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Trump's actual big announcement.

submitted by Thought_Criminal to FreeSpeech 1.8 yearsDec 15, 2022 16:02:43 ago (+31/-1)     (truthsocial.com)


Right to free speech, ending censorship cartel, and digital bill of rights.

26 comments block

[ - ] NukeAmerica 0 points 1.8 yearsDec 15, 2022 19:50:41 ago (+0/-0)

Lmao. Shit he had 4 years to do and FUCKING NFTS! What a fucking joke. Ye 2024

[ - ] 1point21jiggawatts 0 points 1.8 yearsDec 15, 2022 22:09:45 ago (+0/-0)

Just like he did when he was president?

[ - ] Laputois 0 points 1.8 yearsDec 16, 2022 02:24:22 ago (+0/-0)

We don't need a trump, we need a Hitler

[ - ] ilikeskittles 0 points 1.8 yearsDec 16, 2022 12:01:31 ago (+0/-0)

Oh great does that mean we can name the jew?

[ - ] HonkyMcNiggerSpic 0 points 1.8 yearsDec 16, 2022 12:33:07 ago (+0/-0)

oh does he mean free speech like the anti-semitism bill he signed making it illegal to criticize pedo israel?

[ - ] DukeCanon 1 point 1.8 yearsDec 15, 2022 20:16:48 ago (+1/-0)

Fuck him. He's Israel's yes man

[ - ] Centaurus 0 points 1.8 yearsDec 15, 2022 20:59:53 ago (+0/-0)

Technically that makes him our no man. There must have been some magic in that old top hat he found...

[ - ] shigeridoo 2 points 1.8 yearsDec 15, 2022 19:28:27 ago (+2/-0)

Purely from a marketing perspective though, what a fucking retard to muddle his message with dropping that gay nft shit on the same day. What a completely avoidable mistake. Real retard hours up in here.

[ - ] BlueEyedAngloMasterRaceGod 1 point 1.8 yearsDec 15, 2022 20:18:58 ago (+1/-0)

he has been a massive fail ever since he fired that viking guy for making one mistake, being tricked by leftists into thinking there were more ticket slaes than there were. that's trump's 'loyalty' by the way. he thinks he's a real boss firing someone for one mistake despite years of success.

[ - ] mikenigger 1 point 1.8 yearsDec 15, 2022 20:25:32 ago (+1/-0)

was it this one?


even the ruskies laughed at that shit

[ - ] Centaurus 0 points 1.8 yearsDec 15, 2022 20:57:11 ago (+0/-0)

Yah! I hope our team wins. Maga-Maga Doodle!

[ - ] SecretHitler 0 points 1.8 yearsDec 16, 2022 00:46:01 ago (+0/-0)

I wonder if this free speech message was just so he could hype up his nft announcement to get eyes on it but have an excuse for making it sound like a big deal.

The video definitely had "I'll lock up Hillary" energy

[ - ] deleted 4 points 1.8 yearsDec 15, 2022 16:35:53 ago (+5/-1)


[ - ] lord_nougat 0 points 1.8 yearsDec 15, 2022 16:44:52 ago (+0/-0)

It didn't load for me the first dozen or so times I tried, but then it did load and is playing now [in brave browser].

Thirteenth try's the charm, when it comes to that site, I guess.

Your link doesn't take that many times to finally work, so it is better.

[ - ] NationalSocialism 5 points 1.8 yearsDec 15, 2022 17:05:49 ago (+5/-0)

Trump advocates for kosher free speech. No criticism of jewish supremacy.

[ - ] QueenAlt 5 points 1.8 yearsDec 15, 2022 18:11:36 ago (+5/-0)

How’s he going to do anything if he just rolls over on stolen elections?

[ - ] rhy 5 points 1.8 yearsDec 15, 2022 18:51:55 ago (+5/-0)

This is the operation warp speed guy. Guilty of genocide. Wait am I a terrorist? 🤣🤣🤣

[ - ] Centaurus 0 points 1.8 yearsDec 15, 2022 20:55:58 ago (+0/-0)

According to the five iiiii's you are.

[ - ] RMGoetbbels 6 points 1.8 yearsDec 15, 2022 17:26:40 ago (+6/-0)

blah blah drain the swamp blah blah blah

We've heard it before. Put him into office. He did nothing. Nothing but suck jew dick.

[ - ] SecretHitler 11 points 1.8 yearsDec 15, 2022 16:21:02 ago (+11/-0)

Sounds great but I don't believe him anymore. He'll just send a bunch of money to israel again.

[ - ] HeyJames 4 points 1.8 yearsDec 15, 2022 16:31:37 ago (+4/-0)

Don't forget the record legal immigrants. The welfare office hasn't.

[ - ] deleted 27 points 1.8 yearsDec 15, 2022 16:16:32 ago (+27/-0)


[ - ] WhiteGoat 10 points 1.8 yearsDec 15, 2022 16:19:06 ago (+10/-0)

DeShabbos is way ahead of him

[ - ] JudyStroyer 2 points 1.8 yearsDec 15, 2022 18:54:08 ago (+2/-0)

Yup, the two of them will turn shabbos-goying into a contest.

[ - ] Centaurus 1 point 1.8 yearsDec 15, 2022 20:53:58 ago (+1/-0)

He is promoting his new "free speech" vaccine. It's efficacy wains within minutes of the end of his speech.

[ - ] SecretHitler 4 points 1.8 yearsDec 15, 2022 16:23:14 ago (+4/-0)

Yep. "Terrorism" is the loxist dog whistle in the video.