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troons: ‘Labia Minora Were Turning Black’: Sex Change Patients Reported Serious Health Problems After Surgeries, Study Finds

submitted by knightwarrior41 to Health 1.4 yearsJan 12, 2023 19:09:50 ago (+5/-0)     (dailycaller.com)


A new study found widespread dissatisfaction with surgical and medical outcomes after cross-sex procedures, with patients reporting blackening genitals, a genital prosthetic requiring a dozen unexpected surgeries, unwanted side effects from medications and a lingering sense of unhappiness with their new bodies.

“When I got the prosthesis, it did not fit properly. I had to return to the hospital several times. In total, I had to undergo 14–15 operations to fix the problem,” reported a 60-year-old patient who had undergone a host of surgeries.

“I hoped or thought that transitioning would make me happy. At the very beginning you think: if I transition then I am happy, but it doesn’t turn out that way,” one participant said. “It does help, but it is not going to be the sole reason for happiness.”

4 comments block

[ - ] 9000timesempty 0 points 1.4 yearsJan 12, 2023 20:47:25 ago (+0/-0)

...this just in: Mutilating your body is bad for it.

[ - ] Reawakened 0 points 1.4 yearsJan 13, 2023 00:12:15 ago (+0/-0)

Executive summary: Becoming an abomination made me feel like an abomination.

[ - ] JudyStroyer 0 points 1.4 yearsJan 13, 2023 09:00:52 ago (+0/-0)

This just brightened my day! Faggot troons need to die off.

[ - ] dulcima 2 points 1.4 yearsJan 12, 2023 20:26:14 ago (+2/-0)

I've undergone several surgeries, one serious where I spent more than a week in hospital. All of them were necessary - there was no other option.

Yet these psychos are willingly undergoing serious, non-urgent, unnecessary surgery because they are unhappy mental cases chasing rainbows. They need to be admitted to mental asylums, not hospitals.