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Zogbots mock and kill elderly disabled White woman in custody

submitted by NationalSocialism to Zogbots 1.3 yearsFeb 27, 2023 03:22:21 ago (+49/-0)     (files.catbox.moe)


I’m sure these same cops kneel for niggers and treat illegal spics like saints.

76 comments block

[ - ] jigganiggaboo 22 points 1.3 yearsFeb 27, 2023 04:57:07 ago (+22/-0)

This is the kind of stuff people should be upset about not some cracked out fentanyl nigger that overdosed. Worthless zog lackeys

[ - ] TheBigGuyFromQueens 2 points 1.3 yearsFeb 27, 2023 08:04:03 ago (+8/-6)

Devil’s advocate: She can’t be camped out on the steps of the hospital for the rest of her life, either. I think a better way to handle or was a medical transport, but that is absurd, too. If you put someone in an ambulance and transport them to jail, you’re saying they’re medically unfit at that moment, so really they should go back to the hospital. I think maybe she should have been in some sort of hospice care, but she likely refused that. This is probably because she’s a degenerate boozehound. It is a shitty situation all around.

[ - ] yesiknow 5 points 1.3 yearsFeb 27, 2023 13:10:23 ago (+5/-0)

This is the result of mental patients on the street. No one can tell the difference between a stroke survivor, which she was, and an out of control schizophrenic or drug seeking asshole.

There's a lot of people who should be executed for closing the hospitals and making it impossible to commit people who have no will of their own because they're sick.

The police aren't psychic and the medical staff deal with phony crazies all day long and they can't tell the difference

[ - ] Deplorablepoetry 4 points 1.3 yearsFeb 27, 2023 09:26:31 ago (+4/-0)

I’m gonna laugh my face off when someone kicks your whore of a mother in her filthy cunt hole till the scuzzy bitch bleeds out.

Now that’s entertainment!

[ - ] Had 1 point 1.3 yearsFeb 27, 2023 15:44:01 ago (+1/-0)

Your argument is full of unfounded assumptions and completely specious. You assume she refused hospice and is a drunk with absolutely no evidence of either. All we know is that she was clearly unwell (evidenced by the fact that she died) and was being treated like shit by some nigger zogbot and his buddies.

Instead of blaming her for this, blame the hospital that threw her out on her ass saying there was nothing wrong with her only to have her die a few hours later.

It should be the duty of a culture to take care of their elderly, not blame them for needing help. This is a prime example of how morally bankrupt out society is, and your shitty devil's advocate defense sounds jewish as fuck.

[ - ] Laputois 0 points 1.3 yearsFeb 28, 2023 09:12:03 ago (+0/-0)

Big faggot from Queens is a bootlicker evident from other posts he has made. He strikes me as an ex-cop that is living off a bogus disability claim and justifying the fraud by the shit he had to put up with while licking the boots of his "superiors"

[ - ] TheBigGuyFromQueens -2 points 1.3 yearsFeb 27, 2023 16:13:38 ago (+0/-2)

Admittedly, I have no hard evidence of her being a drunk, although he ruddy complexion and bloated look are two symptoms of advanced alcoholism.

The police are doing their job. You have more of an argument against the hospital than them. Once she has been treated and discharged, she has no right to be camping on the grounds.

[ - ] TheNoticing 0 points 1.3 yearsFeb 27, 2023 16:49:16 ago (+0/-0)

She had a stroke and died from it you fucking WOP.

[ - ] TheBigGuyFromQueens -1 points 1.3 yearsFeb 27, 2023 17:01:34 ago (+0/-1)

Stroke my cock, faggot. The two are not mutually exclusive.

[ - ] jigganiggaboo -1 points 1.3 yearsFeb 27, 2023 15:17:09 ago (+0/-1)*

I think a better idea would to bring back mental institutes that can take people like this and they get the help they need and stay out of society. It would also keep out the schizophrenics out of hospitals and allow people who actually need them more access to them.

[ - ] TheNoticing 0 points 1.3 yearsFeb 27, 2023 16:47:54 ago (+0/-0)

stroke =/= crazy

[ - ] deleted 0 points 1.3 yearsFeb 27, 2023 08:26:13 ago (+0/-0)


[ - ] drhitler 20 points 1.3 yearsFeb 27, 2023 07:34:01 ago (+20/-0)

and yet just a few years earlier these asshole shut down a country to protect grannys health

fucking sick of all these liars

[ - ] PostWallHelena 2 points 1.3 yearsFeb 27, 2023 08:47:51 ago (+2/-0)

Very good point.

[ - ] deleted 10 points 1.3 yearsFeb 27, 2023 09:52:23 ago (+10/-0)


[ - ] PostWallHelena 3 points 1.3 yearsFeb 27, 2023 10:27:42 ago (+3/-0)

You are a good boy flaryan.

[ - ] Thyhorrorcosmic103 2 points 1.3 yearsFeb 27, 2023 10:27:49 ago (+2/-0)

That's how white people behave.

[ - ] TheNoticing 0 points 1.3 yearsFeb 27, 2023 16:50:36 ago (+0/-0)

The police put her on a bus to a place she's never been before? Where's the IRA when you need them.

[ - ] Love240 7 points 1.3 yearsFeb 27, 2023 03:59:11 ago (+7/-0)

This is disgusting, man. :(

[ - ] Scrimmmy 6 points 1.3 yearsFeb 27, 2023 04:11:33 ago (+7/-1)

This is why they'll get what they get

[ - ] voatersaredumbasses -2 points 1.3 yearsFeb 27, 2023 06:45:06 ago (+1/-3)

Which is nothing.

[ - ] JoggerLogger 6 points 1.3 yearsFeb 27, 2023 07:22:44 ago (+10/-4)

both parties are at fault. the police obviously so, imo. and it’s the woman’s fault for allowing herself over years to get into such a shitty condition that she could die under her own weight like a beached whale.

[ - ] yesiknow 4 points 1.3 yearsFeb 27, 2023 13:12:44 ago (+4/-0)

Her brain was damaged by a stroke. Nobody was overseeing her, but should have been

[ - ] voatersaredumbasses 6 points 1.3 yearsFeb 27, 2023 10:00:50 ago (+6/-0)

If she was a nigger this would be playing 24/7 for weeks, there would be riots, cities would burn, the president would call an emergency SOTU address. Being that she's not, it will be out of the news cycle later today.

[ - ] clymer 5 points 1.3 yearsFeb 27, 2023 08:14:52 ago (+5/-0)*

Hospitals have become places where one goes to die in the USSA. After 2020, the federal govt. took over hospital administration by offering 25K per covid diagnosis and 50K per covid diagnosis that resulted in intubation. EVERYTHING was caused by covid. If you showed up at a hospital complaining of respiratory distress due to pneumonia, they would say "go home. come back when you are hypoxic so we can fill your blood with opiates and stuff a tube down your air passage. What has this nation become, where the medical system is given incentive to keep you sick and die, the public education system is a 12 year indoctrination program to keep you brainwashed, the banking system is stripping you of your wealth, virtually every system we have for public welfare is doing the exact opposite of its' intended purpose. The hospital knew that there was no money in this woman. She probably worked when she was younger and paid some taxes into the system. What an inhumane way to die. Fucking 8 guys, they could have put her in the seat of a squad car instead of yelling for her to get herself into the paddy wagon. At least if the hospital jammed a morphine iv into her arm and a tube down her throat, they would have been paid and she would have died painlessly

[ - ] Rowdybme 4 points 1.3 yearsFeb 27, 2023 09:29:29 ago (+4/-0)

I don't see why sitting in a wheel chair in front of a hospital is bothering anybody. What is it bad for business? Hospitals changed about 3 years ago. They treat you like cattle now.

[ - ] Inflatablecat 3 points 1.3 yearsFeb 27, 2023 07:19:12 ago (+5/-2)

If anyone is to blame here its the hospital but honestly its not their fault either. This woman was knocking on deaths door before the police got involved. She couldn't get herself into a car on her own, and after a bit of exertion she was so unhealthy, she couldn't sit up on her own. If her family gave a shit about her they would have been there to pick her up instead of being around now that there's a paycheck to collect.

[ - ] Thyhorrorcosmic103 10 points 1.3 yearsFeb 27, 2023 09:07:00 ago (+10/-0)

If my taxes are going to be stolen from me and forced into these facilities then they better treat white people with dignity regardless of their life choices. The hospital knew this women was dying and discharged her out of a lack of empathy and greed. This is jewish behavior.

[ - ] Sector7 0 points 1.3 yearsFeb 27, 2023 21:01:06 ago (+0/-0)

They're not stolen. People literally have to 'apply' to support the ZOG regime. Many train for years before they apply to support the ZOG regime. And then, they work to justify the amount of money they're sending to support the ZOG regime.

Why do people collaborate and support the ZOG regime? Because they love jewish supremacy and/or just do it for the collaborator benefits.

[ - ] PostWallHelena 2 points 1.3 yearsFeb 27, 2023 08:51:54 ago (+2/-0)

If the healthcare system and LE can handle this situation than there is no use for them.

[ - ] Rowdybme 0 points 1.3 yearsFeb 28, 2023 19:32:24 ago (+0/-0)

It starts with the hospital. UT those faggot ass pigs were complete dicks. Roughing up a Sick ass old lady.

[ - ] HeyJames 1 point 1.3 yearsFeb 27, 2023 10:11:24 ago (+1/-0)

Where were her family when she needed care? Seems like they're there for the lawsuit but not to care for her. They're no better than niggers. She may have well been acting up until the point where the cops put her in a position that asphyxiated her.

Still these pigs seemed more focused on having an easy work day so that they could go back to eating donuts and flirting with ZOGbot nurses at the (((hospital))) than doing the job we pay them to do.

[ - ] fritz_maurentod 1 point 1.3 yearsFeb 27, 2023 15:09:34 ago (+1/-0)

That will be the fate of many of the childless women were are breeding.

[ - ] Shitstartercarter 1 point 1.3 yearsFeb 27, 2023 15:43:22 ago (+1/-0)

Examples like this are why I look at every cop in disdain as a white man. Fuck the blm shit and all the niggers, whom I might add these faggots were kneeling for back in '20.

Cops protect the most evil, sick, and twisted in society. They throw the regular people in jail and let the criminals at the higher economic levels off free. I will never have any sympather for anything bad that happens to them. If you are one willingly in this day and age in America go kill yourself please.

[ - ] UncleDoug 0 points 1.3 yearsFeb 27, 2023 04:25:19 ago (+5/-5)

Zogbots, smart enough to follow orders, not smart enough to question those orders.

This mentality is the most exhausting kind of person to deal with. I'd much rather work around mongoloids in disability services, the choice between the NPC or retard is an easy one.

Of course after all that it was a christcuck zogbot too, it makes perfect sense.

[ - ] AryanPrime 2 points 1.3 yearsFeb 27, 2023 09:26:57 ago (+3/-1)


hahahaha kike subverter tries to turn it into "muh christianity" despite the fact he denies hes a crypto kike promoting anti Christian rhetoric on here

filthy little kike monster you should be shot on sight

[ - ] UncleDoug 1 point 1.3 yearsFeb 27, 2023 09:37:25 ago (+1/-0)

Did you watch the video? Try not to choke on your latkes OptimumPride.

[ - ] x0x7 0 points 1.3 yearsFeb 27, 2023 10:01:06 ago (+0/-0)

Christcuck? What does the new testament say about taking care of the physically unable and wounded. He cucked to his employer over Christ. That's the problem. If he were a christcuck we wouldn't be having this problem.

[ - ] UncleDoug 3 points 1.3 yearsFeb 27, 2023 11:58:32 ago (+3/-0)

Who cares what the NT says? Bad zogbots repeatedly making fun a dying White woman, are repeatedly making reference to the jewlite book exasperated whilst having to deal with a human in need.
No one says they have to be good christcucks, but normal people don't invoke the dead jew several times a minute when frustrated.

[ - ] Deplorablepoetry 0 points 1.3 yearsFeb 27, 2023 09:23:58 ago (+2/-2)

If you are ‘law enforcement’ and are reading this, you had better fucking understand that there are REAL men actively hunting your family at this very moment. When located, your family will be subjected to REEDUCATION WITH MAXIMUM PREJUDICE.

Do you have any clue what that entails? No, you do not, but I guarantee you it is far more horrific than your image in a mirror.

Just remember you did this to yourself.

[ - ] x0x7 0 points 1.3 yearsFeb 27, 2023 09:54:50 ago (+0/-0)

Wouldn't it make more sense to reeducate the cops?

[ - ] Deplorablepoetry 1 point 1.3 yearsFeb 27, 2023 10:15:08 ago (+1/-0)

They get their neck stretched…., if they’re lucky.

Personally, I support them being tortured in perpetuity.

This means, an IV drip to keep them alive and aware while they burn all day everyday until there is nothing left to ignite.

[ - ] anrach 0 points 1.3 yearsFeb 27, 2023 10:53:16 ago (+0/-0)

Very unprofessional.

[ - ] albatrosv15 0 points 1.3 yearsFeb 27, 2023 15:01:03 ago (+0/-0)

They are mafiosniks with papers, nothing more.

[ - ] TheNoticing 0 points 1.3 yearsFeb 27, 2023 16:46:47 ago (+0/-0)

The police are the standing army the Founders warned us about. Fuck them all to hell.

[ - ] lastlist -1 points 1.3 yearsFeb 27, 2023 07:13:25 ago (+1/-2)*

Less likely to have happened if she was human sized. The initial stroke and everything leading up to this.

The other porkers are too lazy to do their job, getting angry at the fat cripple for not moving independently. The right thing to say is "I'm having trouble breathing" not 'I can't breathe' The latter is a lie. Sad state of events all around.

[ - ] PostWallHelena 2 points 1.3 yearsFeb 27, 2023 08:34:59 ago (+2/-0)

WHEN this happens to you you will truly deserve it. KIKE.

[ - ] lastlist -1 points 1.3 yearsFeb 27, 2023 08:56:10 ago (+0/-1)*

I wouldn't wish my worst enemy to be that size. I would hope for a swifter death rather than slowly drowning in fat.

[ - ] PostWallHelena 3 points 1.3 yearsFeb 27, 2023 10:01:56 ago (+3/-0)

You think youll never be old and helpless? Hahahahahaha. Remember this conversation when you are enjoying your well deserved elder abuse at the hands of some nigger.

[ - ] HeyJames 0 points 1.3 yearsFeb 27, 2023 10:19:25 ago (+1/-1)

If I ever got to that point of being old, obese, unhealthy, homeless, and having burned all my bridges with family then plugging one to the head would be preferable to be honest. Spend my last few moments at the lake feeding the ducks and enjoying nature. Then BOOM its over. Being destitute, invalid, and dependent on strangers is no way to live.

[ - ] GrayDragon -2 points 1.3 yearsFeb 27, 2023 06:05:33 ago (+7/-9)

She was some homeless cunt gypsy. Fuck her.

I was sympathetic at first. All these shits cry in front of cops. She was at two hospitals and got kicked out. She was on her way out anyway. It is a blessing that she died.

[ - ] Thyhorrorcosmic103 10 points 1.3 yearsFeb 27, 2023 06:12:34 ago (+11/-1)

This is not how white people should treat each other.


[ - ] goatfugee12 0 points 1.3 yearsFeb 27, 2023 08:04:06 ago (+1/-1)

gypsys aren't white

[ - ] Thyhorrorcosmic103 5 points 1.3 yearsFeb 27, 2023 08:11:38 ago (+5/-0)

Where is the fact that she is romani stated?

[ - ] goatfugee12 -3 points 1.3 yearsFeb 27, 2023 08:24:00 ago (+0/-3)

a fat slovenly homeless bum with no family willing to care for her? Sounds gypsy. Either way she is in that situation because of her own actions. People need their comeuppance, good riddance.

[ - ] Thyhorrorcosmic103 8 points 1.3 yearsFeb 27, 2023 08:27:23 ago (+8/-0)

So she lost her whiteness for being trash? Is that what you are saying?

[ - ] goatfugee12 0 points 1.3 yearsFeb 27, 2023 10:07:04 ago (+0/-0)

Yes, $20 bucks says she has multiple mixed race grandbabies.

[ - ] Thyhorrorcosmic103 0 points 1.3 yearsFeb 27, 2023 10:22:33 ago (+0/-0)

I guess that's your prerogative.

[ - ] AryanPrime -1 points 1.3 yearsFeb 27, 2023 09:26:02 ago (+0/-1)

stupid faggots like you don't seem to understand how genetics work

Aryans...not "White people" Aryans...and no gypsies aren't Aryans, neither are kikes, they are related to each other and both are filled with nasty little Aryan genocide promoting monsters

there is no such thing as "Whiteness" dumb kike cunt...there is "being Aryan" or "not Aryan" gypsies aren't Aryans

that being said i'm not hateful towards gypsies i've only ever met 1 or two, the one I met smelled really bad but was pleasent enough

but stop trying to push non ethnically homogenous groups of people onto Aryans by calling them "White people" then getting pissy if Aryans don't want to breed with them...not up to you faggot

[ - ] Thyhorrorcosmic103 0 points 1.3 yearsFeb 27, 2023 10:16:03 ago (+0/-0)

Stop pretending to be Aryan.

[ - ] PostWallHelena 4 points 1.3 yearsFeb 27, 2023 08:49:49 ago (+4/-0)

If she was gypsy her whole family would be there protesting her treatment. Only white people don’t matter because they don’t matter to you.

[ - ] x0x7 3 points 1.3 yearsFeb 27, 2023 09:57:04 ago (+3/-0)

I was about to say, if she was gypsy there would be seven of them there including very small children running through the building stealing everything not nailed down.

[ - ] PostWallHelena 1 point 1.3 yearsFeb 27, 2023 09:59:37 ago (+1/-0)


[ - ] goatfugee12 -1 points 1.3 yearsFeb 27, 2023 09:03:02 ago (+0/-1)

I have a feeling this is just too personal for you, fat slovenly lonely homeless old woman dying alone...

[ - ] PostWallHelena 2 points 1.3 yearsFeb 27, 2023 09:22:49 ago (+2/-0)

Its personal to me because she’s and white people have been abused for long enough in this country. I have a feeling its not personal to you because you are an antisocial kike.

[ - ] goatfugee12 0 points 1.3 yearsFeb 27, 2023 09:52:34 ago (+0/-0)

this is why women shouldn't vote. The hard truth here is this low IQ bum is a dredge, she has nothing to show for her life and therefor needs to be culled.

The empathy women posses is great for small community and family but a woman's inability to think past their feelings is why they should not be allowed to make decisions that effect society as a whole.

If a farmer didn't cull the runt's, sick, and cripples his flock would become subpar. Women can't handle the cute little runt being slaughtered, the reality of the world is not for them to know.

But I still think its just because it's a lonely fat old lady and you are hoping some white man hero comes along and takes care of you later in life. I hope you had strong sons, cause it's the only way this doesn't end up being your future.

[ - ] PostWallHelena 1 point 1.3 yearsFeb 27, 2023 09:55:11 ago (+1/-0)

Didnt read this wall of text. Looks like a lot of reees. Why dont you call your mom and tell her about all these sad feelies.

[ - ] voatersaredumbasses 7 points 1.3 yearsFeb 27, 2023 06:45:53 ago (+7/-0)

What a nigger take.

[ - ] PostWallHelena 5 points 1.3 yearsFeb 27, 2023 08:47:16 ago (+5/-0)

GD you make me sad. White countries are the best because whites do not dehumanize each other. I would have sympathy for you and for every goat here even if you were acting like a pain in the ass. White lives matter. Remind yourself of this everyday and then you will matter too.

[ - ] Peleg 3 points 1.3 yearsFeb 27, 2023 07:57:01 ago (+4/-1)

You fucking son of a bitch! You will line up against the wall right along with your fagget brothers in this video!

[ - ] Aze 1 point 1.3 yearsFeb 27, 2023 13:58:28 ago (+1/-0)

I'd agree with you if I trusted the hospitals weren't just tired of dealing with a half brain-dead stroke victim with no insurance. It's not right but that probably the truth of it.

They turned her out to die on the street IMO.

[ - ] Trumpman1488 -5 points 1.3 yearsFeb 27, 2023 05:27:03 ago (+2/-7)


[ - ] voatersaredumbasses 2 points 1.3 yearsFeb 27, 2023 06:46:29 ago (+2/-0)

You first