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In the final hour when there is no hope, our race will rise again on the Day Of The Rope.

submitted by HeyJames to DrWilliamLutherPierce 1.3 yearsJan 24, 2023 12:01:07 ago (+33/-0)     (files.catbox.moe)


39 comments block

[ - ] PhantomXLII 0 points 1.3 yearsJan 24, 2023 21:30:57 ago (+0/-0)

No, on the final hour when there is no hope, you die in an hour.

[ - ] HeyJames [op] 0 points 1.3 yearsJan 24, 2023 22:08:30 ago (+0/-0)

You'll be dead FOR SURE

[ - ] deleted 0 points 1.3 yearsJan 24, 2023 21:11:33 ago (+0/-0)


[ - ] Crackinjokes 0 points 1.3 yearsJan 24, 2023 20:52:17 ago (+0/-0)*

I read part of that book The Turner diaries. It was kind of interesting. I'm not really one for a believer in all this revolutionary stuff.

But the interesting thing about the book was that the protagonist said that they had been surprised that when given the opportunity all the people hadn't risen up and joined the fight.

They were too fat and happy.

So the leaders of the revolutionaries had to start blowing up power plants power plants and all this other stuff to make it so uncomfortable for the fat and happy people that they would have to choose to stand up and fight to reestablish order in the world.

It's an interesting work of fiction.

I certainly don't want us to have to have a revolution and I certainly hope people don't start blowing up power plants and other things because that would make life suck.

and I haven't completely given up on people coming to their senses and taking back enough of the government to preserve enough of our culture to keep it going.

And I personally feel like there's future in the idea that people will sort of join countries that aren't aligned with geography but they will all join these different countries that will have certain rules and cultures that they like and those countries will be their passports and they will just be groups of people traveling under those passports that could be living anywhere in the world. And the reason other countries will have to respect those people is that the power and force of their industry and their intellectual property and their ability to force the international law in their group think and their cultural coherence will make them a force no matter where they live and no one would dare hurt a citizen. Somewhat like how no one ever hurt a Roman citizen no matter where that Roman was at the height of the Roman empire.

And quite frankly right now that's what the Jewish people do. All this Israeli citizens go around and live anywhere in the world that they want and the power and control they have over the whole world means that they can quote be a citizen of this little country that they never actually spend any time in but no one dares really crossed them and no one has the legal power to cross them.

So maybe there can be more Nations like that that are sort of international and scope with sort of a home base but it's a group of culturally aligned people who are powerful enough that no other group would dare to challenge them beyond a certain point or really f*** with them.

I do think that with faster and faster transportation and more and more online communication that the idea of a country being defined by geography may make less and less sense.

It certainly makes less sense in Europe and you can hop on a train and be in another country in 2 hours like we can be in another state in 2 hours by getting in the car. It makes no sense for each individual state in the United States to have its own different culture and it became impractical once transportation became fast enough for people to cross state borders. But of course in the 1700s when the United States is being formed to those states were very much different cultures and they were not very blended and if you were in one state you are very different than the people in another state and likely had religious differences and cultural differences and ancestral differences.

And I think the whole world is going to lose the geographical definition of countries. It's part of the thing that's behind all these people who are getting multiple passports and all these different countries because they don't want to be tied to just geography.

Then again I sort of see the opposite happening in the United States where I see people who believe in one thing moving to a certain States and people who believe in other things moving to different states and there's even some indication there might even be a separation in the United States of different states. I mean Florida and California are about as opposite as you can be right now you could name several other states that are in the similar situation. And it may be in the future that's difficult for a state like Florida and a state like California to actually exist under the same Federal regulations. So maybe rather than getting away from geography it'll be a trend toward people moving toward a geography that is friendly to their belief system.

[ - ] Crackinjokes 0 points 1.3 yearsJan 24, 2023 20:44:27 ago (+0/-0)

I think it was an accident of geography that the best and the brightest and the smartest in the months that were most capable or able to choose to go across the oceans and brave and amazing thing and survive with their wits and their skill and their physical attributes in a new continent and form a country comprised only of those people. I don't think that happens without those kinds of forces. So unless there's a World War where whole continents are wiped out and small groups of people venture out to repopulate abandoned areas when it takes a lot of bravery and intelligence and skills and just whatever it is that caused people to be willing to get on a ship in England and go across the ocean when there was a good chance that ship would sink well whatever that is when that's needed again they'll be hope that a nation of those people can be formed.

Right now without some major calamity I don't think that concentration of people will ever self-select for that again.

The reason the best and the brightest and the most capable ended up in America was because anybody who wasn't the best in the brightest and the most didn't dare leave their home!

Or if they did leave and they weren't the best in the smartest and the most capable they died.

So I don't know if that situation will ever arise again.

In George Washington's final speech as president he said that they had left the nation comprise the people with the same background and the same beliefs and it was up to them to preserve it. And it was a rare thing. That's paraphrasing but that's basically what he said. And we haven't preserved it. And I don't think you can reverse it. I think it takes that same unique set of circumstances to create it in the first place.

Maybe if we start colonizing Mars or something Mars will end up with only the best and the brightest and the most capable and skillful and hopefully they'll be smart enough to keep the other f****** from following them.

[ - ] Crackinjokes 2 points 1.3 yearsJan 24, 2023 20:39:35 ago (+2/-0)

This will be the fable that the small group of the last white people on Earth tell each other in some cave 100 years from now.

I actually don't think anybody's going to do anything.

I think civilization more often dies with a whimper than a bang.

[ - ] HeyJames [op] 0 points 1.3 yearsJan 25, 2023 00:41:53 ago (+0/-0)

We cannot predict the future but what I can tell you is that there will be violence one way or another. Are you ready?

[ - ] RMGoetbbels 0 points 1.3 yearsJan 24, 2023 19:52:35 ago (+0/-0)

That would be a good day(s).

[ - ] drhitler 7 points 1.3 yearsJan 24, 2023 17:01:43 ago (+7/-0)

A turner diaries animated movie would be pretty sweet.

[ - ] DoctorK 0 points 1.3 yearsJan 24, 2023 18:34:22 ago (+0/-0)

I recommend you read The Brigade. Far better book than The Turner Diaries.


[ - ] Indoctrinated_USA 4 points 1.3 yearsJan 24, 2023 15:15:13 ago (+4/-0)

And because it took the end of the European world to force us off our fat, drugged, indoctrinated asses - there won't be anything left but a demographically conquered, economically destitute, newly third world country that can never, ever, ever, be what it once was.

I'm tired of this bullshit. I've spent time in a balkanized country... they're non-functional warzones where loyalties shift by the day.

If the tribe gave a solitary fuck, shit would have already gone down. Imagine White European walkouts, REAL boycots, civil disobedience, BLM style peaceful protests... Hell, the French look like heavyweight champs relative January 6th.

There is nothing we won't take and at the very last second, that handful decide to rise up - it won't matter... There will be nothing left but a scorched earth nation that can't be made right with bravado.

It was time 20 years ago...
The Avengers aren't coming to save us.

[ - ] Doglegwarrior 2 points 1.3 yearsJan 24, 2023 15:18:32 ago (+2/-0)

The time was 1945.. then still had a chance up until 1965 the immigration act from there it was hyper speed down hill destruction of white america

[ - ] HeyJames [op] 1 point 1.3 yearsJan 24, 2023 15:56:30 ago (+1/-0)

There is always a chance as long as there is enough genetic diversity amongst whites to reproduce without mixing in shit blood. Forcible removal is not off the table in the apex of a world-changing event such as famine or nuclear war.

As far as using the political system? Yes that time passed with the end of the Civil War.

[ - ] PotatoWhisperer2 1 point 1.3 yearsJan 24, 2023 16:09:19 ago (+1/-0)

As far as using the political system? Yes that time passed with the end of the Civil War.

That's what I've been saying. When we lost that war, we lost our freedoms. It's taken this long to destroy us because the parasite wanted to feed as long as possible, and to ensure our destruction.

[ - ] HeyJames [op] 0 points 1.3 yearsJan 24, 2023 16:23:39 ago (+0/-0)

Dumping niggers on the losers was a very cruel punishment. The north didn't want them. Roaming packs of savage apes suddenly free wanting revenge on whitey. The real combat on the home front happened after hostilities were ceased. At one point the nigger plague was so bad the KKK had serious political power in the United States.

[ - ] Indoctrinated_USA 0 points 1.3 yearsJan 25, 2023 00:30:22 ago (+0/-0)

Spot on.
Even in 2000, we were still in the high 80's.
In only 23 years we've fallen to something like 56%

[ - ] IfuckedYerMum 1 point 1.3 yearsJan 24, 2023 19:01:29 ago (+1/-0)

jew fantasy reference
Fuck off, faggot. We don't need some jackasses to come and save us. We have to save ourselves, and we're fully capable of doing it. Out of the collapse of Greco-Roman civilization came European empires that dwarfed Rome, spanning the globe. Out of a degenerated, broken, and broke Germany came the greatest fighting force ever built. A military that took almost the entire world to defeat. Out of the ashes of West will come something even greater. Thankfully defeatists such as yourself won't be around to bask in the coming glory.

[ - ] Indoctrinated_USA 0 points 1.3 yearsJan 24, 2023 23:42:23 ago (+0/-0)

You fucking child.
You're too fucking stupid to recognize critical analysis for defeatism.
If you cannot take a sober assessment of the situation - without the need to copium the fuck out of it, then you cannot plan for or overcome the challenges ahead of you.
Petulant edgelords like yourself think and talk like leftists - not because you are, simply because you know no other way.
The fall of the Roman empire cost humanity 1000 years of Greek and Roman knowledge in every facet of study and ushered in the Dark Ages; five hundred years of suppression warfare conducted by the Christian against the European population.
900 years after Rome fell, the European was only beginning to learn rudimentary skills the Romans had mastered during the time of the Pharaohs.
The fall of Rome cost humanity almost 2000 literal years of knowledge progression and development.
To this day, some Roman technologies like concrete are superior to modern offerings.
Germany was an ethnostate subjected to an oppressive treaty and the imposition of the central bank... For FIFTEEN YEARS.
Yes, in twelve years, unopposed within their own borders, with total ubiquity of speech, movement, and influence the NSDAP was able to stand on the precipice of greatness.
Your day of the rope never supposed that we would wait until everything was lost and that we would be minorities in our own nation.
Because that is what will happen, thins must play out differently.
The difference is balkanization and what must inevitably arise from a balkanized third world society..
Conflict destroys infrastructure.
If we do not act like I've outlined above, then we're talking about violent conflict.
For our society to survive, two conditions must remain true; the critical supply chain and artery network must remain fully functional.
Because we exist, wholly, within a petroleum bubble.
There is nothing, no anything, without it.
Every convenient, cheap, accessible source for petroleum extraction has been pumped dry.
All that remains are offshore, shale, fracking, and tar sands production techniques.
In order for these to operate, you need a cubic fuck ton of chemical solutions being imported from overseas and transported across the country, from port, through urban center, all the way to the Northern Interior.
Then you need to pick up and transport the waste materials away from the extraction sites.
This needs to happen daily, weekly at the outside.
There are no domestic industries.
There are no domestic chemical operations capable of this production as the process requires wholly imported components.
The United States has no textile industry.
We import 98% of our consumable goods.
Meanwhile, our economy is being intentionally destroyed
The dollar is not the world reserve currency anymore...
Saudi Arabia is set to ditch the petrodollar.
When that happens, 191 nations reimport eighty years of our exported debt like goddamned bank run.
The fed's USD crashes very quickly.
Everyone financially bound to the United States suffers economic collapse simultaneously.
Every ally, every trading partner.
When this happens, and it is already in motion, with Saudi Arabia petitioning to join BRICS.
Supply chains break.
Shipping stops.
People stop working.
Ports close.
Food, medicine, gasoline stop being delivered.
Urban centers start losing their shit in three days.
Sooner in chimptowns.
This is why the Fed has spent a year attacking crypto and teasing their new CBDC's - they need something spun up and ready to go when USD fails to divert the worst from occuring.
The US approved the new currency before Thanksgiving last year... No one noticed.
When CBDC is implemented, it's game over for dissident behaviors in all but the most rural settings.
Lets say we wait through all of this.
We wait for formal shitskin majorities throughout the states.
We wait as the European tradition is erased.
We watch our sons are made criminals, outcasts, uneducated slaves essentially or worse - castrated girl things.
We watch as our daughters made self-loathing whores and mudsharks.
Yet still we do nothing.
We watch as our Constitution fantasy crumbles overnight as we realize the shitskins don't give a fuck about our ideals and won't abide by them.
We wait, until our European society is formally a third world country.
We wait until we are outnumbered in our own lands.
We do nothing until everything is lost.
THEN select handfuls of us rise up.
Lets say the government does not attack in response, which it will, but lets say it doesn't.
Lets say the White European establishes a foothold.
At this point he is fighting for a nation with no natural resources and no potential for their restoration.
We have no petroleum, so the first world is gone, the urban centers are vast wastelands of violence and environmental contamination.
Our ports are inaccessible.
Our waterways hopelessly polluted as our civil infrastructure begins to rot and seep chemicals into the groundwater.
We have no abundant wildlife, no fertile farmlands... In fact the majority of our farmland is sterile without without being impregnated with monsanto chemicals; seeds won't even grow without monsanto activation chemicals.
The White European resistance is left with an overwhelmingly brown nation.
No resources.
No petroleum.
No old world to establish trade routes with.
No access to coastal regions.
And who knows what else?
THAT is the cost of waiting until the last minute.
THAT is the cost of perfect apathy.
It's already too late to save the nationstate as it has historically existed.
That's over.
But forceful and direct action NOW might ensure the tribe has a seat at whatever shitty table awaits.
Waiting beyond that, however, and you ensure one of two possibilities; either you get a repeat of the Bolshevik takeover of Russian society and we are picked off one by one, and no one does a thing because they're scared of words.
Or two, you get open warfare, and everything, literally everything is destroyed... For the reasons I've outlined.
In every single case in the last 80 years, there has been international assistance to restore order after such events.
If America's economy fails - that will not be the case.
No peacekeeping force, no aid packages, no civil engineering corp to restore national transportation.
The Avengers line was mockery.
People like you who operate on mainlined, fact free, cope.
Your fantasy is no more actionable than an Avengers movie.
So, either come to understand the nature of the realities you face and then account for them strategically, or fucking fail.
This man grew up in the fallen soviet republic of Yugoslavia and lived in an urban center during the Bosnian/Croatian war.
You want to know how reality plays out when these events occur?
Read his book; its addressed to the prepper crowd, but the book is entirely about his lived experience.
Otherwise, you're living in a fantasy world and talking out your ass.

Here, learn something.

[ - ] IfuckedYerMum 1 point 1.3 yearsJan 24, 2023 23:45:53 ago (+1/-0)

I'm not reading all that, you autistic, defeatist retard. Go cry about defeat like the little bitch you are elsewhere. Our societies have declined numerous times and Europeans have come back and thrived every time. When we do it this time, it won't be thanks to weak little faggots such as yourself. Go watch your jewish manchildren comic book movies.

[ - ] HeyJames [op] 1 point 1.3 yearsJan 25, 2023 00:40:23 ago (+1/-0)

As long as there are enough white people left for reproductive genetic diversity, there is at least some hope. Like you, I am tired of these guys

[ - ] Indoctrinated_USA 0 points 1.3 yearsJan 25, 2023 00:06:10 ago (+0/-0)

Go away child.
You're an indoctrinated loser.

[ - ] IfuckedYerMum 0 points 1.3 yearsJan 25, 2023 00:07:16 ago (+0/-0)

That sounds like projection coming from a defeatist little faggot who wants a jewish fantasy to come rescue him.

[ - ] HeyJames [op] 0 points 1.3 yearsJan 24, 2023 15:53:33 ago (+0/-0)

they're non-functional warzones where loyalties shift by the day.

This is what we need. Only through combat will the weak conquer the strong. Remember the battle of blood river

[ - ] Indoctrinated_USA 0 points 1.3 yearsJan 25, 2023 00:32:06 ago (+0/-0)

I've written on this elsewhere in the thread.
If actual open conflict breaks out, the first world ends... Forever.
Not defeatism, just basic logistics.

[ - ] HeyJames [op] 0 points 1.3 yearsJan 25, 2023 00:38:53 ago (+0/-0)

If actual open conflict breaks out, the first world ends... Forever.


[ - ] Sector7 0 points 1.3 yearsJan 24, 2023 15:08:09 ago (+0/-0)

There are some problems with "Day of the Rope".

Firstly, the technical issue of coming up with that much rope. Like the same problems with switching to all electric vehicles and energy uses, the rope supply chains will break down under the demand.

The rope itself. How many among us can even tie the knot correctly?

Then there's the issue of choosing a particular day, and making everyone aware of it. This has been and still is unsolved.

International Holocaust Remembrance Day/Date: 𝐅𝐫𝐢, 𝐉𝐚𝐧 𝟐𝟕, 𝟐𝟎𝟐𝟑

This fucking Friday. But it's still too low-key. Observing this day needs to be forced, so the resentment can grow over the years. At some point, January 27 could become "the day of".

Setting an actual date is fairly critical to successful event planning.

[ - ] PotatoWhisperer2 1 point 1.3 yearsJan 24, 2023 16:14:33 ago (+1/-0)

Rope is re-usable. Any knot, properly tied, should work. It's also a euphemism.

One of the more economical ways to do the deed is to have your victim dig a large trench. Then have them line up and lean over it a little. When you pop them with a cheap-ammo pistol in the back of the head, they drop over into their own grave.

A particular day will never come to pass. If, and it's a big if, such a thing were to happen it would start as a trickle, and then become a surging tide of chaos. It would have to be set off by an event that inspires others to follow suit. And somehow have enough people/resources to protect each other from retribution at the same time.

[ - ] Sector7 0 points 1.3 yearsJan 24, 2023 16:51:12 ago (+0/-0)

"ERROR: Could not able to execute."

Okay then. So where was I...

The main problem is these things almost never come from the herd itself. Revolutions and revolts come from disagreements and power contests between the owners themselves.

"Ha, I'll stampede his cattle! That'll show him." We've been seeing that in countries all around the world.

[ - ] IfuckedYerMum 0 points 1.3 yearsJan 24, 2023 19:03:49 ago (+0/-0)

The rope itself. How many among us can even tie the knot correctly?
A noose is retard easy to tie. I taught myself when I was like eight. If someone can't take a noose and "reverse engineer" it, they'll probably be given one... to swing from.

[ - ] Rob3122 0 points 1.3 yearsJan 24, 2023 15:06:59 ago (+0/-0)

It's been 30 years since that recording and it's only gotten worse.

[ - ] HeyJames [op] 0 points 1.3 yearsJan 24, 2023 15:54:23 ago (+0/-0)

It will continue to do so until the final hour...

[ - ] SecretHitler 0 points 1.3 yearsJan 24, 2023 13:17:20 ago (+0/-0)

Is that the northwest front guy narrating? Harold Covington I think is his name?

I really liked listening to him, smart man.

[ - ] HeyJames [op] 5 points 1.3 yearsJan 24, 2023 14:20:55 ago (+5/-0)

No sir that is THE Dr William Luther Pierce of National Alliance

[ - ] SecretHitler 1 point 1.3 yearsJan 24, 2023 15:47:04 ago (+1/-0)

Ah thank you. I knew it sounded familiar but I've only heard clips of him. I know he's very well regarded though, I need to get more familiar with his stuff.

Edit: I guess I could have just looked at the sub this was posted in

[ - ] HeyJames [op] 1 point 1.3 yearsJan 24, 2023 16:03:21 ago (+1/-0)

He was far, far ahead of his time. People didn't want to hear what he had to say in the pre-internet pre-9/11 world in which the west was in the biggest economic bull run in history.

Were he alive today we would have a real shot at this. He was an electronics engineer and a brilliant mind. Not like the other pseudo-leaders who make their income off professional grift and are intellectual losers

[ - ] IfuckedYerMum 0 points 1.3 yearsJan 24, 2023 19:05:20 ago (+0/-0)

Dr. Pierce was not a fan of Covington.

[ - ] deleted 1 point 1.3 yearsJan 24, 2023 12:09:23 ago (+1/-0)


[ - ] HeyJames [op] 0 points 1.3 yearsJan 24, 2023 13:07:57 ago (+0/-0)
