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Jan 6 was a trap

submitted by obvious to FightingBackAgainstTheNWO 1.5 yearsDec 8, 2022 12:52:18 ago (+32/-2)     (nitter.nl)


"So not only did FBI have at least 8 informants embedded in Proud Boys before Jan 6, its leader was working with DC Metro Police to let them know the group's plans that day.
DOJ now strong-arming cop, threatening to charge him if he testifies for defense"

25 comments block

[ - ] lord_nougat 8 points 1.5 yearsDec 8, 2022 13:12:00 ago (+8/-0)

Godamned trannies.

[ - ] observation1 5 points 1.5 yearsDec 8, 2022 13:01:18 ago (+5/-0)

"How can there be sedition if the Proud Boys are informing law enforcement of their plans on Jan. 6?” Tarrio attorney Sabino Jauregui said during a recent hearing. “They don’t want him to testify because it will completely destroy their case."

[ - ] AmalekTheZOG 8 points 1.5 yearsDec 8, 2022 13:04:05 ago (+8/-0)

How can you still think a jew court is restrained by any rules at all...

[ - ] AmalekTheZOG 4 points 1.5 yearsDec 8, 2022 13:02:57 ago (+4/-0)

Anyone that didn't realize the proud boys was an op is a fucking MORON.
JAN6 Was stupid for stupid people that deserved the prizes they won for being fucking idiots on several levels.tip...next time you storm a building even with the doors open...have a plan on what happens next and how you get out or don't go in.

[ - ] prototype 2 points 1.5 yearsDec 8, 2022 17:39:27 ago (+2/-0)*

The bigger scandal is what is not being said explicitly:

This represents proof that peaceful organizations are, as policy, actively infiltrated by domestic agencies.
They're infiltrated and willfully pushed toward violence, in order to suppress the right to organize politically or at all.

Think about that.

if you go out right now, and start a political group, or even an economic boycott.

FBI agents or informants will show up as 'volunteers' to your group. They may spend months, or years, ingriating themselves.
Then slowly, they will begin pushing
1. violence.
2. ideas that elide into terrorism
3. things that sound legal but in fact can get you prosecuted

and by extension shut you down.

For political/economic organizing. For free speech.

What this represents is a huge criminal conspiracy. More than a scandal even. It borders on large scale "color of law" violations. I'm talkiing RICO level crimes and suppression of first amendment rights.

If the government can waltz in, have informants commit crimes (with protection), and then because their agents joined your group, they can then prosecute/defame/shutdown YOU and group, then effectively you have no rights. None whatsoever to organize. They could do this to any one, any organization, NGO, business, political rally, or even political campaign.

This is watergate levels of radioactive.

The kind of stuff, that once fully exposed, sends officials directly involved to prison.

For years.

[ - ] AmalekTheZOG 2 points 1.5 yearsDec 8, 2022 17:51:42 ago (+2/-0)

Well the important detail is they know everybody and set them up.

Pundits focus on the violence as if that was the problem.

The thing that got them busted was the fed not the violence.

So this begs the question... What is fed proof as far as an organizational?

Osama bin Laden doesn't know. But Dick Cheney and the mossad do.

Drop boxes.
Blindness is innocence.
Yes u can't rat what you don't know.

Feds want you to make a peaceful open organization where they know everybody and then turn it violent. It is like shooting fish in a barrel.

The one they never can handle is blind cell structure... All the paths lead nowhere..there's nothing to follow nobody to rat.

[ - ] prototype 1 point 1.5 yearsDec 8, 2022 17:54:17 ago (+1/-0)

"The one they never can handle is blind cell structure... All the paths lead nowhere..there's nothing to follow nobody to rat."


For understanding hierarchy-of-cell a good read is "The Moon is A Harsh Mistress."
Fiction but it explains operational details well enough.

I recommend it to everyone who understands the problem.

[ - ] PotatoWhisperer 1 point 1.5 yearsDec 8, 2022 18:29:37 ago (+1/-0)

The kind of stuff, that once fully exposed, sends officials directly involved to prison.

That only works if officials are held to account by the judicial system.

I'll give you a hint:

They aren't.

[ - ] prototype 1 point 1.5 yearsDec 8, 2022 19:03:35 ago (+1/-0)*

"They aren't. "

Thats changing because the system is fighting itself.

Not at the party level (because the parties are a communist fiction run by the u.s. junta).
Rather its fighting itself internally, directly on matters of domestic and international policy.

Everything you've seen breaks down into
1. the long term agenda, regardless of party or internal faction
2. who benefits from that agenda
3. internal matters of dispute, i.e. which approaches to take on policy.

Everything you've seen has been the result of these, every bit of chaos and destruction and economic devastation. And when it gets worse, because it will get worse, it will still be driven by these factors.

As a rule, countries prone to break down into internal strife, internecine conflict, or yes 'civil war', are the result of powers infighting.

This is that.

If you think the dissolution will be peaceful like the 90s soviet union, I disagree. The u.s. is far too armed for that. Disarmament will likewise trigger conflict. I know, I know, you've seen decades and decades to the contrary, you've seen examples like the machine gun ban (errr, 'tax stamp regulation'). You've probably read years worth of posts by shills and non-shills alike stumping for a civil war, when nothing appears to be happening.

Understand the past is not the predictor of the future. It is merely the best correlate. What I mean to say is when the underlying fundamentals of a system change, how people respond change. And the fundamentals have massively changed.

The u.s. is comfortable. it's heading toward a time where it is going to be very uncomfortable.
Where people's living standards, and their kids future opportunities, are going to reduce signficantly--and they are not going to see a future. Except the sort of future where the out of touch people in silicon valley, the beltway, and new york jetset while everyone else struggles to even pay for gas.

And then those same people are going to make promises to the public that they are going to massively violate, or uphold but ultimately in meaningless ways (like bailing out pensions while the u.s. loses its dollar reserve status).
Another example is the uniparty telling the GOP to oppose vax mandates now. The public knows. The public knows, ok? They know this is "engine already siphoned of most of its gas" territory. And the public is angry about this behavior. Not merely because its too late, but because this has become a pattern. And they see that it has become a pattern, they see that and theres no unseeing it, theres no undoing the anger, the sheer outrage at yet another too-little-too-late response from those with the audacity like the GOP to call themselves our defenders, our "representatives". Not on my fucking life. And "hope and change" as offered by obama, and trump, isn't going to fix it this time, its only gonna delay how the public reacts when things go from bad to much worse. And if our enemies on the world stage are wise, they will exploit that the public see this, this too-little-too-late pattern of non-represention, this pattern of essentially denying us representation through inaction. This willful continual failure to act when action in congress is needed. This constant wheedling and strategic failing so the party bosses in the GOP can grandstand about how they sure did TRY to stop this or that policy or action or mandate or open borders or other crime by the DNC.

They see it now. The public sees it all for what it is. They treat our lives like a game, while anarchists kill americans in the street and socialists in our corporations use the green scam to loot the treasury while shutting down everyones lives.

Fundamentally the public is tired of being finger-wagged by an entire set of violent, ideological bigots who project their own bigotry and terrorism on everyone else while living the high life at everyone elses (growing) expenses. They're tired of the peons thrown under the bus when a scandal happens. They're tired of being lied to. They're tired of being told they should have voted different when voting doesn't matter. They're tired of being defamed and labelled by intelligence agencies speaking through a mouth piece media, especially if the public questions those same elections. They're tired of the violent unchecked histrionics coming out of washington, the domineering, the faux outrage when we disagree with washington, the take take take, and give give give to illegals and foreigners while tax tax tax and shut-it-down-lock-it-down-close-it-up policies are constantly pushed on actual americans.

They're tired of being told if you don't like it sue, when the courts drag their feet at every turn, let alone the party. Whewn you have to be rich even to get your day in court. When any victory can just be overturned, or outright ignored by the government's federal and state.
They're tired of being called racists, and that being used as justification for street mobs to threaten their families, their homes and lives.

They're tired of being labelled nazis by the out of control ADL, and that being used to close their bank accounts and censor them everywhere.

They're tired of being defamed as terrorists by the FBI which has devolved into an illegitimate and politicized secret police operating out in the open.

They're tired of being called violent, white supremacists, bigots, fascists, transphobes, homophobes, "threats to the public", lunatics, "potential mass shooters", wife beaters, backwards fly-over-country, that need to be "replaced" with foreigners that will vote democrat, while washington bold-faced calls for this in the very same news segments.
They're tired of the defamation being used as an excuse for violence against them, for cancelling, for censorship, for process as punishment, for unequal application of the law, for arsons against their homes, schools, and businesses and places of worship. They're tired of DC allowing this.

They feel threatened, attacked, suppressed, maligned, coerced at every turn and they are outraged to the point of explosion. I know this because I have my ear to the ground, I have my finger on the pulse of the nation, or at least 10-20 million people. It's a quiet sort of shudder, and if you're looking at the shouting coming out of the publics mouth, at school meetings, at public protests (when they aren't subverted by the FBI and law enforcement), online, everywhere--if you're paying attention to the public's mouth then you're gonna miss the bald up fists ready for action.

Fundamentally the public is tired of being attacked, verbally, legally, economically, and physically by its government and the other half of the electorate encouraged by nothing more than outright 24/7 propaganda outlets.
And they're tired of being called violent when they've been peaceful, and this being used to wage an eight year persecution campaign by what they see as an illegitimate government that doesn't represent them--at all, ever, on anything. And where it does, they see a party that drags its feet to defend them, until measures they don't want are passed. Until policies are pushed through that could have been stopped. A party that pays lip service, while doing business with the people utterly laying waste to america and americans.

Those ten to twenty million americans?

They're beyond being peaceful, because the government made peaceful change impossible.

Those ten to twenty million americans are militarizing against the federal occupation government.

I'm for peace, always have been.

I'll tell you what though, I can't say I blame them.

This may seem like hyperbole, or like one nobody guy on the ass-end of the internet speaking in an echo chamber. I get that completely. But I have an entire list of predictions I made that turned out to be accurate and true. I've been correct before and unfortunately, however much of a pacifist I may be, I'm correct now about the direction of public sentiment.

People are beyond angry and if its not ten million people that do something about it, it'll be a million. And if its not a million, it'll be a hundred thousand at some point.

And its not gonna be relatively peaceful and subvertable like the J6 protests were, not at that scale.

I'd even go so far as to work for the federal government to help prevent it if I thought they hadn't earned the public backlash. But the truth is, the feds are completely out of control and completely lawless. They're out in the open criminals massively abusing their positions and powers. They have no legitimacy whatsoever, and neither do most of the state governments.

Instead I will be content to predict the future accurately with relative precision, and watch it unfold while eating popcorn. I'll pop my popcorn and not lift a finger to help.

Like Jeremy Brown, currently being prosecuted for refusal to cooperate with massively criminal illegal spying, I will dig my heels in and laugh in the face of authority's failure to govern, GOP and DNC alike.

Do not compromise with socialist cockroaches and blatant evil.

Remain peaceful and refuse to obey illegal, unelected, and illegitimate authority regardless of consequences or cost.

That is how we win.

The system capitulates or collapses when enough people outright ignore it.

[ - ] Doglegwarrior 1 point 1.5 yearsDec 9, 2022 00:42:39 ago (+1/-0)

Unless your part of the agenda like blm.. then u get paid millions and pallets of bricks are convientlly placed for you and guys with umbrellas start the shit off right.

Then I saw videos of guys handing wads of cash out to niggers to ramp shit up.

But if your white and defend your self the entire system comes crashing down on you

[ - ] prototype 0 points 1.5 yearsDec 10, 2022 06:00:33 ago (+0/-0)

"the entire system comes crashing down on you"

The entire system is gonna come crashing down on you anyway.

When the junta is backed into a collapsing corner due to its own incompetence and malice, what do you think they'll do?

They'll lash out and begin attacking, rounding up, and persecuting anyone they can get a hold of.

Oh you think that hyperbole?

They already did it to people who didnt even attend J6.

Action follows precedent. The past is the best predictor of the future.

They always double down.

The round ups and blacksites are coming. DC is just the preview.

When the foreign powers running the u.s. start to lose control this is what both the domestic secret police, and congressional dictatorship in DC will resort to.

Mark my words. You can't avoid the war they're bringing against us by playing nice or keeping your head down.

[ - ] Lordbananafist -2 points 1.5 yearsDec 8, 2022 13:14:34 ago (+3/-5)

Lol look at you saving all the buildings.

Do you love buildings or something? Smoochie smoochie building lover over here.

[ - ] HonkyMcNiggerSpic 3 points 1.5 yearsDec 8, 2022 15:19:32 ago (+3/-0)

trumpberg played his part beautifully.

Gavin "dildo in his asshole" McCinnis is also a fed and help set up the proud boys.

[ - ] HeyJames 2 points 1.5 yearsDec 9, 2022 00:40:47 ago (+2/-0)

Imagine if conservacucks would have owned j6 and said "yeah we did that shit and we'll do it again if you keep fucking up our country" instead of cowering and denying

[ - ] prototype 0 points 1.5 yearsDec 9, 2022 04:37:58 ago (+0/-0)

"Imagine if conservacucks would have owned j6 and said "yeah we did that shit and we'll do it again if you keep fucking up our country" instead of cowering and denying"

I like your thinking. I like it a lot. I almost like too much.

[ - ] 2Drunk 1 point 1.5 yearsDec 9, 2022 09:37:45 ago (+1/-0)

And 9/11 was a inside job!

In fact, so is COVID, and most of the school shootings. But don't listen to me, I'm currently sober.

[ - ] Peleg 2 points 1.5 yearsDec 8, 2022 13:59:22 ago (+2/-0)

Tarrio was arrested on Jan 5 not for planning an "insurrection!" but for burning a BLM flag in December 2020.

This was nothing more than a set up also. Meant to enrage people and make it appear more likely that an attack on the guberment was "real".
I remember "news" reports about it. Msm and "conservative" media alike were covering it. All the coverage was meant to have everyone so mad that they Wanted to do an "insurrection"!

[ - ] McNasty 1 point 1.5 yearsDec 9, 2022 04:12:01 ago (+1/-0)

It wasn't a "trap." They have no interest in "trapping" upset Americans. It was a show. "8 informants" is bullshit. It's what they tell people so they don't realize "proud boys" is just another cointelpro cia program.

[ - ] Doglegwarrior 1 point 1.5 yearsDec 9, 2022 00:39:28 ago (+1/-0)

Someone pointed out it takes at least a year to get an fbi informant into an event like Jan 6th. At least 6 months.

So that tells you all you need to know.

Not to me mentio an antifa leader video taped himself in the capitol and sold the video to CNN for 64k

And ray Epps I think his name was.. was inciting people before the event while Maga people were calling him out in the video he has been completely ignored.

And the babbitt chick did not die that was the big false flag. The video everything wrong with Jan 6th shows blatantly multiple handlers around her during the psyop. Then the idiot who put fake blood in him self and ran out side yelling they shot her could have won an award for worst acting in history.

So yes it was absolutely a set up

[ - ] peety 1 point 1.5 yearsDec 8, 2022 17:58:09 ago (+1/-0)

Why bother with this anymore? Anybody who listens to the jootube will still call this insurrection and blame drumpf. As with the elections, insider trading, lies, etc, etc, nobody responsible will be held accountable.

[ - ] deleted 0 points 1.5 yearsDec 8, 2022 20:49:33 ago (+0/-0)


[ - ] mikenigger 1 point 1.5 yearsDec 8, 2022 14:19:27 ago (+1/-0)

>known violent group is infiltrated by feds therefore it was entrapment

got my daily dose of RETARD

[ - ] voatersaredumbasses 0 points 1.5 yearsDec 8, 2022 19:39:12 ago (+0/-0)

No shit

[ - ] GrayDragon 0 points 1.5 yearsDec 8, 2022 16:17:10 ago (+0/-0)

If you are Christian and / or conservative and you plan on going to a federal building, make sure you are ready to kill every fucking politician and fed in the building. Otherwise, you are wasting your time.

KILL KILL KILL KILL all kikes and politicians. (I am so glowing I love it.)

[ - ] Lordbananafist 0 points 1.5 yearsDec 8, 2022 13:07:49 ago (+1/-1)

You gotta burn from the commuter counties in. Not from the inside out.