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5 comments block

[ - ] SocksOnCats 6 points 1.6 yearsMar 4, 2023 14:20:24 ago (+6/-0)

When does it happen? I’m not watching through 18 minutes for this…

[ - ] bobdole9 0 points 1.6 yearsMar 4, 2023 19:16:13 ago (+0/-0)

Think its a trick to watch a lifting video...to trick you into lifting.

[ - ] olinneserpona [op] 0 points 1.5 yearsMar 7, 2023 10:02:23 ago (+0/-0)


[ - ] olinneserpona [op] 0 points 1.5 yearsMar 7, 2023 10:02:13 ago (+0/-0)

3:07 sorry for the late reply

[ - ] voatisajewishheaven 0 points 1.4 yearsMay 14, 2023 13:09:55 ago (+0/-0)

I did not expect to learn a new word from Eddie Hall. That's one word I'll be using quite a bit for the rest of my life:

"Those niggers niggle me so much. I just wanna toss the rope over the lamp post already."


intransitive verb
1-To cause one to be persistently preoccupied, annoyed, or uncomfortable.
2-To pester someone or be annoying or uncomfortable in a persistent way.
3-To be overly concerned or argumentative, especially about something petty; fuss.