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38 comments block

[ - ] voatersaredumbasses 3 points 1.4 yearsJan 17, 2023 06:03:39 ago (+3/-0)

This bullshit again? SMFH.

[ - ] GrayDragon 1 point 1.4 yearsJan 17, 2023 06:23:19 ago (+2/-1)

While flat Earth is silly, NASA fakes stuff non-stop.

[ - ] McNasty [op] -1 points 1.4 yearsJan 17, 2023 06:29:01 ago (+3/-4)

So why is flat earth silly? The only evidence of heliocentrism comes from NASA and other government space agencies or globalist funded and approved third party programs like space x. There's a reason NASA faked the moon landing and russia never called them out on it. It's the same reason Russia never claimed land in Antarctica and honored a treaty with their enemy every since 1959.

Your logic is no different than saying "jews lie, but Holocaust denial is silly."

[ - ] beanbagWizard 4 points 1.4 yearsJan 17, 2023 06:55:19 ago (+4/-0)

None of these "facts" end with a conclusion of a flat earth.

Why don't you just prove to us it's flat? Photos of the ice wall, footage of the centre of the earth disc (some believe theres a hole in the middle, not sure what version of flat earth you believe in), a sample of the dome shield maybe? Do you guys have anything? Anything at all that could be seen as irrefutable proof?

[ - ] McNasty [op] 0 points 1.4 yearsJan 17, 2023 07:11:23 ago (+2/-2)

Why don't you just prove to us it's flat?

Because the burden of proof is on the scientific consensus being challenged.

Photos of the ice wall

Antarctica treaty of 1959 makes it impossible.

footage of the centre of the earth disc

Military is in the north. Can't go there.


not sure what version of flat earth you believe in

The problem is that the heliocentric model is provably false. The logical fallacy that not producing a different working model automatically makes the provably false heliocentric model correct is kike talk.

Do you guys have anything?

Yes. There are tons of videos explaining all we know. jewtube makes them damn near impossible to find unless you know exactly what you looking for. The channel "dirth" is a pretty good one.

Anything at all that could be seen as irrefutable proof?

Tons. You'd have to be purposely avoiding it to not know.

To give you one, 8 inches per mile squared is the curvature equation.

Here is a picture of the Chicago skyline from the Michigan shoreline.


There should be over 2000 feet of obstruction due to the curve of the earth. The tallest building in Chicago is 1750 feet tall.

[ - ] beanbagWizard 1 point 1.4 yearsJan 17, 2023 08:54:29 ago (+1/-0)

Me: give proofs
You: no, you

All I'm seein are excuses as to why you can't prove your claim, other than you being wrong.

That pic isnt at the shoreline. Some faggot forgot to crop out whatever the fuck is goin on bottom right.

Still can't see roads, or cars, or the bottom of the buildings. Like something is obscuring the field of view...huh.

Also, just take a fancy telescopic camera, set up at furthest "southern" point in either Australia, South Africa, or South America and just get footage of the icewall. Don't need to go there. After all it's flat right?

[ - ] McNasty [op] 0 points 1.4 yearsJan 17, 2023 09:09:50 ago (+1/-1)

All I'm seein are excuses as to why you can't prove your claim

That's a logical fallacy. I'm claiming that the heliocentric model is incorrect. I provided a proof with the photograph of Chicago from Michigan.

That pic isnt at the shoreline. Some faggot forgot to crop out whatever the fuck is goin on bottom right.

Lol. The calculation I gave was as if it were 15 feet above. That's more than the news article said it was.

Still can't see roads, or cars, or the bottom of the buildings. Like something is obscuring the field of view...huh.

You must not be that good at math. There should be 2,000 ft of obstruction. The tallest building is 1750 ft. You should see nothing retard.

Also, just take a fancy telescopic camera, set up at furthest "southern" point in either Australia, South Africa, or South America and just get footage of the icewall.

You are very retarded. There are limitations to visibility. Only in the correct conditions can you see as far as Chicago from Michigan? Like looking at a weather app and it telling you the visibility for the day.

[ - ] chrimony 0 points 1.4 yearsJan 17, 2023 10:23:09 ago (+0/-0)

That pic isnt at the shoreline. Some faggot forgot to crop out whatever the fuck is goin on bottom right.

This flattard goes around posting that pic, but leaves out critical details. It's a valid pic posted by a local Michigan news station, but what the flattard leaves out is that:

1) The explanation is refraction. Cold lake on a spring day causes light to bend down.

2) The photographer himself says that what he can see changes, which backs up the fact that it's a weather phenomenon.

I explain this to the flattard here: https://www.talk.lol/viewpost.php?postid=63abfc188f0f4&commentid=63ad5a52e2d60

Of course once a flattard has his talking points, logic doesn't matter.

[ - ] FreeinTX 2 points 1.4 yearsJan 17, 2023 06:49:00 ago (+4/-2)

The earth is provably a sphere.

It can be easily proven, and doesn't require NASA to do it.

Proving the distance to the sun is easily done. And doesn't require NASA to do it.

[ - ] McNasty [op] 0 points 1.4 yearsJan 17, 2023 06:56:27 ago (+2/-2)

The earth is provably a sphere.

8 inches per mile squared is the curvature calculation. The Niko p900 cameras has debunked curvature.

It can be easily proven, and doesn't require NASA to do it.

Be the first to do it and let me know how you did it.

Proving the distance to the sun is easily done. And doesn't require NASA to do it.

NASA did it by assuming the Earth's size, then assuming Jupiter is roughly the same size as the earth, then triangulated those assumption to get the distance of the sun.

A lot of assumptions.

How would you do it?

[ - ] FreeinTX 1 point 1.4 yearsJan 17, 2023 08:02:13 ago (+2/-1)

So, are you wilfully uninformed or simply fucking dumb?

proof of a spherical earth using simple geometry

If the Earth was flat centered around a north pole, the distance between the lines of longitude would be greater at 60°south latitude than at the equator. Instead, the distance between lines of longitude at 60°S is approximately the same as the distance between the lines of longitude at 60°N latitude, and both distances are shorter than at the equator. This happens with a globed earth.

Every one of the diagrams of flat earth that have lines of longitude and concentric lines of latitude show that the distance between lines of longitude at latitudes south of the equator are larger than the distance between two lines of longitude at the equator. This is demonstrably false and you can verify that it's false sitting in front of the computer, right now.

What does your flat earth look like?

proving the distance to the sun

Observe a CME coming from the sun. Gamma radiation is detected immediately because gamma radiation travels at the speed of light. At a very expected and determined time later, we detect beta radiation because beta radiation travels at a speed slower than gamma radiation. And then again, at a determined and expected time after that we detect the alpha radiation, because alpha radiation travels at a much slower speed than either beta or gamma radiation. These differences in time lapse can then be used to easily calculate the distance to the sun using basic algrebra. No assumptions needed. No NASA required. Easily observed using cheap equipment that anyone can purchase.

[ - ] ghetto_shitlord 0 points 1.4 yearsJan 17, 2023 09:43:43 ago (+0/-0)

This person is indeed dumb, don't waste your time.

[ - ] McNasty [op] -1 points 1.4 yearsJan 17, 2023 09:00:27 ago (+0/-1)

Lol. You kikes try so hard.

the distance between the lines of longitude would be greater at 60°south latitude than at the equator.

Correct. And is more accurate than a globe.

Instead, the distance between lines of longitude at 60°S is approximately the same as the distance between the lines of longitude at 60°N latitude,

You're talking about imaginary lines drawn on a ball. This model is less accurate.

This happens with a globed earth.

Is that why all globes have a disclaimer saying "Decorative only. Not for educational use?"

What does your flat earth look like?

Again you were showing the same kike logical fallacies all globers do. You can't prove heliocentrism so you cry about another model. Focus. The heliocentric model is a scientific consensus being challenged.

Observe a CME coming from the sun.

Lol. Omg you are dumb. The heliocentric model is based on NASAs assumption of the sun's distance. You can't change their assumed distance without claiming the model is false.

Gamma radiation is detected immediately because gamma radiation travels at the speed of light.

Lol. Who the fuck told you that? NASA? You religions cuck. I bet you whipped out your own gamma radiation detector and measured it up yourself, didn't you? Fuckin tard kike.

I can't even argue with the rest of your dumb shit because it doesn't even have anything to do with how the heliocentric model is established. The argument is way over your head.

[ - ] FreeinTX 0 points 1.4 yearsJan 17, 2023 10:01:11 ago (+0/-0)

Nigger, it's easily proven that the distance between lines of longitude at 60°S latitude are shorter than the distance between the same lines of longitude at the equator.

And, yes, they are imaginary lines, but are mathematically determinant.

When asked what your flat earth model looks like you dodge the question. And we know why.

The heliocentric model is based on NASAs assumption of the sun's distance.

Another dodge. I explained how you can determine, for yourself, the distance to the sun using cheap equipment and basic algebra. No NASA assumptions, statements, etc required. You just simply strawman and deflected.

You can see for yourself that the speed of gamma radiation is the same as the speed of light, and you can do it using cheap equipment that you can buy on eBay for under $50. No. Nasa didn't tell me that. I looked for myself, and you can do the same.

I can't even argue with the rest of your dumb shit because it doesn't even have anything to do with how the heliocentric model is established. The argument is way over your head.

You won't because you can't, so fuck off, ya disingenuous fuckin' nigger.

[ - ] McNasty [op] -1 points 1.4 yearsJan 17, 2023 16:20:43 ago (+0/-1)

it's easily proven that the distance between lines of longitude at 60°S latitude are shorter than the distance between the same lines of longitude at the equator.

No it isn't you dumb faggot. In fact, logs from explorers like captain cook prove that it took him over 50,000 miles to "circle" Antarctica.

And, yes, they are imaginary lines, but are mathematically determinant.

By kikes that tell you the earth is round.

When asked what your flat earth model looks like you dodge the question. And we know why.

Irrelevant. I'm challenging the heliocentric model. Stop relying on the kike fallacy that I have to first prove something else before I can disprove the heliocentric model.

Another dodge. I explained how you can determine, for yourself

And your method is proven false and retarded as soon as you see sun rays fan out from clouds.

Nasa didn't tell me that.

Yes they did you dumb nigger.

You won't because you can't

If you're gonna defend the heliocentric model by assuming things not supported by the heliocentric model then you're just a retard.

[ - ] FreeinTX 0 points 1.4 yearsJan 17, 2023 17:37:43 ago (+0/-0)

Nigger, we measure distances to within 3" every fucking day using literally dozens of methods. You don't need to go to Captain Cook's logs to measure distances in 2023. How fucking stupid are you?

We ceeate the longitude and latitude system using math, not jews, ya pathetically dumb fuck. There are 360° in a circle. That isn't a make believe jew concept. Fuck!

And measuring the distances between lines of longitude at various latitudes can be done with literally dozens of independently developed devices from WAAS GPS to radio navigation aids that match exactly, every time they are used.

What you think the flat earth looks like is absolutely relative. You don't because it's as easily laughed at as your stupid shit "disproving" the round earth. And, you've already fucked up when you suggested that the distance between lines of longitude south of the equator were longer, when it's easily proven, every day, that this is not true. No take backs, faggot.

The method of timing different types of radiation is not "disproven" because you're too stupid to understand how light can bend and reflect.

And, again, none of this is coming from NASA, and you can look for yourself if you went too stupid to order simple equipment from ebay for under $50.

Nothing that I've said argues that the sun is the center of the solar system, ya dumb can't.

Fucking kill yourself, ya disingenuous fucking nigger.

[ - ] McNasty [op] -2 points 1.4 yearsJan 17, 2023 06:06:36 ago (+1/-3)

Are you a Don Petit fan? He's doing great work in the outer space. He's gonna go to Mars and ride the rover around. He's amazing.

[ - ] beanbagWizard 0 points 1.4 yearsJan 17, 2023 06:59:22 ago (+0/-0)

Yeah NASA being sketchy as usual.

Gotta get them guberment $$, put out a vidya for edumahcational porpoises.

Also, for your viewing pleasure

[ - ] McNasty [op] 1 point 1.4 yearsJan 17, 2023 07:21:18 ago (+2/-1)

Lol. A claim of confirmation bias and you link a kike source. Try better faggot.

[ - ] beanbagWizard -1 points 1.4 yearsJan 17, 2023 08:37:18 ago (+0/-1)

Lol back at ya. Still not an arguement.

Did you finish the video? Flat earther buys laayyzor gyrpscope to prove earth isn't spinning, fails. "It must be reasons I just made up as to why it didn't work,we'll try again" they fail again.

[ - ] McNasty [op] 1 point 1.4 yearsJan 17, 2023 08:47:44 ago (+2/-1)

You used a kike source. Flat earth society is kike as fuck. No genuine flat earth researcher takes them seriously. They're the Alex Jones of flat earth. They give you some truths but in the dumbest way as to discredit the truth.

Flat earther buys laayyzor gyrpscope to prove earth isn't spinning, fails.

It's retarded as fuck hearing your dumb kike logic as if rotation has to be disproven. It was NEVER proven. If this guy proved it, where the fuck is his Nobel prize?

They fail again.

They as in your kike controled opposition attempt to prove heliocentrism? Correct.