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Marcus Aurelius: “Most of what we say and do is not necessary, and its omission would save both time and trouble. At every step, therefore, a man should ask himself, 'Is this one of the things that are superfluous?' "

submitted by paul_neri to Quotes 1.5 yearsDec 16, 2022 01:10:28 ago (+18/-0)     (www.goodreads.com)


By a co-incidence, Marcus and I had the same shower-thought (most of what we say is unnecessary). Great minds thinking alike, I guess. Before some smart-arse suggests I should have heeded Marcus's exhortation before making this Sub, think about the quote. It seems a common human-need to share our experiences but I'm not sure why given most folk are uninterested and why should they be?

Me: "A wave pushed me down so fast it made my ears ache".
She: "that's nice dear" .

IRL she said nothing. It was somewhat special to me because it had never happened to me before.

20 comments block

[ - ] VitaminSieg 1 point 1.5 yearsDec 16, 2022 14:52:05 ago (+1/-0)

What are the criteria?

[ - ] Ragnar 1 point 1.5 yearsDec 16, 2022 09:38:46 ago (+2/-1)

Aurelius is especially correct for you. All of what you say and do is retarded and useless, including this post.
Your wife doesn’t care about what you experience because she doesn’t respect a four time jabbed vegan old bones no cock femboy

[ - ] paul_neri [op] 0 points 1.5 yearsDec 16, 2022 18:57:11 ago (+0/-0)

Some truth there, Ragnar. Lately, and before I read Mr Aurelius's quote, I stopped telling my wife stuff 'cos it was unnecessary and mattered only to me e.g. lawnmowers. You should ask yourself if your wife really needs to know about the huge fish that got away. It seems, as a rule of thumb, that only shared experiences are worth talking about.

[ - ] Ragnar 1 point 1.5 yearsDec 16, 2022 22:02:36 ago (+1/-0)

You sound so effeminate. In my experience, only women want to share everything they experience. You gotta slap them to shut them up and leave you alone with some peace and quiet.
I understand why your wife wears the pants in the relationship, you are a feminine little man.

[ - ] paul_neri [op] 0 points 1.5 yearsDec 16, 2022 23:19:16 ago (+0/-0)

Oh Ragnar, you're such a broot.

[ - ] Ragnar 0 points 1.5 yearsDec 17, 2022 14:53:08 ago (+0/-0)

You mean correct

[ - ] TakeRedPillDaily 2 points 1.5 yearsDec 16, 2022 04:31:22 ago (+2/-0)

If this statement holds true and Marcus Aurelius were alive today, i'm sure he would be very impressed with the modern man. The anti-social basement dweller who is addicted to porn and plays computer games all day. They don't say much to anyone and everything they do is of no consequence and not necessary.

[ - ] Love240 0 points 1.5 yearsDec 16, 2022 01:45:55 ago (+0/-0)

A woman sees the verbally expressed emotions of pain as a sign of weakness. Marcus' quote does indeed apply here.

[ - ] DukeofRaul 2 points 1.5 yearsDec 16, 2022 01:21:44 ago (+2/-0)

Now post the one where Marcus Aurelius motivates me to at least get out of bed in the morning.

[ - ] IfuckedYerMum 2 points 1.5 yearsDec 16, 2022 02:00:03 ago (+2/-0)

"At dawn, when you have trouble getting out of bed, tell yourself: “I am rising to do the work of a human being. What do I have to complain about, if I’m going to do what I was born for—the things I was brought into the world to do? Or is this what I was created for? To huddle under the blankets and stay warm?” — But it’s nicer here …

"So were you born to feel “nice”? Instead of doing things and experiencing them? Don’t you see the plants, the birds, the ants and spiders and bees going about their individual tasks, putting the world in order, as best they can? And you’re not willing to do your job as a human being? Why aren’t you running to do what your nature demands? — But we have to sleep sometime… Agreed. But nature set a limit on that — as it did on eating and drinking. And you’re over the limit. You’ve had more than enough of that. But not of working. There’s still more of that to do.

"You don’t love yourself enough. For if you did, you’d love your nature too, and what it demands of you. People who love what they do wear themselves down doing it, they even forget to wash or eat. Do you have less respect for your own nature than the engraver does for engraving, the dancer for the dance, the miser for money or the social climber for status? When they’re really possessed by what they do, they’d rather stop eating and sleeping than give up practicing their arts. Is not then your labor in the world just as worthy of respect and worth your effort?"

[ - ] Ragnar 1 point 1.5 yearsDec 16, 2022 09:40:01 ago (+1/-0)

Mornings were created by the devil

[ - ] DukeofRaul 1 point 1.5 yearsDec 16, 2022 11:51:36 ago (+1/-0)

The morningstar, Lucifer!

[ - ] Ragnar 0 points 1.5 yearsDec 16, 2022 12:26:44 ago (+0/-0)

Nailed it!

[ - ] diggernicks -2 points 1.5 yearsDec 16, 2022 01:20:34 ago (+0/-2)

You know he was a boy lover right?

Inb4 niglets defending a boy lover

[ - ] Ragnar 0 points 1.5 yearsDec 16, 2022 09:40:57 ago (+0/-0)

Are you jewish?

[ - ] diggernicks 0 points 1.5 yearsDec 16, 2022 09:44:21 ago (+0/-0)

You are upset like a woman with pre menstrual syndrome

So you idolize boy lovers eh?

[ - ] Ragnar 0 points 1.5 yearsDec 16, 2022 09:46:31 ago (+0/-0)

Only jews lie about Greeks being boy lovers

[ - ] lord_nougat 1 point 1.4 yearsJan 20, 2023 12:58:15 ago (+1/-0)


[ - ] Ragnar 1 point 1.4 yearsJan 20, 2023 17:27:40 ago (+1/-0)

Make Istanbul Constantinople again

[ - ] Fascinus 4 points 1.5 yearsDec 16, 2022 01:18:02 ago (+4/-0)

You're reading Marcus Aurelius now?

Evidently, my hope for you was not misplaced.