's usually the insanely fat spic women dragging a cart of soda with her 8 children pulling 2-3 more carts of suger garbage. No doubt paid for by the taxes of the White man.

[ - ] DoctorK 3 points 1.2 yearsMar 15, 2023 15:26:51 ago (+3/-0)

Ha! Dodge that draft and pewpew those that come looking.

[ - ] PhantomXLII 2 points 1.2 yearsMar 15, 2023 14:41:26 ago (+2/-0)

the only exception to that would be if you're of draft age and they announce that a draft is coming, you should probably enlist before you get drafted so you have more of a choice about what you'll do when you're in

That's my plan. I'll jump on into the chair force and if I'm lucky I'll get to fly a drone or load some bombs or something "simple".

[ - ] Peleg 3 points 1.2 yearsMar 15, 2023 18:55:37 ago (+3/-0)

Do not have that as your plan! That's not a plan at all!
Me and all the older guys I work with have decided that our sons are not going to die for jews! They can shove their draft up their asses! If any of our sons get drafted the military will have to fight a war here first, and kill us in order to get to our children!
All of you damn glowniggers reading this, think about that for a second. Do you think our sons are going to go into battle for you disgusting bastards after I've killed a bunch of you before you finally get me? I know my children. First time you turn your head one of my children will fill you full of lead.
There will not be a successful draft in this country for this fake war!

[ - ] Name 1 point 1.2 yearsMar 15, 2023 21:03:43 ago (+1/-0)*

I have talked to some old timers who joined up voluntarily because they thought it would be easier than being drafted. Turns out that if you are under 5 foot six they will give you a short barrel weapon and send you into the tunnels. They don’t really care where you come from or how you got there.

[ - ] deleted 0 points 1.2 yearsMar 15, 2023 15:35:28 ago (+0/-0)


[ - ] PhantomXLII 4 points 1.2 yearsMar 15, 2023 15:37:18 ago (+4/-0)

Why would I run TOWARD the shitskins and live among them?

[ - ] ButtToucha9000 2 points 1.2 yearsMar 15, 2023 21:43:04 ago (+2/-0)

BAHAHAHAHAHAHA or just not go and let em fuck around and find out.

[ - ] Belfuro 1 point 1.2 yearsMar 15, 2023 15:45:31 ago (+1/-0)

Go have kids. Not too late

[ - ] fnbs 8 points 1.2 yearsMar 15, 2023 16:12:09 ago (+8/-0)

Twitter looks based AF after reading that comment section

[ - ] GoatWarVet [op] 8 points 1.2 yearsMar 15, 2023 16:21:42 ago (+8/-0)

There is a surprising amount of based content on there these days. ADL and SPLC have clearly lost a lot of influence over what is allowed on there. Search thenoticing hashtag for some keks and kvetching.

[ - ] Jinglebanger 5 points 1.2 yearsMar 15, 2023 16:29:24 ago (+5/-0)

They can't just bot people into obscurity with reports anymore.

[ - ] Vrbllpollushin 2 points 1.2 yearsMar 15, 2023 22:43:56 ago (+2/-0)

Agreed. Tons of people have had enough. You can even say nigger and faggot. Just don't say it to the wrong people, like Adam kizinger. They don't like that. Lol.

[ - ] PostWallHelena 4 points 1.2 yearsMar 15, 2023 17:31:24 ago (+4/-0)

Says Secretary Christine! Fuck her.

Multiple responses were “but I’m mot gay..” lol

[ - ] Jinglebanger 2 points 1.2 yearsMar 15, 2023 16:11:43 ago (+2/-0)

Execute the various commies that have wormed their way up the ladder, then we can discuss whether becoming a zogbot is worth it.

[ - ] deleted 0 points 1.2 yearsMar 15, 2023 16:59:31 ago (+0/-0)
