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Is it true that Timothy McVeigh had a copy of the United States Constitution entered into evidence against him as terrorist material?

submitted by rage to AskUpgoat 1.4 yearsJan 7, 2023 09:39:56 ago (+1/-1)     (AskUpgoat)

Or was it a copy of the Constitution? I'm digging through this but cannot find records of the evidence entered into record anywhere.

1 comments block

[ - ] JewChipper 1 point 1.4 yearsJan 7, 2023 13:41:06 ago (+1/-0)*

It's true that Tim was a sheepdipped special forces op working with other feds to create a diversion.

That diversion lent credibility to the lie the offices were blown up by a truck full of fertilizer and diesel.

This was a massive lie.

Three bombs, placed by the FBI ahead of time went off on three different places.

This was an FBI op to do a jewish game the game goes like this..

Burn down Waco the goyim complain...kill more goyim in Oklahoma now the goyim not only shut the fuck up, they look back to the FBI jew as legitimate, now that they have "suffered from violent extremism like the kind fomenting in Waco Cost? Nothing but dead goyim and fake paper dollars jews print endlessly as a joke against their slaves.